Hello and Help needed.
Hello, I'm Deamer1 from Illinois.
I have several mowers.
Husqvarna ZTHKW4218A
Scag Turf Tiger
JD 5' rotary cutter,
DR Brush cutter (Bush Hog)
Ranch King 15 h.p. rider.
MTD 22 h.p. 46" rider
21" Push Mower
Found this website and do enjoy it.
I have a problem with my Husqvarna ZTHKW4218A. The left rear wheel rim fell off when making a turn. Apparently the lug nuts were slightly loose. The rim lug nut holes were wore oversize by the lug blots mounted in the Hub. (Didn't ever make a sound that I could hear, but then I wear double ear plugs to protect my hearing.) The threads on the Hub lug bolts are worn completely off for 1/2 inch from the hub outwards. I can't get the hub off to replace it.
My neighbor offered this suggestion...get a new rim and double nut it so the rim is flush with the hub...if it is solid against the hub it should work alright.
I've tried days of soaking with Kroil penetrating oil, Heat with a torch, Wheel pullers, Heat + wheel pullers + Sledge hammer. The hub is really tight on the axle of the Hydro motor. There is a key holding the hub to the axle.
Would anyone have any ideas on how to remove this hub from the axle?
The Mower model / I.D. 968999167 / ZTHKW4218A Manual no. 529105083 page 12 and 13 in the manual show the hub, key, cotter pin and Hex slotted nut.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.