What is the formula for 2 stroke fuel mix ratios? Now use 50:1 and thinking about maybe 40:1 would be easier on equipment.
Using Stihl Ultra.
Thanks for reply. I ran a wire from the battery to another starter switch and then to the small contact on the solenoid. This wire has a 10 amp fuse and it worked fine for several years. Then the fuse blew and the key switch which had started working again failed at the same time...
Turf Tiger
Model STR61V-26DFI
SERIAL K2000422
No crank with key switch.
Have replaced key switch, PTO switch, relay, control module under warranty TWICE. Cleaned all connectors and checked all safety switches and fuses. Will run for a while then no crank at key. Once ran fine for a couple years...
On Woods finish mower blades they specify leaving a 1/8 inch unsharpened edge. It may have been 1/16 but my recollection is 1/8. The reason for that can’t be to prevent cutting yourself.
A 1/32 flat front edge would not cut you.
If the blade is moving fast enough, almost no sharpening would...
Is there any proven benefit to using a richer oil mix than the 50 to 1 that the manufacturer recommends.
Please leave the emissions factor out of the discussion.
Was there a date or approximate date as to when everyone went to 50 to 1?
Just wondering.
Has anyone had a problem keeping their Turf Tiger in a straight line? It does not slowly drift one way or the other but moves erratically away from your intended line.
Steering shocks have been replaced with new HD units.
Would front wheel preload have any bearing on this?
Any thoughts would be...
I have two Turf Tigers, both water cooled Kawasakis, that have broken seat-back adjustment bolts.
The end of the bolt has broken off inside the seat. Does anyone have any experience with this issue? What is the best way to get to the piece that is broken off the bolt? Looks like the upholstery...
Forgot to ask. If I replace the coil, what is the coil to flywheel gap? Have used a matchbook cover but that is not very precise. Thanks again.
Shindiawa T282X.
Thanks for your reply. Runs great without vent in place for about ten minutes then quits like you turned the switch off.
What are the chances that the coil is getting hot and breaking down? Runs perfectly for 10-15 minutes.
Coil kind of expensive but will replace if you think that is the way to...
Shindiawa T282X
Starts and runs fine for a few minutes then will no longer take throttle and dies.
Suspected tank not venting as I could hear air moving into vent line when I removed vent with engine off. Replaced vent, same results. Runs great till it quits. Any ideas on where to start?? Fuel...
I have a Stihl FS85 with an issue. It will start and idle but will not accelerate to WOT.
The carb is a Zama C1Q which is also marked with a small 82. There are no other numbers.
Installed carb kit and cleaned carb in and out. New hoses and filter. Fresh gas.
When squeezing the throttle it...
Thank you Mechanic Mark. Especially for the manual.
Figured it out I believe. Plugged fuel filter.
I was fairly sure it was a gas cap vent issue but I ran it with cap on tight at WOT and no problems with new filter installed.
Thanks again.
Blower starts and runs fine for a couple minutes and then starts to slowly reduce speed with throttle wide open until it quits. Pulling choke will let it run a few seconds longer. Will start again in a few minutes with same end result.
Any thoughts about where to start would be greatly...
Engine data for this thread
Kawasaki FH580V. Mower is Toro Z400 Z Master
Serial 270002174
Engine was running ok when parked after use.
When tried to restart, barely ran and no movement on one intake rocker. Pushrods not bent! Whatever happened, happened all at once. If camshaft was wiped, I...
Don’t have all engine data but have a general question.
Zero compression on one side and intake pushrod not moving. Suspect wiped camshaft but is there any other possibility like a lifter stuck at the top of its bore, etc.?
Burnish is the term that both Scag and the clutch maker,Ogura use.
The issue is not the definition of “burnish” it is whether or not the well defined burnish procedure should be done on a new factory Scag, Ogura manufactured PTO clutch. That is all I am trying to figure out. I am well aware of...
Thanks sgkent and star tech.
The main reason for my question is that the new clutch from Scag (gt-5) has a big brown tag on it that says “DO NOT BURNISH”.
Ogura disagrees with that tag.
Do Ogura replacement PTO clutches need to be burnished before use? This is a Scag Turf Tiger 35 hp Briggs.
Tag on clutch from Scag says “do not burnish”. Tech service at Ogura clutch facility says “they absolutely should be burnished”. I told him about the tag with Scag’s name on it...
Scag Turf Tiger
Model STT61V-35BVAC-SS
Serial. E5400225
Any thing unusual I should look out for when replacing PTO clutch on above mower? Any special tools needed.
I am guessing that it might be really tight on shaft. Please advise.
Thank you,
Thanks for the prompt reply. That was the diagnosis I came up with but wanted to hear it from someone that knew what he was talking about.
Thanks again,
Another question concerning Scag Turf Tiger 35 hp Briggs.
What should the amperage draw be when clutch is engaged with meter in series with wires feeding clutch? This one measured
15.24 at engagement. Only connected for an instant as I was afraid of cooking my Fluke 88. Resistance at clutch plug...
Turf Tiger 35 hp briggs
Can any one please give me a couple of normal voltages for the above machine?
1. Voltage at battery when mower is running with deck off?
2. Voltage at battery with deck engaged. and running?
3. Resting voltage on new battery if charged?
4. What should resistance of Ogura...
Model 61V35BVAC
Serial E5400225
Have an engine oil leak at drain valve assy. on the above Briggs 35 hp Vanguard twin.
It appears to be coming from the threads on the vertically oriented piece you loosen to drain the oil. It is tight. Has anyone run into this problem? Is there a fix short of...
Turf Tiger. SST61V35BVAC
Serial E5400225
Have a issue with the oil drain Assy on the above machine. Appears that the drain assy is leaking around the vertically oriented plug you loosen to drain the oil.
It is tight. Has anyone had this problem on this B/S 35 hp engine?
Thanks for your comments...
I have a B/S 12.5 hp vertical engine on a splitter. Model 219802, type 0117E1, code 05102ZA.
After head gasket replacement, engine runs fine but only if choke is about 1/3 on.
Opening choke on warm engine causes the engine to make a popping noise. Popping is random (it does not pop every time...
Does anyone know why Briggs Intek engines use one steel pushrod and one aluminum one? Is it to keep the valve train balanced? The aluminum pushrod is paired with the larger (intake) valve. Or does it have to do with thermal issues?
Just wondering. Seems strange.
Anyone else having trouble with unwanted ads that pop up when you are trying to read a post? They are coming from Google saying “you’ve been selected, blah blah blah”. If you back up they go away but then pop up again instantly making your forum unusable. Anyone know how to get rid of them...
Just removed intake valve from B/S 12.5 hp vertical shaft. Everything I was told is that intake valve seal was under the big end of the valve. This seal, with tiny spring around top, is under the valve spring. How do you remove/install a new one without damaging something. Looks like the metal...
This is a general small engine question.
When installing OHV head bolts I am sure they should be clean but should they be lubricated prior to torquing? If so should just the threads be lubed or should the underside of the bolt heads get some too?
Thanks to all who responded to my 12.5 hp...
When I look at the Briggs parts manual and look at the picture it shows only one (1) valve seal which is number 690968. Is there only one valve that gets a seal? If so,
Which one? The gasket set I ordered is
Many thanks to Star Tech, Bertsmobile1, Rivets
And others for all the help.
I have one more question. Head gasket blown in center between piston and pushrod galley as you predicted.
How important is retorqueing head bolts after a 5 minute run? Looks like that is going to be difficult as the two...
Intec 219802 type 0117E1
I checked one other thing on this engine. The air filter and breather box are both dry and clean. About the crankcase breather in this engine, can anyone tell me where it is located? Might as well check it before I pull head and spend $50.00 on gaskets.
Many thanks to...
I have a Briggs 12.5 hp vertical engine model number 219802, type 0117E1.
It is dripping oil out of breather on fuel pump when running. Also, if you loosen the dipstick cap while running it dances around wildly.
Engine has low hour’s and runs ok. No fuel in oil.
I suspect a blown head gasket but...
Does anyone know of a source for seat covers for Scag Turf Tiger seat with armrests?
Something like terrycloth would be great.
Factory covering does not breath.
The seat is a “suspension” seat. I am guessing that is what the “SS” in the serial number means. This probably makes a difference. The seat appears to not be bolted in the back, as some have suggested, because it will move about 3/8 inch if you try to push it forward.
Thanks for any help.
Have a Scag Turf Tiger that has me buffaloed.
It is a SST61V-35BVAC-SS , serial
I can’t figure out how to tip the seat assy. forward.
The seat adjustment latch will not release and
I think I need to tip the seat forward to get to the slide latch. I cannot find a latch for the seat...
Need help,
Have a Turf Tiger that is four years old with low hours that will not start. If you apply 12 volts to the small starter terminal it will start instantly and run all day. I have replaced the ignition switch, the pto switch and the relay. Checked all safety switches and they all...
I need the bezel that holds the reflector/bulb
Holder into the headlamp assembly for the Turf Tiger.
Scag does not sell the part and won’t tell me who makes it for them.
Does anyone know who makes the light
Kit for this Scag Turf Tiger. I need the headlight bezel
For one of the lights and Scag does not sell it
Nor will they tell me who makes it for them.