USPS/Ebay delivery


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Our side is in a mess for sure. Today for example I tried getting things straighten out with the Idiot Ran Service (IRS). I fought with the phone computer agent for nearly 30 minutes then got placed on hold for 30 minutes. I finally got a real person on the phone. She proceeded to send me right back to the computer agent which hung up on me. At least I might get their attention as I filed this years taxes and didn't include the $546 payment.

I am also dealing with another idiot group, it is my doctor's office. I have been on blood pressure med for two years and was doing fine. I went for the yearly check-up and he changes my med without even telling me. Now instead of running 130/90 I am running 170/110. They want me to wait for 4 weeks at this minimum readings saying it takes 4 weeks for the med to work. It actually peak today at 225/115. All they could do was to act like I didn't know what was working for me. Now my headaches are starting back too.

I am beginning to think the doctor just wants me back in the ICU like when my BP hit 250/120.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It isn't a matter of right or wrong, I simply asked "why"? This is a lawnmower forum yet you seem tho bring comments about the US into quite a few of your comments. Again, why?
Because it is relevant .
If this was a forum that was 90% Australian then there would more comments about bad things down here .
However it is US based so most of the mowers are USA mowers and most of the problems are with USA based mower businesses .
I might suggest that you are allowing jingoism to colour your persecption of what has been posted
If it makes you feel better by calling me unAmerican , a communist or what ever then go ahead.
On the other hand I don't call a spade a rake just because it was made in OZ and they want to sell spades .
People need to see & appreciate all sides of a debate regardless of weather they like or even agree with it .
It is a weird thing and shows a massive shortcoming in the Australian media that we get more news ( or what gets called news ) from the USA than we do from Australia
The USA elections got a better coverage by the Australian media than most Americans did.
When the previous election was happening ( the one that president Trump actually won ) I was saying in a cabin with 4 Americans ( motorcycle rally ) .
All 4 of them were amazed that 1/2 of every news broadcast was devoted to the US election and they all noted that we got more & better coverage than they did at home. Even more amazing was the magazine stories after the main news were all 100% the USA elections .
What I am is anti B S & hypocrisy and if a government sets themselves to be the bastions of free trade then use every means other than an actual import tax to prevent free trade then that will be called out.
I doubt if many of the examples that were quoted would have ever been heard of by the general US population.

There was a survey last year when President Biden forgot the name of Prime Minister Morrison .
Apparently more than 1/2 of the Americans surveyed though that Pauline Hanson was the leader of Australia .

Now if you want to hear me rubbish out mob, ask me about inflated house prices , white elephant airports or the handeling of the covid pandemic .
You will find them on the Australian based forums I subscribe to .
No good telling you lot that that Andrew Constance was totally negligent in his job so directly was responsible for Delta entering Australia so should be on trial right now for criminal negligence resulting in 1492 deaths , but no one on this forum would know who Andrew Constance is or what his job was .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert honestly I don't who is Andrew Constance nor do I know my congressmen names as if it would do any good. They simply don't care about their voters just the votes. Once in office they usually do what ever they please.

I tried to get somethings straighten out with our Idiot Ran Service (IRS) today. All they did was to hang up on me. Oh well I reckon me not paying my taxes is not important.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
It isn't a matter of right or wrong, I simply asked "why"? This is a lawnmower forum yet you seem tho bring comments about the US into quite a few of your comments. Again, why?
Yes as a whole, this is Lawnmower However, this thread is NOT on a lawnmower forum posting about lawnmowers, engines, etc. This thread is on "The Front Porch" where off-topics may be discussed.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Joed756 is obviously a very proud patriotic American which is fine and to be applauded.
What he does not understand is a robust strong, country, economy, religious faith, political idology etc should be able to withstand intelligent robust debate. And in the long term it is the robust debate that makes it stronger not blind faith.
Attempts to censor anything which is not favourable does not protect or strengthen , it weakens & undermines .
The exception to this is when the unfavourable is not true or emotively skewed like most of the anti-vax campaign .
Even worse it allows what ever is not allowed to be critisied to be perverted and evolve into a monstrosity that in no way resembles the ideal behind the original institution , and the most obvious of these are the religious cults that end up either committing mass murder or suicide .
Freedom of expression is a foundation part of the constitution of the United States of America , I know I have read the entire document , read the Australian one as well plus a few others .
So if Joed756 wants to engage in a counter argument to anything I have posted then I welcome it & encourage him to do so .
If he just wants me to shut up & have my post muzzled then he is demonstrating the tyrannical behaviour typical of dictatorships that the USA is continually reproaching for just that offense .


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2013
Joed756 is obviously a very proud patriotic American which is fine and to be applauded.
What he does not understand is a robust strong, country, economy, religious faith, political idology etc should be able to withstand intelligent robust debate. And in the long term it is the robust debate that makes it stronger not blind faith.
Attempts to censor anything which is not favourable does not protect or strengthen , it weakens & undermines .
The exception to this is when the unfavourable is not true or emotively skewed like most of the anti-vax campaign .
Even worse it allows what ever is not allowed to be critisied to be perverted and evolve into a monstrosity that in no way resembles the ideal behind the original institution , and the most obvious of these are the religious cults that end up either committing mass murder or suicide .
Freedom of expression is a foundation part of the constitution of the United States of America , I know I have read the entire document , read the Australian one as well plus a few others .
So if Joed756 wants to engage in a counter argument to anything I have posted then I welcome it & encourage him to do so .
If he just wants me to shut up & have my post muzzled then he is demonstrating the tyrannical behaviour typical of dictatorships that the USA is continually reproaching for just that offense .
I think he has simply asked why you have this compulsion. You apparently don't want to answer.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
You see it as a compulsion because it strikes a raw nerve
I see it as adding to the impact of the response & hopefuly encouraging people to have a think about their own persecption of themselves & the place of the USA in the world .
In near 20,000 posts there would be lucky to be more than 100 or so that would question US culture or popular beliefs
And probably 1/2 that that question Australian culture & persection of our place in the world
About 1/2 again that are not flattering to the UK .

We should always be questioning our morals, ethics & the morals & ethics of governments .
Once upon a time, this was the job of art but now days art just seems to be there to offend & make large amounts of money .

And again if you feel there is a problem or am misrepresenting or being disrespectful then call me out and we can have a discussion / debate / arguement about it . My mind is open to reasoning but ( hopefully ) close to brainwashing .

And to be specific to the ( off ) topic of evil pay / Ammozone vs Alli -Express / Alli - Baba.
In my thousands of purchases from all of these platforms I have never been bombarded by spam warning me of the evil outcomes from purchases made from Evil Pay or Ammo Zone or even Gum Tree.
However when I do a big session on Made in China or one of the Alli's it is not uncommon to be bombarded with spam warning me about the evils of communist China & suggesting that my purchases were directly funding autrosities in China .
While I know just how easy it is to Ghost email & spoof email addresses, all of them have .com domains and I doubt they originated in China ( perhaps Korea or HK ) .

Brains are like muscles, unless they are regularly challenged they atrophy


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert is right one sense as we cant not blindly follow anyone. Mr Heel Spurs would not risk his own life to serve but wants all his followers to do so. The only one I trust to look out for myself is myself. I am current dealing with the Idiot Ran Service here for the last two years and I can't get anyone there to resolve the problems I have. So my solution now is to just quit paying my taxes and that might get them interested in actually talking at me. Yes I said talking at me as they still probably will not listen. And I spent 30 minutes getting past the computer to just wait 30 minutes for an agent that simply hung up on me.

Now I I did not serve myself in the Military but I still did my part to support them by repairing their equipment that they needed me to repair. I did it for eight years until we lost the contract to a company that said they could repair each machine for $1.

And when it comes to religion most of them are just brainwashing people too as you got to blindly follow them without question.

As for the suppliers I have use eBay and Amazon. There are a lot crooks on both but there are also some good honest vendors on there too, just got to weed out the bad ones. And you can't trust the reviews if they all are good. I even had one Amazon willing to pay me to remove my bad review as Amazon would not allow them to remove it. I did not accept it as the product was that bad.

And Yes Bert we must use what few brains we have (Pun intended here) as I sometimes refer to myself as to have a poppy seed sized one. I was reading an article the other day that kinda explain why some older people are slower at coming up answers to question. It is because we have so information stored that it takes to work through the clutter to get to information we looking for. I know it must be true as it took sleeping on a problem that I knew I had seen about 20 yrs ago. Boy was it back in the cobwebs of my mind.:p


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The brain people found that "Sleeping on a problem" actually works if you ponder hard on it then do almost directly to bed.
History is full of examples of this where answers to problems came to people in their dreams .
Crambing for exams works best if you read till you can not hold your eyes open any more then go to sleep
The old trick of recording vital information then replaying it to your self while you sleep also works .

Brains need to be challenged as do ideas , cultures etc
If this was not the case we would still be burning women that we decided were witches.
We would still be steralizing women who had a child with intellectual problems ( Eugenics )

Popularism is rarely the correct road to take and challenging the accepted truth is the only way to do it.

Like most Aussies , I was brought up on mostly US TV ( only after dinner ) .
It is only in latter life that one realizes just how much propaganda was included in the "wholesome " shows like "My 3 Sons" , " Leave it Beaver " , " Andy Griffiths " , " Patty Duke ".
All of them were strait out pro nuclear families ( grand parents were always depicted as a problem ) pro capitalism and anti-communist .
Weather this was accidential or deliberate only the script writers would know .
Just about every movie that Micky Rooney featured in was anti-communism pro organised religion .
And despite the fact that we all consider ourselves immune to suggestion we are not .
The amount of money spent on advertising annually prooves we are .

UK TV was similar but not as overt in the anti communism subtext and carried a strong anti class descrimination message

Both UK & US TV ( and movies ) were also highly sexist and the theme of the unmarried career woman failing till she was wedded & bedded ran strongly through all of them.
The womans place was always in the kitchen and she derrived great joy by being a domestic slave
Stepford Wives being just about the sole exception .
Mothers were always cleaning up after their sons ( smiling all the time ) while dads told their sons clean up after themselves and daughters rarely shown making any mess or getting up to any mischief.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Oh I love it when I was in high school to dream of the next day pending test and when it came up I usually scored 90+ out of a possible 100. Answers still come to me in the middle of the night like tonight which is why I am up now writing down the solution to a problem.

Now of course I am a lefty so I am in my right mind or they say I am. The men in the white coats haven't manage to catch me yet. They came up the driveway yesterday and I was gone before they even got of the car thanks to the driveway alarm.;)