Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
Like most of the crap I come up with, it's just that - crap! I have a 52 year old son who was in a sever auto accident in 1988, which gave him TBI. He was unconscious for 16 days and when he finally came to he couldn't even speak for several weeks after that. It has been a long slow process, but I'd say now he functions about as well as a 12 year old (he can and does ride a bike, miles and miles and miles - he has worn out dozens of them over the years). So my usual bravado is just so much B.S.
I am well aware of the need for helmets and other safety equipment. Never take anything I say very seriously..
Roger B
Most people reject the notion of a helmet, saying "I don't ride that fast."
Truth of the matter is, yoiu can accelerate to a trauma-causing speed just by falling over and hitting something unyielding.
I was awaiting my first helmet in 1982 when I got hit from behind by a car.
I bounced off his windshield with my head, requiring 6 stitches and breaking his windshield.(I ride such a tall bike that the car went under my saddle...)
I was most fortunate not to have received a more severe head injury...
My back, on the other hand, has never been the same.............