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Hello, I am new to the site, I have a John deere lt180, the deck height adjuster and the pedal used to raise and lower the deck will not go past 3 on the dial, any help would be appreciated
Try running another ground wire from negetive side of battery to engine block, sometime they will loose a ground and this is a good way to find out.
I need a replacement B & S 690656 intake valve retainer for 28M707. This is not available in Australia or not able to be posted from the US. Any suggestions? Alternatively, does the split retainer for the exhaust valve fit the inlet valve?
Thanks PaulD
A separate question has to do with the PARKING BRAKE. The beeper stays on while I'm mowing. I figure it's a cable adjustment. I'm on pp 14-5 in the Manual. Maybe it's the PARKING BRAKE SWITCH. After all, this puppy was bought new back in '91 and I have my fair share of aches and pains at my age. How should I approach this issue?
Issue resolved
Determined the answer to this problem from the Honda Shop Manual. The problem was NOT the PARKING BRAKE. The beeper sound may be caused by low engine oil, according to the Honda Shop Manual. We'll see.
Hello Robert!
I have a Honda HT-R3009 and the Honda Shop Manual. I'm on pp 11-3, CUTTER DECK. The exploded view shows the TENSION ROLLER above the TENSIONER ARM. My vbelt is wedged under the TENSION ROLLER and I can't quite figure out how to raise or get the ROLLER off the mounting post. How do I raise the ROLLER so I can remove the vbelt?
Well, I finally figured this out. I bought an pulley/bearing remover/extractor from Amazon. Used the 6" legs to pull the pulley up. Removed the vbelt.
On a separate note, determined why the new vbelt wouldn't work. Turns out, I have the HT-R3009K1 model, not the HT-R3009. The exploded view in the Honda Shop Manual shows everything I had on mine. Turns out the HT-R3009K1 model has a LONGER vbelt, 71". The new vbelt is on order, but hasn't arrived yet.
Still have about 40+ machines to sell
Did this for friends & fun come on time to move on ! willing to trade too can't believe there still here ??