After reading through this thread, I feel totally blessed to live in this USA. I have the freedom to call 911 and wait for minutes for help to come or I can defend myself and my family as to what or how I choose. This is why I am a member of the NRA because I feel they are our best defender of our 2nd Amendment freedoms. These freedoms to choose to join or not to join are another part of what freedom is about.
I wonder how well the no guns or weapons theory would work on the national level. Would some of the roughneck countries stay within their borders and behave themselves? What if we would get rid of our warplanes, missiles, battleships, etc. Just a thought. Personal defense and country defense. Not a lot of difference only on a bigger scale. IMO
Hard to call 911 when the cranky upset person you just passed thought you dissed him by the way you looked at him so he pulled his Glock out from his pants and put 15 rounds through your head , because the first one missed.
We have police to keep law & order
We have defence forces to protect our countries
All of these people are highly trained, they do not get emotional and go take their frustrations out on innocent bystanders.
They don't go to school and turn other peoples children into low quality dog food because some one teased them about being fat, dumb or stupid
They don't hear messages from God and go into a gay bar and shoot everyone who was in there.
If you and your guns are the only thing that can protect your family then you have to be with them 24/7 gun in hand finger on the trigger, and hope your see the shooter before the shooter see you.
Then be sure that what you thought was a shooter really was a shooter or you will do 20 years and you can not defend your totally defenceless family from the big bad world from inside the can.
Too many people have watched one too many re-runs of Davey Crocket.
As for worldwide dissarmerment, it would be fantastic but highly unlikley.
Take away the defence spending and the government would have enough money to pay you not to work.
SO the people who want to work & get ahead can and the ones who don't wont get in their way.
Most of the weapons never get used except for target practice then get superceeded and replaced with newer more expensive weapons which in turn never get used except for target practice till they again need replacing.
I am 68.
A few of my year became police.
In 1978 they were all armed
Not a one of them has ever drawn their weapon let alone used it other than on the range to be certified.
However if you have been so totally brainwashed that you honestly believe that you and you alone are the only person that can protect your family then you have failed myserably as a father by raising your children to be victims .
If you think the only time any one of them will be threatened will be when you are there and armed then you are dellusional .
But if the only thing that allows you to sleep at night is having enough weapons in your home to wage a small war then go ahead, just pray that a drugged up junkie housebreaker does not break into your home while you are out shopping with your family and greet you at your own door with your own guns.