That opinion Jimmy is because you have been brought up in the USA where there was brainwashing 24/7 that communism & socialism is evil
They are not it is people who are evil
Most native tribes that survived for thousands of year till we slaughtered them practiced a form of Socialism or Communism depending upon weather they had a single chief or a council of tribal elders
if you want to know how many people the capitalist USA has directly murdered , dig into the history of Eugenics in America where funny enough the conservative government forced over 1,000,000 abortions, many very late term and near double that number of serialisations of women ( all male government of course ) .
In fact Hitler actually wrote that the active US government participation in Eugenics is where he derived his "Final Solution" concept for Arian purity from.
Mass murders happen when a Communist or Socialist system become a dictatorship and the 3 are all different .
The problem is power is very addictive ( Trump is the perfect example of this , followed by his besties, Putin & Kim ) , so people are reluctant to relinquish it when it is their time to go , and from there on in the rot sets in and leaders declare themselves leader for life and try to pass that down to their children .
Note trump last night , presidential terms should be longer , senate terms to be shorter with a limit on the number of terms .
And it was not communism or socialism that caused the "god fearing flag waving constitution loving " US citizens to storm the US parliament.
It was a single man with a lust for absolute power who should be in jail but is currently trying to run for president a 3rd time & if he gets in it will be tha last presidential election the USA will have untill the next revolution.
And yet throughout history they have always or at least often turned into dictatorships. That is precisely why you had to point out that it's when they turn into dictatorships that there becomes a big problem.
That goes back to your very accurate comment about human nature and humans being the problem.
Staying away from communism and some very strong forms of socialism are some people's buffer zone to try to prevent that dictatorship. Lol
It certainly was not Trump being the single reason for those people storming the Capital.
Those people did that because that is their nature and many of them are far more extreme than Trump could ever imagine even in his own mind.
Hey, and their groups, etc riled themselves up to a frenzy and that's what caused them to do it.
Another weird and usually bad human trait - mob mentality.
It strikes me as odd that you have a lot to say about Trump and his supporters and seemingly anyone that's probably fairly conservative or right leaning...not being from this country or living here and all.
I will acknowledge that it's hard for people in general to be able to put themselves in other shoes or to see things from the viewpoint of another country etc and I also know that it tends to be a little worse for people in or from the US and many other places.
I just say it's odd though because I would think most people, not just people in the us, but most people in general couldn't name the president of over three other countries besides their own if they tried!
Most couldn't even do it with a multiple choice of let's say only 10 people.
It's not really because they're uneducated, or in any way inferior or dumb etc... It's just they simply don't care!
I have a feeling you will tend to take this little bit offensively but if so, that's on you, and notice I apply it both ways....but I don't know if Australia has a president, democracy, monarch or royalty style leader or figurehead etc, and I don't care one bit one way or the other. The same goes for france, spain, Germany and the other only couple of handfuls of countries I can name.
I don't expect anyone in the world to be any different.
I also don't expect them to pay much attention or to give a rat's you know what about who's the douchebag in the white house for whatever 4-8 year period you want to pick.
It's not a derogatory thing towards anyone or other countries but rather I feel it should be the same for everybody.
Hey - that's kind of like socialism isn't???

People should only be that much concerned or, anything over a little bit at all about their own country and I can understand a little bit if you were in Spain and knew a little bit more about France since they're right next door and not THAT far away.
I know I'm quite odd but I do like to analyze and observe things and they just often make me go "hmmm??"
Oh well, back to me giving you my insight on this country for the past right around 50 years.
While Trump was quite odd and would have never been my choice of the Republican candidates to run on the Republican ticket, I certainly take him over most of the liberals.
All the politicians talking good game and plenty of Democrats and liberals love to support their candidates because that's one thing they are really REALLY good at but my actual observed experiences in my own life and then my regions let's say show me that I'll pass on them being in office.
For all of my life that I can remember, every time the Democrats have been in office, they screw things up and make them worse.
Now see worse is a subjective term.
If you're worried about research for a tree frog that only exist by a river somewhere for 3 months out of the year....or if you're wanting to help every last person you can including all the ones who want to freeload as much as possible and don't want to know the role and get in their lane and do what they should do, what they know they're supposed to do as a member of society just like the vast majority of people do.....then a person worried about these things might not think it's worse what the Democrats do when they're in charge..
Hi, however, have only seen it be harder to live when they're in charge, harder to buy a home and get loans and have to pay more interest for them, inflation is almost always quite a bit higher when they're in, regulations are far more prominent and they sit around trying to think up new ones every chance they get, and then let's not forget taxes which they almost always raise because they need more money to do all the things they want to do.
So, I didn't come into this world with any predisposition to like Republicans or Democrats any one more than the other but through my experiences I have certainly found life to be better and easier with Republicans in the White House.
Notice I started out saying regional experience because someone living in New York or California or any large city could very well have an entirely different experience then I have had.
Also someone living in a very rural area like Oklahoma or some of the sparsely populated areas of Texas could also have a different experience then I.
The US is a very large country and demographics, and other things very a whole lot from one spot to the other and sometimes these spots are quite close to each other but regardless big differences.
I can't begin to accurately determine which political way is the best or right or wrong etc but I can say which one has made my life better and easier.