Dynamite comes in small packages.... I figured the flywheel would have magnets and the stator would be directly behind it. I guess the what I would call fan is in front of the flywheel with the screen in front of that. I may make an attempt at it, but it doesn't sound like it will be the best day of my life. I have a few fan blade pullers and 3 leg misc pullers so that may be the downfall of my repair attempt, my luck is I will break or crack the flywheel or knock the magnets loose and then the price just doubled. I may go by our local eXmark dealer and ask how much for them to make the repair, only problem is if they break or crack the Fwheel or break off a magnet, I will still have to pay for the parts and labor for them to correct their mistakes, so 50-50 either way but they are set up to do repairs in their shop, and I will be out in the elements on the gravel drive to the shed. Thanks so very much for all your help I really do appreciate it more than you will ever know, maybe some day I can return the favor. Now that I found this site I may hang around some in the shadows and read and learn, I always wanted to become a small engine mechanic, when I was a young man I almost sent away for a course in SER but decided in applianc repair instead, then went to work for a Electrical Contractor, studied HVACR at night and took all and every seminar/workshop/course that I could get my hands on, well the rest is history, 40 years doing electrical, Heating and air, carpentry, plumbing, appliance repair anything dealing with construction, repair , service, maintenance or replace,but never much with these big mowers.