Where would the world be without the USA?


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
No internet
No porn industry
No Snapper mowers
No crappy cars and trucks
No TV's
No good music
No computers - which later lead to cell phones
No microwave ovens

many many more


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
No Honda engines, No Kawasaki engines....err oh wait.... :LOL: :LOL:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
No ignorant ilinformed people with a massive over inflated ideas about their own supremesy unwilling to believe that there are other people on the planet with a functioning brain and claiming they own everything while being too bone lazy to actually check anything except with other Americans .

1) Internet, well that is tricky because it was a world wide collaboration .
Americans will tell everyone that the internet evolved from ARPNET, but ARPNET was just a private email network and in reality it goes back to technologies the USA got from Germany as reptreations.
What makes the INTERNET the internet is TCP/IP and that came fro CERN in Switzerland

2) Porn was around in the Greek & Roman times, if not before and is clearly depicted in some of the pottery which for reasons of the "Fake" modesty is hidden in the basements of museums & universities for use by scholars only
IF you want some porn in literature search for the works of the Persian poet Suffi or perhaps the Kama Sutra

3) ?

4) The UK & soviets were making crappy vehicles long before the USAthey just don't pretend that they are the best on the planet.

5) TV was first introduced back in 1840 by Scottish & German scientists wanting to share the results of laboratory experiments with each other.
In 1926 an Australian back yard inventor broadcast the Melbourne cup ( horse race ) from Flemington Melbourne to Ballarat Victoria then lost interest and went into rocketry .

6) a matter of taste

7) again tricky one.
Most objective historians would put the origin at the Bletchly Park WWII research station.
Now the personal computer can definately be attributed to Apple .

8) an Australian invention .
Because the telephone system in Aust was originally government owned , every Australian was deemed to have equal rights to a telephone . ( never happened in the USA )
Because Australia is the same land masa as continental USA we had to be able to send telephone signals over massive distances .
But because of the geography & small population running wires was not an option so we perfected the use of microwave radio transmission for telephones which at a latter date sold to Bell Industries
At one time Aust had over 90% of the microwave patients world wide .
The technicians working on the towers noticed that the eggs in the nests of birds in & around the towers were all cooked .
The CSIRO ( government research facility ) investigated and invented the microwave oven.
Now at that time we had an unbelievably conservative government and part of that government policy was anything the government developed that had commercial potential to make a profit must be sold to private enterprise. No Australia company wanted it ( or could afford it ) so GE bought the technology & release the domestic microwave oven. ( same story with Rank Xeros & copiers )

And Cable TV was also an Australian invention ( developement would be more appropriate ) and again at one time he held over 80% of the world wide patients for the use of optical fibre for communications. The longest fibre was the Sydney Melbourne line and that was also the first one to send TV signals down a fibre cable thus inventing ( if you like ) cable TV and for the same reason as above the technology was again sold off.
Up until 2015 Australia had the largest optical fibre network on the planet and had the government appointed board members of the now privatised telephone company ( Telstra ) back in 2000 not vetoed the plan to take the fibre network to each house hold we would have had the worlds first all fibre network on the planet .

All the USA really is happens to be the largest single private market on the planet which means it benefits from the mass effect so any new technology introduced can get massive market penetration very quickly which results in massive profits which in turn causes massive product development very quickly as every Tom Dick & Harry attempts to catch the cash train .
Oh and the Wi-Fi you use to connect your computer, phone,TV etc to your fibre modem & the WWW, you guessed it another Aussie invention / development .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The USA has one big advantage over the rest of the plant.
After the devistation of the civil war they worked out trying to erase each other off the face of the planet was not a good idea and should be avoided at all costs.
It took East Europe near 100 years to wake up to the same facts and the Middle East / SE Asia is still yet to come to their senses .
Thus all of the states no longer needed to waste a fortune on weapons that were obsolete the second they came off the production line .
Because of this enterpreners had to find other means of accumulating wealth so the mass consumer market was invented / evolved .
Because the USA is essentially an island it does not need to spend a fortune manning borders and is in a position to keep all wars happening on other peoples land.
This allows for continious development of factories and like Aust you could just keep on stealing land from the original inhabitants so could build factories on 100 acre greenfield sites thus practice economies of scale not available to any other developed country . This like Aust is also a factor in reducing civil wars because unlike Europe you do not need to take over your neighbours land to expand.
Having only one very large defense force you could afford to spend a massive amount of money developing more advanced weapons and the spin off of weaponary research were consumer products .
And here I call space research , weapons research because it was the fear of being attacked from space that really drove the space race


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
No freedom anywhere.
Total rubbish
All of the USA's military actions were either to protect the source of the raw materials it needs ( oil for example ) or because of the fear that the megga wealthy might have their "rights" to profit vastly from the under paid labour of others be challenged , thus the massive amount of money that went into anti communism / socialism properganda and wars .
The only case where one could say "freedom" was preserved by US actions is Korea and even then some would consider that Korea happened because of fear that US investments in rebuilding Japan would be under threat from the Chinese communist who were being supported by the Russian communist in repayment for the massive support with both men & materials the Russians got from the Chinese during WWII ( bet you were unaware of that )
I might note that despite the white governments best attempts to wipe them out, the Indigenous peoples of Australia have had freedom for over 80,000 years.
The communist people in Vietnam have quite a lot of freedom almost on par with most Western countries, the only read difference being that the Party Officials are profiting from the economy rather than the elite class ( Rockerfellas / Fords etc ) in Western economies .
Eventually totalitarian government will fail, look at what is happening in Brazil & Burma right now.
However what keeps totalitarian governments in power is support from external sources with a vested interest in benefiting from the regeime
The Talibahn are largely using Chinese weapons because China realized that they could become an ally of Afghanistan , thus not need to spend a fortune on border protection.
They can then access the vast amounts or rare earth resources to feed their manufacturing industry that is undermining the viability of manufacturing in the USA ( & the rest of the west ) plus allow the Afgans to ramp up opium production which will also find it's way into Western economies doing massive economic & social damage .
For China a win win win situation. The real loosers are Afgahn women but then again remember the West used to burn witches 150 year ago, women could not vote 75 years ago , most religions banned women from being church leaders and some still do so "freedom" is a some what relative concept .
The USA was in Afghanistan for the same reasons , to contain China by surrounding it with Western style democratic governments and of course to access the same rare earth minerals.
Russia was there for the same reason , border protection & minerals & the UK before them again for the minerals .


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
We've kept Freedom pretty good here in the states...the people of Bulgaria took their country back from a communist regime and are free now. With no help from us as far as i know.. I gotta say America is dang good place to live and it'd be hard for me to consider anywhere else. It's the people who make it great... All different types, have melted together and added to the American culture.


Lawn Addict
Sep 5, 2014
IMO, except for the illegals coming over middle of night, sick with covid & getting bused to various parts of the country.