Best for hills?


May 5, 2012
What about popping a wheelie and rolling backwards while going up the hill? Is that something to worry about with a lawn tractor?
That depends on how much you weigh. With a zero turn, I had a problem with the rear end sliding down hill and getting stuck. More than once I’ve had to tow it out of the ditch with my truck, so I had no choice but to mow sideways to the slope. What I do is to lean forward and to the uphill side on the zero mower to help keep the center of gravity as low as possible. Be sure to wear the seat belt and keep the roll over bar extended just in case you do actually roll over. The belt will help to keep you on the mower instead of under it.


Forum Newbie
May 21, 2015
Get a Hustler Zero Turn. My buddy needed help mowing his new property on the water with a massive slope. He tried a couple of others first he borrowed from friends and couldn't get the job done. I was surprised how well it went up and down the steep hill, we first backed up the hill as we thought it was so steep it would flip but it had no problem. He was so impressed he purchased it from me for the new price as he didn't want it so bad. dont waist your time with lawn tractors I flipped out of them several times trying to cut around my ponds sloped sides and went with the hustler because of the fab deck and Kawasaki motor. Get a XD level or higher as they have the upgraded transmissions that makes a difference! DONT, DONT, DONT get a lawn tractor for slopes!!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
I'm going to buy a new mower. I am trying to decide between a zero turn and a lawn tractor. I have a few pretty steep slopes, I will add pictures because I don't know what the angle is. I am trying to decide between z330m and x350. I will probably be mowing these slopes side to side, as opposed to up and down, or would maybe cutting up at a angle would be better. I've always cut it with a push mower and string trimmer. I'm getting to old for that now. I know I'll still have some weed eating to do. I want the mower that will get the most of this done and being safe. Any advice would help.
You've probably already bought by now but I can telly you this from experience because part of my yard has a significant slope with a ditch at the bottom. When I bought my Toro ZTR I read the manual warning about mowing side ways on a slope. I tried that and it did slide. After that hair raising experience I mowed that area very cautiously and slower. I've not had an issue after that warning experience. ZTRs are great, I've run mine for 11 years now. But, you haven't said how steep your slope is. I'm thinking your slope is a lot more than mine. Mowing uphill with a ZTR you have to be real careful also and go slow. Coming out of a ditch I have to go real slow, I get the feeling of lightness on the front. But thats only one spot of my 1.7 acres. As much as I like ZTRs over the tractor I "think" in your case you'd be better off with a tractor especially since you said you will be mowing side to side.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
What about popping a wheelie and rolling backwards while going up the hill? Is that something to worry about with a lawn tractor?
I'm getting the feeling your slope is quite significant. To keep from popping a wheelie go very slow going uphill. You mentioned uneven terrain too. I have some of that in my yard too. Go slow going uphill, real slow, till you get use to the feel. Watch for sensing any "lightness" as you mow uphill. In time you will be able to feel whats safe when mowing uphill. Be safe. A hot mower weighing several hundred pounds on top of you is no joke; you could regret that for life.


Nov 10, 2021
Buy a tractor built for this. I have very steep slopes in my yard. I use a Simplicity Prestige. It has a limited slip drive as well as locking traction control. It also has a 54 inch deck that aids in balance allows me to cut close to trees without needing a real sharp turn. You do have to be careful about turns on steep slopes to not damage turf, especially if the ground is not dry. I can go up and down steep slopes or crosswise. I do have to plan how to mow around trees on steep slopes to not damage the turf but I can't imagine a better way. I have tried other mowers including a 4x4 Prestige and a zero turn. The 4x4 worked well but did not turn sharp enough for me. That might be the ticket for you. I also have a Toro push mower but rarely use it. Unfortunately they stopped making new Simplicity Mowers but they are still or sale new and used. They are well built so it pays to fix up a used one if needed. They make a larger on called a Legacy, and a cheaper version called the Conquest.


Forum Newbie
Jul 5, 2020
I'm going to buy a new mower. I am trying to decide between a zero turn and a lawn tractor. I have a few pretty steep slopes, I will add pictures because I don't know what the angle is. I am trying to decide between z330m and x350. I will probably be mowing these slopes side to side, as opposed to up and down, or would maybe cutting up at a angle would be better. I've always cut it with a push mower and string trimmer. I'm getting to old for that now. I know I'll still have some weed eating to do. I want the mower that will get the most of this done and being safe. Any advice would help.
Strongly suggest you consider the Cub Cadet zero turn with STEERING WHEEL. This is much, much better on slopes than a lap-handle zero turn. With the steering wheel, the front wheels are actively turned, like a lawn tractor (zero-turn models with lap handles have simple casters for front wheels, making it very hard to control when mowing side-slope). Everything I read, before buying, said that a lap-handle zero turn is not recommended for steep slopes. The steering wheel/active front steered wheels solve that problem. I have some very steep slopes around a detention pond, and have no trouble mowing these side-slope. I think mine is model RZTSX42, not sure if they still make that exact model. Has been trouble-free for the 8 - 10 years I've owned it. If you prefer John Deere, unfortunately I don't think JD makes this type of mower. Going from memory, I think there were one or two other brands that offered ZT with active steering, maybe Toro, but I also seem to remember that they were all manufactured by the same company -- just sold under different brand labels. Good luck, and be extremely careful if you decide to try a lap-handle zero turn while mowing side-hillon steep slopes.


Forum Newbie
Jul 5, 2020
Justin, what is at the bottom of the hill that you will be mowing. Z-turns for the most part don't do well on slopes. Especially if trying to mow side to side. There is nothing on the front of the mower to help hold the slope so all steering and slide prevention is on the back wheels. The moment that the tire on the low side of the slope looses traction ,front of the Z-turn will rotate down hill and your stopping point will be whatever is at the bottom.
Zero turn with steering wheel is the answer


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I have very steep slopes in my property, some are like 30-40 degrees. I have no issues with ZTR on them. Unless grass is wet and it wants to slide on it. But, stability wise, superb. Of course, I have wide ass 60 inch mower with factory wide rear tires.... it's like a turtle...

Ad hoc, someone here recommended Hustler mower..
I had 2, I won't touch them again with long pole. They literally fall apart.


Forum Newbie
Jun 10, 2019
I used to cut my hills with a commercial Toro walk behind. I finally tried a Cub Cadet zero turn with the steering wheel that also controls the front wheels. It as worked beautifully on my steep hills.


May 6, 2023
I'm going to buy a new mower. I am trying to decide between a zero turn and a lawn tractor. I have a few pretty steep slopes, I will add pictures because I don't know what the angle is. I am trying to decide between z330m and x350. I will probably be mowing these slopes side to side, as opposed to up and down, or would maybe cutting up at a angle would be better. I've always cut it with a push mower and string trimmer. I'm getting to old for that now. I know I'll still have some weed eating to do. I want the mower that will get the most of this done and being safe. Any advice would help.
My suggestion would be to take a picture of the intended slope to be cut and have an adult in it to reference the size of the slope. Wheel weights might be an option. Take the picture to the intended vendor and ask for assistance as to the recommended choice.