US Postal Service


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2018
100 stamp rolls are a lot cheaper than single stamp purchases or 10 / 20 stamp packs but don't know how much they cost as I only do bulk mailings ones every 4 years.
Those go to a mailing agent who charges me about 2/3 of the PO price .
Remember his mail is franked so the Postage is prepaid when he refills the credit on the machine & the PO does not have to print & distribute the stamps as well.
Then of course his mail is delivered to a mail depot presorted into post codes ( zip to you ) so again is cheaper for the PO.
The very first freight company I contracted to would re-mail around 2 tons of mail a week.
Eventually they made a pre-sort deal so we delivered to the local sorting depot and that scored them a 20% discount ( we got 20% more added to the machine when we refilled it )
Fedex installed the first automatic parcel sorting machine in Aust .
It cost 1.5 million and was considered to be a white elephant in 1984
By 1994 it was working over capacity 24/7 and they were looking to build one 4 times the size
Now they have a massive warehouse complex with a dozen machines each one handleing parcels of different standard sizes .
As I say repeatidly unless you are inside the transport industry most can not comprehend the volumes & complexity .

The good thing about the PO is they employ drivers on hourly rates, so the PO driver pulls up at the gate, gets out walks over to the padlock & chain , looks at it sees the slip link, opens the gte then goes & gets the parcels
The private service drivers are paid per item delivered and a lesser rate for non delivery but when you add the return fee, it woks out more.
So they slow down, look at the gate from 20' away see the chain, hit the "locked gate " key on their scanner then drive away
You seem to understand the USPS and shipping a great deal.....can we suggest that you take over and lead us out of the trouble we are in? Common sense is rare these days! Have a great day1


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Did local freight for 30 years after manufacturing in Sidney ceased
We pioneered external management of mail rooms & by using the appropriate shipping methods could usually knock 50% to 80% off a companies freight costs .
So we used plain parcel post, priority parcel post , budget overnight prepaid, budget overnight post paid , budget casual returns ( could take a week ) and direct point to point .
I know I sound like a broken record on this but again it was the fault of cookie cutter MBA's applying cookie cutter business management .
One of the things they teach MBA graduates is non core departments should be abolished so the mail rooms got closed down & the receptionist ( had they not been sacked as well ) was responsible for despatching , I mean how hard can it be ? all you have to do is put a label on some thing and call some one to pick it up .
Remember managers have no concept on the problems involved with doing anything.
Things happen because they say they will happen. I call it the God complex and it is running rampant down here.
When eventually they notice that freight has gone from $ $100,000 / pa including the wages of the 2 staff to $ 300,000 /pa they pick up the phone to the biggest freight company in the country and negotiate a massive discount , then pay themselves a big bonus on the grounds of the new contract discounts .
The idea that they could be using 10 companies , each one specializing in their own niche is beyond their lack of imagination and besides that their professor taught them that it costs money to service an account so effiiency comes from having as few service suppliers as possible and prepaying for anything is a sin just short of murder.

One company we went into was spending over $ 500,000/pa because each department did their own despatching .
We made the mistake of knocking that down to $ 150,000 in our first year.
Downside was Mr MBA wanted to see the same reductions every year so after a couple of years when we could not meet his effiency targets they went back to the old system and in no time at all were back to spending way too much & last I hear the transport budget had blown out to over 1.5 mil ( accounts manager went to same gym as my missus ) .

Another place I worked closed down their mail room then got cranky when the managers & more important the accounts recievable department were not getting their mail for 1 to 2 days after it was delivered .
So we got them to change their address to a locked bag at the local PO so it was ready for pick up at 5 am
We picked it up at 6 delivered it at 7 ( could be anything up to 5 bags + parcels ) , the receptionist came in 1.5 hours earlier so the mail was sorted and each department could grab theirs as they arrived . Receptionist was over the moon because she not only got 7.5 hours extra pay a week but the early start meant she got a parking spot and of course was not spending all day trying to do 3 things at once while having every person calling her to see when they could get their mail .

Eventually the big companies realized there was a lot of money to be made by doing the same thing & crowded out the market with all sorts of BS discounts that MBA's fall for every time.

Prime example was one of our customers who did a lot of work for a fast food company & a cigarette company .
Both of these used one of these BS freight managers who do things like offer massive discounts, if they do all the work, including the pick ups from clients, so strait away that doubles the work because previously the sender would pay .
Because the transport company had a captive customer they gave them trash service but for our customer to use us to deliver to these two companies I had to supply him with an inflated price list so I could discount our prices to 10% lower than what was currently being paid , which by the way was just short of double our normal rate .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
There is no accounting for lack of common sense in some companies.

Here since I am the chief cook and bottle washer I have control over whose service I use. Moving just six miles changed the way I got things delivered.

Overall USPS is a complete failure. Packages and mail is sent all over the place before it arrives, if it even arrives. Tracking on packages show them just in centers for days or being sent back to the point of origin several times.

UPS is half of the quality service I use to get but still way better than USPS. UPS is improving after five years but I still have around 5-10 different drivers. Still one day later on deliveries than before which is because I am on the edge of the local center service area. Fedex does fairly well when used. The rest of the carriers just don't service my area.

When my vendors started charging a convenience fee for using credit cards, I had to raise my prices to make up for the additional charges. That was until I got them switch me over to bank drafts which no fee was charge for. Now one get their payments within a couple days electronically while one other get theirs by paper check in two plus weeks. This ties up my line credit with them so I had reduce purchases as to stay within the credit limits. So order parts from other vendors that don't tack on an additional fee other the price quoted. Of course the fee is included in the quoted price but there is no surprise charges.

One vendor offers free shipping at $200 but eats you alive below that. That why I having to charge Canadian retail prices on their products just to cover the shipping to my US customers. I working on replacing them so I can reduce my prices back to normal. Purchases from them went from over $3000+ per year to only $430 last year. Now they are threatening to cut me off because of their failures. Now of course when I do place an order I make it like 200.02 just to get their goat even if I have to order a throw away item. No point of paying around $45 on a $192 order when I can order a junk item, throw in the trash, and still save a lot overall.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Common sense vanishes the seconds ego appear fishing for bonuses .
I am cranky because USPS no longer posts to Australia because as previously mentioned every country on the plane has to make bi-lateral agreements & obviously the head of Aust Post is just as pig headed & arrogant as the head of USPS.
Same with stuff I buy from China , Vietnam, & Hong Kong.
all the vendors want me to use one of the fancy dancy private companies but China post gets things to me in 10 to 15 days usually for 20% of the price.
The USPS used to be 14 days for orders from Jacks. UPS & Fedex both get the goods to their Australian depots in 5 to 10 days, and there they sit for anything up to another month while they try to sting me for anything up to $ 200 customs clearance & quarrintine fees .
And of course they use the "best track & trace technology in the world " so of course they pay on a piece rate so badly only the desperate take up the delivery contracts so my order could get delivered any where or not at all because I am in a suburb that straddles the border between city & regional zones so the "best technology" will not let the driver scan in the packages if the driver is out of his delivery zone .
The post office driver over rides the system and makes the delivery because he can speak, read & write english so leaned how to use the magic box and is -paid by the hour notby the delivery .
The Fedex, DHL, UPS , OCS drives just get confused then I get an email telling me I have to drive to their depots & pick it up because I have an undeliverable address .
Now I ring the credit card company & get the order payment reversed because of non-delivery , then Jacks ring me and usually the next day the "undeliverable" parcels arrive .
Australians are pretty laid back as far as deliveries are concerned
The Stens orders take 3 days to turn up , RGS I pick up , it is 1/2 hour away & I do the supermarket shopping on the way back then call into the butchers, poultry farm ( eggs & meat ) and a couple of farm stalls as well so it is a deductable trip.


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
I like the USPS. Most friendly people driving those little trucks. Gladly handing your mail to you when you are at your mailbox. Offering some well earned chit-chat. Always brightens my day..... :love:?

Just wait till they figure out how to tax emails, LOL. Then text messages will be next.

You know like they did on internet purchases out of state? Now this one fired me up. My package doesn't even go by or even pull in to any building in MY state, at all. No person in my state, other than my USPS folks touch my package. But yet my state gets sales tax on that internet purchase. My state did nothing to earn it.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert Basically you and I have learn which carriers provides to us the best service for whatever we ordering. Now each carrier would like us to do everything through them but in real life it is just not possible.

Slomo, the sales tax on end users I do see being needed as most business transactions that are business to business are tax exempt provided you have a business license for resale. This exemption just makes sure the end user is not double taxed. End users are just trying to abuse the system by not paying their fair share of the taxes. Here when I get taxed on an order I just pass it along as part of the retail price and add the additional sales tax to bill so the customer is actually the tax twice. Even my business pays sales tax on items we use in house like office supplies.

I actually do pay taxes on my email through the internet monthly bill. But don't think that USPS hasn't tried to get emails charged like regular mail here in the US even they are not even providing the service.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Technically if a business bought a product at retail price and paid the sales tax and they resell the item the only sales tax that needs to be collected is on any markup over the price oaid. Total PITA but i have done that on expensive parts i have to source retail for a customer's machune. I pass the cost along to the customer but i only charge sales tax on my markup.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Yes it is pain to do it that way. Extra record keeping to justify the written on the sales tax reports since it is a small amount usually. I simply don't keep a separate file just for sales tax paid on purchases. I have been lucky that 99.9% percent of my purchases are exempt.

But it is one reason I no longer buy thru Walmart website as they refused to honor my state's exemption certificate. I just get the local stores to honor it. A bigger pain as I has get them to order the items and for me to pickup them up.

michigan_Rapter sd

Active Member
Apr 23, 2016
from the beginning Dejoy's mission and purpose for being in the job is to destroy the usps as it was - he comes from private logistics background and has successfully driven customers to those other companies. by slowing the usps, the customers (all of us) get disgruntled and look for some kind of change and I am sure, in my mind, that his ultimate goal is to try to privatized the UPSP which will be as disastrous as private prisons that have neither saved money nor been as safe and efficient as a well run govt (not for profit) is. rant over


Aug 7, 2017
I get tired of excuses for the Postal Service. Bottom line is that when you do not have to earn a profit to stay in business, you're going to suck.