Guess I better clarify my earlier quip.. what I meant was ... in my drinkin days, (I quit on July 7, 1998) , my wife, ( 1st wife ) would get pissed when I came home hammered and horny, always climbing on her in a stupor, trying to to have some "fun" , of course, she detested the fact I smelled like a gin-mill, and although I was thinking I was KING-STUD, my performance would all be an imagination of mine gone wild. She'd go sleep in the guest bedroom, NO.. no "back-door antics involved, just that we both slept on our stomachs, so I in my drunken state would attempt to roll her over (not a good idea when your hammered and she's asleep) Yeah I admit, booze made me an a-hole , My present wifey, Linda knows all about my past, and loves the fact that I am the only family member that does NOT drink, she might have a small glass of wine at a family get together but she also does not care to imbibe. ..
