This site requires images and files to be under a certain size. Try posting an image under 1000 x 1000 pixels. Most modern smart phones just stores image in way too large of a format. Here I use an image hosting site and reduce to acceptable size. The forum I manage the image restriction is 600 x 600 and no files are allowed upload mainly to keep costs down.
A lot of the times here I simply bring the image up on my computer, use the snipping program, and post a copy of the snipped image.
As for the tracks are these wheel or gauge wheel tracks? Or are they narrower like the blade tip not cutting? Two different problems.
The first ones can be caused by the type grass being and its length. Here I have crabgrass [I hate it btw] and the direction of cut causes problems with left side of the deck and wheels pressing it down. The last one can be cause by dull blades, worn out blades, or blades shorter than needed to cut an overlap.