I did.
I have a ton of cameras (30+), I have a Ring alarm system with battery backup & cellular backup (motion sensors, several door sensors & cameras, including hardwired cameras). They disable my Wyze alarm system (including several motion sensors & tons of door sensors) & cameras. I have 6 smart locks, the stuff inside my house is still missing. Tell me how they can bypass all this security & new technology.
My rider & gas cans sit in front of the hardwired camera, they still tamper it with no video footage. Yesterday I grabbed the gas can to buy new gas, there was a lot of liquid so I poured it into a plastic cup first, then I called the police & poured the rest in front of the police. This is the picture, mostly water. I have about 1/2 gal of diesel left in the 2nd container (a gal size), it's heavier so I poured it into the plastic container. It was foaming at the top while I poured it, later I poured it back into the gas can, and there was a little water at the bottom, plus white residue. They also put the wrong gas cap on each one (from what I did)
Rewards $5,000.00 - Who would like to help me catch the thieves & have them prosecuted?