Amazon carb for B&S engine, no threads, screw broke! It's a journey!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
  • / Amazon carb for B&S engine, no threads, screw broke! It's a journey!!
+1 to cleaning out the fuel tank. I had a bizarre problem where the mower would run fine for an hour then start bogging down or stalling. Someone suggested I check the tank. I couldn't see anything in it and anyway my garden is bumpy so the fuel is being shaken up the whole time. I couldn't see any possibility that something in the tank could take about an hour every time to block the outlet. Other people said it was likely overheating or an ignition issue. Then as last resort I drained the tank and dried it out with kitchen paper towels. I found a semi translucent insect in the bottom, virtually same colour as the tank. I still didn't believe it was the cause but it was. I refilled the tank from the same can of fuel and its run fine ever since.
Yep, seen that several times. Had three ladybugs blow out of an old John Deere stx38 if you see something to go. Had a Cub cadet zero turn that had these long 4-in strands of thick grass all the way down in the fuel line coming out when I pulled it off the fuel pump.
Another thing I've seen three times now which is what I'm going to call an epidemic is on the new MTD riding mower engine I think they sometimes call it a power more or something like that but I believe it's made by Lawson in China for MTD and it's off and on the Troy-Bilt and Craftsman mowers..
I've had them start to start for fuel when the blades are on under load and three times now when I took the fuel line off and the carburetor bowl off and the needle and seat out and blue backwards through the inlet seat out the carburetor nipple that goes to the fuel line, a piece of cotton insulation looking wadding blew out!
I have a picture of the last one that came out. I don't know what they're getting in there but it packs itself in there and blocks off the flow.
It was only about a fourth the size of my pinky fingernail but it was densely packed in there tightly and it was the whole problem on three different mowers.


Aug 7, 2013
  • / Amazon carb for B&S engine, no threads, screw broke! It's a journey!!
You might want to check the oil in the crankcase pull the dipstick out and smell it if it smells like gasoline change the oil and filter and put a cut off valve on the fuel line I had just that problem and still have a brand new carb leaking fuel into the crankcase if I don't turn the fuel off.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
  • / Amazon carb for B&S engine, no threads, screw broke! It's a journey!!
you can drill out the screw and replace it with a self taping screw