Unable to start mower


Mar 31, 2017
Last time it ran you Sheared the Flywheel Key. Timing is now off, so it backfires. You're Welcome.


Active Member
Mar 12, 2018
Bert, Scrub, Star and Rivets and if I missed someone, I am sorry

Please don’t let a jerk like this get to you. I have written in a couple of times and fixed a couple of issues by your answer, and I thank you for that. I read this forum every chance I get and think it is great.

You only can answer by what information that is given to you.

Thank you for all you information

By the way I am 82 years of age and not the mechanic I used to be so I need your help. Keep up the good work


Forum Newbie
Apr 6, 2015
If it backfired more than likely you have spark.Did you clean the main jet when you had the carb apart. It could be clogged so no or little fuel is getting by. Hence the backfire.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
John, just to let you know, the skin of most of the good techs on this site is tougher than a buffalo. We are used to being told where to put our brains by many DIYguys whose idea of troubleshooting is to find a video which looks like their problem. From there they try to act like they know what they are talking about and berate those who call them out. Normally we can pick them out very quickly, but once in awhile, if we are still on our first cup of caffeine, it takes a little longer. On behalf of the good techs on this site,THANK YOU for your kind words. Jack, just to let you know, the OP says the problem was resolved, bad valve clearance.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, Scrub, Star and Rivets and if I missed someone, I am sorry

Please don’t let a jerk like this get to you. I have written in a couple of times and fixed a couple of issues by your answer, and I thank you for that. I read this forum every chance I get and think it is great.

You only can answer by what information that is given to you.

Thank you for all you information

By the way I am 82 years of age and not the mechanic I used to be so I need your help. Keep up the good work
Actually the OP did eventually come back with an apology of sorts
It is just a matter of making people understand.
A problem that gets far worse the younger a poster gets
More & more people are living in an echo chamber of their own thoughts & philosophy .
Web algorithms are to a large part to blame because they work out what you think then filter out anything that contravines your ideas.
Now this is good for internet companies because you will look at stuff you agree with all day long so they gets lots of $$$$$$$ from capturing your eyeballs .
Down side is you never see nor understand the other points of view so they all become "Fake News".
This divides the country and makes society progressively weaker to the point that I will happily pick up a fire arm & shoot any one who does not agree with me.
It is a pre-requsite for initating a war, dissaccoiate & divide the population so the only person they believe is you.
This tactic is used extensively by religions and has been picked up by political parties to the detriment of every representative democracy on the planet .
Even worse are the BS merchants who deliberately post lies in order to profit from clickthroughs.
There was a news story last night from DW ( Germany ) picking through the posts about the current Russian war .
Now the scary bit is around 40 % of what main stream media published was FAKE .
The story was possibly correct but the footage shown with it was not from the current war and had been pulled off the web all over the place , some were from Afghanistan, some from Syria as far back as the collapse of Yugoslavia , some were even formation flights from air shows .
The posts on residential platforms like Tic-Tok , Face Book & instragram were up to 90% recycled old footage .

And of course everything is easy and does not require any thought or understanding.
You just find what looks to be identical on FB or YT then you are an experts.
This applies to every occupation,,,,,,, except your own where your unique experience & knowledge are necessary so no one other than you can do it .

I make it a point to explain what I am doing & why I do it if a customer is the least bit interested .
Firstly it empowers them because they know why their mower is not working the way it should.
Secondly because they understand they are more comfortable using older gear .
Down side is some decide to do their own repairs based & what I have taught them.
Upside is they keep on using the old stuff that I can get parts for & most buy all their parts from me .