Are you a member of the NRA ?

Are you a member of the NRA ?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
You are fairly well correct.
However always good to be involved in an intelligent conversation with some one who has a different point of view.
Very hard to convince an atheist that there is a God or a pious religious person there is not a God.
The nutters we elected went way too far and bit by bit some of the more stupid things like air rifles & bb guns are being repealed.
We did not totally disarm which is what the NRA preaches, we REGULATED & REGISTERED.
So nothing in an Aussie home that you would find on a battlefield unless the owner is a military weaponary collector in which case he ( and it is always men ) is a member of a registered collectors organization & the weapon is stored in an dissarmed condition.
In this particular case the parts required to make the weapon operable are under lock & key at a different site to the weapon.

Hunters & target shooters also have to be members of appropriate clubs & the club is responsible for training the person in appropriate weapons safety for the weapon before they endorse his license application which then goes to the police for criminal checks.
They can loose this right if they are found to be endorsing poorly trained people and the license is a big money maker so they are fairly careful.
It is not perfect but it does work most of the time.
The Lindt Cafe gunman managed to get a gun license despite being known to have mental problems & having a record for violence.
Farmers get automatic access to a limited range of weapons without having to be a gun club member.
Joe public is allowed to use a 5 round clip, farmers get 8 round clips & ferral animal shooters also get 8 rounds and government ones have just been allowed to use silencers.

After that you have to prove you need a weapon for your work or own protection.
Women get one fairly easily but men do have to really prove their case as most gun crime is done by men.

The Lindt Cafe hostage situation was the only time the public have been caught up in gun violence since 2000.
There has been the odd person caught in crossfire but not a single mass ( 3 or more shoot ) shooting .
Not a single gun robbery and most gun crimes have been domestic violence incidents where one party had a weapon.

The fire department love this to death as they know before attending a fire or motor vehicle collision if there is a high chance of there being ammo there.

As for living in gated communities, or behind high walls at home or even feeling so unsafe in your community you have to build a safe / panic room in your own home, that is not being free, that is being a prisoner in your own home.

And the one thing that the NRA never reports is the gun control legislation was put to the people as part of the Howard Governments election platform.
And they won that election by one of the biggest swings ever seen in Australian politics.
Unlike the USA we have prefferential & compulsory voting and the Howard government won the majority of the seats and a majority of the vote by a very big margin so the people wanted the law it was not rammed down our throats by jack boot wearing nazis.
The current vote on this forum is 2:1 in favour of the NRA and that is not a great margin and there would not be many apartment dwellers on this forum so it is not a representative cross section of the USA community.

While I like Oz, I'd never live there. You people have a socialist view of firearms that is no in step with my views, at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
conversely, there are a number of gun rights organizations here in the USA besides the NRA so being not the only organization and the poll listing only the NRA, the poll is tainted in it's results.


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
The wall discussion should also involve the laws at present regarding what happens to the "illegals" once they are caught on U.S. soil, as opposed to be prevented from doing so.
The facts about what happens in either case is never discussed in the press, as most Americans would opt for a wall, as well as a change of the insane laws, drones, etc....
But the masses have to endure with those in power trying to dupe them, so nothing gets changed.


Jan 24, 2020
Yes and proud to be a member.