I'll definitely keep those in mind. I just need something rock proof now. We're all clay here.. it's bumpy af, you can literally watch the grass grow when it's humid, but the rocks seem to grow about as quickly too! I always have a few rocks I have to keep an eye on and dig out when they become too tall. The last "rock" I pulled out was the size of a football on the surface and ended up being the size of a beach ball@BlakeC
If you can find Sunbelt XHT blades in your area, here is a blade that works really well on warm season grasses. I use these blades on my Gravely and there isn’t one Bahia grass seed stalk left standing.
B1DC1501 BLADE-MOWER, 20-1/2", 5/8", NOTCH Dixie Chopper (UNDEFINED) SEVERAL| AllPartsStore
B1DC1501 BLADE-MOWER, 20-1/2", 5/8", NOTCHwww.allpartsstore.com