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Would you trade a Ford 8N for a John Deere 317




Hello all,

My name is Jim Lewis and I made that trade a few years ago. Haven't regretted it at all. The old 8N needed work and the 317 had a just installed rebuilt Onan 218P engine and was ready to go.

Also, I have a M.F. 235 and didn't need the 8N and did need a mower. This 317 also has a hydraulic operated front blade which comes in handy.

Sad to say but it is currently down as I search for a transmission check valve (AM32939) that isn't priced above the gold standard. I think I got this information here, Sauer- Danfoss (Sundstrand) part number 3103132, about a valve much less costly than the JD but so far haven't had any luck locating one.

I found some used ones on eBay but who's to say the same center button leakage problem won't be on one I buy unless it's new.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm looking forward to sending some pictures as soon as this thing is back on its tires, sort to speak.





I would post some pictures of this old John Deere 317 being driven by my 10 year old granddaughter, pulling a trailer with her sister and cousin in it if only I could figure out how.





Hello Jim & WELCOME to these Forums...

I don't really understand the 'trade' part as the two tractors are completely different, so unless, like you say you have no need for the larger tractor, but you need a lawn mower... then I guess that works out.
There are obviously going to be too many differences between the two, no way to even compare them...
The John Deere 317 with a replacement engine is a good garden tractor, about 700 pounds and built around 1980...
The 8N Ford was built around 30 years earlier, about 3,000 pounds and I think around a half million sold, still selling today for 2 or 3 times & more, what they cost new.
I doubt the 317 will ever routinely sell for more then it's cost new... But again it's value is really going to reflect your particular need.
Post some pictures, Below these reply boxes you will see "additional Options" and "Manage Attachments" click on that and you can select the pictures you want to add...
... the 317 is going to be a Lot easier to drive than the 8N... :smile:KennyV




Wow. I guess I need to do a better job telling this if it's this confusing to everyone. Maybe you just needed to be there. But here we go.

My heading was just a hypothetical starting point. The trade did happen but I am sure, or at least hoped, that the membership realized I wasn't asking them to express the pros and cons of this trade and to tell all how they would have done it.

To clear this point. A trade is a trade. The physical size nor nothing else matters at all in order to be classified as a trade.

LOL, I'm not at all sure what you are unsure about or what you don't understand. There is nothing to understand. It's just a simple statement telling what I did.

Actually, I have absolutely no idea why your referring to comparison's between these when no comparison had been made nor discussed by me. Also, if I implied that I traded a tip top shape 8N with good rubber and no problems, then I inadvertly mislead everyone.

Allow me to simplify this.

A friend of mine had this 317 which he didn't need although he had bought, overhauled and installed a P218 Onan engine and had it running good. He has a late model JD and I didn 't even think to ask why he bought this one to begin with. Not any of my business so I didn't ask.

Now I had a Ford 8N which I didn't need. I do know why I bought this. I was looking for a antique gas burning free standing heating stove that looked similar to the old railroad station pot bellies. I found one in Ft Smith and the man offered me the stove and tractor in a deal I didn't pass up. I had and still have a 1972 Massey Fergenson 235 orchard diesel bought new and didn't need the 8N.

We didn't discuss why I wanted the 317. Also didn't discuss why he wanted the 8N.

It happened something like this; I said; Ken, do you want to trade. He said; Yes, I think so. It was pretty much finished at that point.

Certainly didn't discuss which would handle more bottom plows, which would mow a wider swath, which would use more fuel or anything like that. We didn't discuss which weighted the most or discuss the original or resale value. Didn't discuss the number sold or how many were still in us. Didn't discuss which tires would cost more when replaced or how long they should last.

All we did was trade one item for another.

I'm sorry but I'm at a complete loss as to this entire discussion and have no clue to what your point may be.

Be that as it may, you are correct in saying the JD is lots easier to drive

I hope this clears up any confusion it caused. If not, just remember this; A trade is a trade.


midnite rider

midnite rider

Welcome to the forum. We are here to help.





I understand you perfectly.......you needed a mower and he apparently needed a tractor. :thumbsup:




I found some used ones on eBay but who's to say the same center button leakage problem won't be on one I buy unless it's new.

I have a repair shop and have found John Deere doesn't give any deals on parts. If you want new John Deere parts you are going to have to just bite the bullet and pay big $s for them. Seeing you have found the manufacture that made the part with a part number so maybe you can find it cheaper? As for myself I find I have good luck with used parts.




... just remember this; A trade is a trade.

That part I get... I learned that back in the Early 50's when I was 'trading' comic books & marbles..
The question, Would you trade a Ford 8N for a John Deere 317, that question is where I was trying to find a rationalization...
Now getting a potbelly stove along With the 317... that makes it a closer deal,:biggrin:...

And like I said, "like you say you have no need for the larger tractor, but you need a lawn mower... then I guess that works out."
Myself I like Both tractors, have used & worked on both... and never will understand why the 8N sells for So much $$, even in Rough condition... But it is as they say, Demand usually establishes value.
Happy mowing ... :smile:KennyV




Welcome to LawnWorld!

I moved your thread to the Mower Buying & Pricing forum. :smile:




Welcome to LawnWorld!

I moved your thread to the Mower Buying & Pricing forum. :smile:

Not that it really matters, just curious... Why?

He has already traded, (actually a couple years ago)... and his question was rhetorical, in that he was Not looking for an answer, just more of a comment on his trade choice in Already selecting a John Deere... :smile:KennyV
