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  1. M

    Problems with compression test.

    I've never heard of motorcycles having a compression release. I've worked on a few, but haven't done compression tests on any.
  2. M

    generac 006720 generator

    I do have a degree in Electrical Engineering... Seriously. Ok, my thing was computers, not power generation but... I agree the problem was probably carb to start. I adjusted the governor, got it wrong, and redid it after some advice here, and got it right. I would have adjusted the fine...
  3. M

    generac 006720 generator

    Thanks Toby. I agree about the youtubes. So many times, a clearly written paragraph or two would cover the issue, and you've got to watch 4 different videos to put together the information. In this case, I did get a nicely written explanation, which worked great the second time I did it. I...
  4. M

    YTH 1848 XP won't crank

    Have you tried a known good battery? Checked the cables/cleaned connections? I am assuming that it is not turning at all. Can you manually turn the engine?
  5. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Jim, it's good to see that the key is whole. It sounds like currently you have a compression problem. I think investigating the Heli-coil for the original head is a good idea.
  6. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Jim, check that stuff, and check the flywheel key. That can be a cause of the flywheel turning, spark tester showing spark, and engine does not run.
  7. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    The spark tester showing spark does not verify timing. Have you checked the flywheel key? You were talking about doing it, but I can't recall if it happened again.
  8. M

    1978 Lawnboy

    You say the recoil is shot. Could you elaborate, or clarify? What parts are broken/not functioning? I've substituted parts for recoil starts pretty easily, but we do need a starting point.
  9. M

    generac 006720 generator

    I believe the surging was governor related. I adjusted it(twice) and got it to run nice and smooth, but due to the burnt stator coil, it's not making power. It's a salvage, so it's just getting noted that it needs genset, runs good. It's not like it's my emergency power or anything.
  10. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Thanks for the input guys. I should have cleaned the fuel tank earlier, but have done so, as well as installing a new filter. I've cut my yard front and back a couple of times, and it starts first pull. No low oil sensor. I use stabil during storage, and have had pretty good luck. My mower...
  11. M

    generac 006720 generator

    That's what I was thinking. Thanks again.
  12. M

    generac 006720 generator

    That's what I figured. It's still a good motor.
  13. M

    generac 006720 generator

    So, it's likely a problem with stator. The windings look burnt. The connectors for the brushes are melted, which isn't a good sign. The motor runs great though. Just thought I'd post the results. So, if you adjust the governor, and the motor just races at full throttle afterward, do it...
  14. M

    Kohler Command Pro Single Cylinder Horizontal Lifter issue

    I just worked on a Briggs that showed just under 60 on compression gauge. The problem was sheared key, once I fixed that, starts on first pull. YMMV.
  15. M

    generac 006720 generator

    The connections were corroded, as the endcap is missing on this unit. I cleaned them up before this test.
  16. M

    generac 006720 generator

    So, as advised, I started over. I printed your instructions(which agree with what I'd read elsewhere) and readjusted the governor. Once started, I had to readjust the sole screw/spring, to bring it up from idle. It purrs at 3600 RPM. Due to my background in EE, that means something to me...
  17. M

    generac 006720 generator

    This one isn't making much power yet.
  18. M

    generac 006720 generator

    Hold it at idle? That's the only stop screw I know about. I'll try that in the future. I could see the governor tweaking the throttle as it happened, but that could have been a symptom, not the cause I suppose. I gotta get this one back down to reasonable rpm. I'll put the tach on it, and...
  19. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    My introduction to this site was a Toro Recycler mower that I was given. I cleaned the carb and it ran great. For a day. Then I messed with it on and off over a week without it running at all. I found this place, posted here, got some advice and got it fixed. Once I run it on my lawn for a...
  20. M

    generac 006720 generator

    It was my thought that the hunting, was a symptom of the governor being maladjusted, or not working correctly. I could see that the governor was controlling the throttle. I've worked on small engines for a long time, as a shade tree mechanic, but have not messed with governors much. So much...
  21. M

    generac 006720 generator

    I believe that is what I did. When I started, I would start the engine, then turn the knob to the run position, from the start position(which takes off the choke.) The motor would run at what seemed to be a moderate rpm, but would speed up, and slow back down. It would be mostly at that...
  22. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Glad to see it running anyhow. Good luck with it.
  23. M

    generac 006720 generator

    Got a Generac 0066720. Runs nice and smooth, but the governor is off. It was surging/hunting, and I adjusted the governor per directions I found on youtube. Loosen nut on governor arm, open throttle to full, gov arm fully in that direction, rotate gov shaft cw. It didn't move much, but now...
  24. M

    CV490S Throttle & Governor Linkages

    Replacing the carb(and I've had good luck with Amazon carbs) means you probably need to adjust the governor. Here's a video. I am not an expert at governors, just learning them now. Hopefully someone with more experience will show up pretty soon.
  25. M

    MTD 115/76 Tecumseh 12.5 HP OHV Carburettor Issue

    Make sure you don't get lube on the flywheel or shaft if you pull it, that can cause the key to be sheared.
  26. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    The blade stopping from a blockage can shear the key. That's all I was talking about. If it sheared without ever driving the blades, obviously that didn't happen. Lack of torque, or lube on shaft as Ilengine mentioned probably did it.
  27. M

    MTD 115/76 Tecumseh 12.5 HP OHV Carburettor Issue

    Fuel, compression, spark, and timing are what you need to run. If you're doing this to check spark, it may be a good idea to check the flywheel key. It can be sheared by suddenly stopping the blade(hitting a big root hard.) Take the nut and washer off the flywheel, it's pretty easy to see...
  28. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Hi Jim, Sheared key can be from insufficient torque, or something suddenly blocking rotation, such as hitting a big root with the blade. I think that's how I did mine. Ilengine did say "while checking the flywheel key make sure the ignition module isn't hitting the flywheel which can cause...
  29. M


    2 good answers. Poor connections may show full voltage, but can't pass full current. In a case like this, it's always good to clean the battery connections. Back when I used to drive much older cars, that was always one of the first things to try for weak cranking...
  30. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    That looks like a normal spark tester. What you described is the definitive test for a plug. Sounds like you should have spark. Did you check that flywheel key?
  31. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    If you're using an inline spark tester, it does not test the plug. Joed said "Keep in mind, the spark tester will tell you the whole ignition system is good or bad EXCEPT the spark plug." The coil fires a very high voltage, which can light the tester, even if it's not grounded. Try a new plug.
  32. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    The engine needs 4 things to run. Fuel/air, compression, spark, and timing. I would check the key, but you can see if it's sheared, no need to replace if it's not. Have you tried replacing the spark plug? Using a spark tester tests everything but the plug. If you're spraying something for...
  33. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    A ways back you were talking about checking the flywheel key. I'd recheck that if you haven't. It doesn't take much for that to keep it from firing. I'm also concerned about the banging noise. As someone else said, that could be motor mounts, or a dead engine.
  34. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    How the compression release works.
  35. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Hopefully someone who knows that engine will speak up. If there is a compression release, as dougand3 was saying earlier, you will see a lower number on the compression test. I was working on a briggs engine that showed under 60lbs on the compression test, due to a compression release. I was...
  36. M

    MTD 115/76 Tecumseh 12.5 HP OHV Carburettor Issue

    The only way I know to test the coil is to test for spark. Use a spark tester, or remove the plug, connect the plug wire, and ground the plug. Don't hold the plug in your hand, or you can get shocked. Have someone else pull the cord, and watch for spark. There may be a test with a good...
  37. M

    Mastercraft Yard Beetle issues

    If the bowl is dry, do you get gas out of the line running to the carb? If you remove the float(is there a float?) and the needle valve, can you blow through the fuel line? It sounds like one of those is stopped. I use canned carb cleaner to blow out the passages with pretty good results.
  38. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Single cylinder engine.
  39. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Gas can is good, mower is salvage. As I said earlier, I suspect throttle plate was blocking the starting fluid. Thanks.
  40. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    What I said works fine for a single engine mower. With a PTO involved, you're over my head. If you're getting a compression tester, that's the best test, I'd wait on that.
  41. M

    Briggs& Stratton engine will not turn over

    Awful banging, that sounds like a clue! You said you replaced the flywheel key, so you should have timing. That leaves spark, fuel, and compression. Make sure the throttle and choke plates are open when you spray starting fluid, that got me. Can you disconnect the spark plug and spin the...
  42. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Good call. I was opening the choke, and spraying into the air intake outside filter housing. That normally works for me, but... In the future, remove filter, open choke and throttle plate, then spray. Thanks.
  43. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Ok. Pulled the bowl, cleaned bowl and passages, and bolt passages, installed filter and away she goes. Cut my front yard, including several restarts. Started first pull every time. Moral of the story, don't forget to clear out those passages in the bowl bolt, and watch out for auto...
  44. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Good call, I forgot that. I'll do that first thing tomorrow. I wanted to check the bowl anyhow. Thanks.
  45. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    I also retorqued the cylinder head bolts, just in case heat/cool made a difference. The backyard that I cut takes over 1.5 hours, easy. I'll be putting in a fuel line filter, and checking the bowl again, but starting fluid ain't firing. I rechecked the coil gap, and reset with business card.
  46. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Hmm. I cut my backyard, including around 10 restarts for water breaks and checking the grill. Around halfway, it wouldn't restart. I pulled the carb, bowl was dirty, flushed passages with carb cleaner, put all back together and finished the yard. I let it rest for 45 min or so, and started...
  47. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Thanks again to you and the others.
  48. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    put a bit of torque on the flywheel, broke it loose, and it came right off. I just didn't want to torque the crap out of the gear puller. Installed a new key from my local Ace HW, put all back together and it's running! Saved from the scrapyard. Thanks again for the tips. I was so sure that...
  49. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Can I use my gear puller(pulls on edge) or do I need a flywheel puller, and to tap the bolt holes(what B&S reccomends)
  50. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    I can't see a spark, but that may be me. I put the plug in a generator and started it. Timing is obviously off, see the pic. Thanks.