The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Obviously you've never been divorced!


DIVORCE .......... The screwing YOU get .......... for the scr***** you GOT !!! ..:smiley_aafz: ..:mur:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: Welding


What type of welder do you have? I bought an 'El Cheapo', flux core, wire welder from Northern Tool, (last time I checked, it looked like they don't sell their own brand anymore!) it came as a complete welding kit, with helmet, leather apron and gloves and some simple tools. I built a welding cart for it (out of some of the perforated right-angle steel) and wheels off a baby carriage that I snatched when I was at the dump... Oh, sorry the "transfer Station". The guys at our 'transfer station' are great and will even get into one of the huge concrete bins and get something out for you if you ask! Anyway, I've had the thing for a couple of years and although I don't weld a lot, I have gotten better and better at it. My last discovery was finding the wire drive mechanism wasn't tight enough. Tightening that improved the wire feed to the 'puddle' and improved my welds by about 50%. I haven't done any stick welding since I was in diving school back in 1963 and as that was done underwater, I never really learned much, except never to get between the 'stinger' and the ground clamp! I kept diving but quit welding!!

Fairly heavy items can be welded with one of those little wire welders.. I needed a longer tool rest for my wood lathe, so I made one out of two pieces of 5/8" rod that I salvaged from the H/D rear shocks of a 3/4-ton truck. Grinding the top of the short, upright support rod so the 11" long 'arm-rod' lay in a perfectly fitted groove and then beveling the edge of that groove, I was able to (as you said - "tack it") and then I made pass after pass until I had built up a good strong bead all the way around. I have had a lathe tool catch while supporting it at the outer ends of the rest and the weld has held, so I'm very happy with it. Being able to weld, even poorly, is a great ability to have, especially if you like to 'make' things! You can always get better at it.. As they say, "Practice makes perfect."


IF you are not a welder try gas welding.
It is a slow process so allows you to learn things like puddle control before you go full speed electric.
I bought a Dillion ( now called DHC - Dillion Henrob- Cobra ) 40 years ago and nearly every time some one has come over to get some welding done they have ended up buying one because it makes welding so easy.
Should have become an agent, would have made a fortune :mur:
The Tinman ( Google TMtechnology ) sells a unit copied from, or inspired by the Dillion which is looks good too.
One set up welds everything except titanium and being low pressure gas, cheap to run and capable of welding steel or alloy as thin as a beer can ( in better hands than mine ).
When I first saw the unit, old man Dillion came into the yard, grabbed 2 aluminium cans, cut them in 1/2 then welded them back together using a ring pull as filler rod. I was hooked.

Having become familiar with torch welding , I bought a TIG latter and find TIG a breeze to do but most of the time I use the torch.
We have a lot of alloy based Honda push mowers down here with holes because we also have a lot of gravel.
Owners are gob smacked when I pressure wash the crack / hole, fire up the torch and weld the deck with broken bits of old decks
The only thing I have not been able to do is weld up the Kohler Kracks in Courage singles, but I am getting better at it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I think we both have the same set up, small 120 volt wire feed. I think I paid about $100.00 for it. Having never welded before I figure why spend the money on a better set up if I don't use it a lot.
My very first ever weld. Not really good but you can't break it by bending. I am pretty good with an angle grinder to clean stuff up :)

Toms first weld.jpg

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Not bad looking for your first weld! Yep, what you have sounds just like mine. I now realize the benefits of using gas to shield your 'puddle', but I wanted something inexpensive (to purchase) and that I could weld outside with when it was windy. Gas won't work under those conditions. Have you ever watched any of the multitude of hot-rod builder TV shows? I would like to spend a few months working with some of those guys! They can WELD!!

You don't happen to have a "Berts-Man-Down-Under" dictionary do you? I was doing real well with his last post until I got to this: "Kohler Kracks in Courage singles" I was totally lost at that point....

Then there was the "Dillion" thingy.. I have a Dillion: Mine is an older RL-450 model, but you can't weld with it.. I've got to go look up whatever it is he's talking about...



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I have a knack for figuring out accents as I have friends from all over the world. I think what Bert was referring to "Kohler Kracks in Courage singles" is that Kohler engines have a bad history of developing cracks. Also as he stated in one of his posts that he does this for fun and doesn't always use spell check so sometime his words look a bit funny. Besides he speaks and writes the Queens English or the OZ version of it.


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Yes, I too can usually figure out what someone means so long as I'm fairly fluent in their language, but Aussie's do tend to bend the Queen's rules just a mite...

Geez, I sold a lot of Kohler Gen-Sets over my working lifetime and never heard of any of their engines developing a crack. Maybe running them on LP (much less B*A*N*G per gallon than gasoline) is easier on them. Then again maybe the owners contacted Kohler directly, but I doubt I'd have been that lucky... I used to sell Onan and Kohler, but Onan quit making their own smaller engines and as I didn't trust their new choice of engines, I quit selling them.

How'd you like Boo-la-Boo-la's divorce comment? You can always depend on him for cutting right to the chase! . . . LOL


PS. Lots of stuff we've ordered on line lately arrived yesterday, but not my MTD parts!! I ordered from eReplacementParts on 11/16! In their defense they said they shipped the same day, but I didn't realize they were going to use Juan Valdez and his three-legged-donkey for the delivery!

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: Welding

IF you are not a welder try gas welding.

BERTMAN!!! Holy smokes! What a great welder!! I went on-line and found videos of the DHC-2000:

That rig is amazing! Why doesn't everybody use one of those?

Thanks again! I learn something every time you comment on here! Your expertise is much appreciated....



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Glad you liked it.
The only thing they flog that I am not keen on is the cobolt blue lens for alloy. I found it too dark so I bought one of Kent's ( the Tin Man ) you beaut lenses and have never looked back
Now if you want to weld like a pro in a weekend, book in for one of Kent's workshop weekends.
I put a friend onto Kent a long while ago expecting him to buy some of the how to videos but he decided to book a holiday for the family and went to long workshop.
Back in OZ he started making Stainless Steel petrol tanks for motorcycles, tossed in his job and is now hand making body panels for the V8 supercar racers ( local production series ).

Back to the welding gear, it took nearly 10 years before I hooked up the cutting torch and I rarely used it , Took quite a while to get used to watching the cut & not the flame, now I have 2 torches, one set up for cutting, the other for welding.
I use old rusty fence wire as filler rod for most welds and on mower decks all I do is a quick wire brush to knock off the the caked on dirt & grass which stinks when it starts to bake.
For alloy most times ( when i am not showing off ) I use TIG rods but I have welded using broken pieces of old mower bases.
A local brand Victa did a 24" commercial push mower which has a cast base using what I think is a high zinc Aluminium alloy which I could never weld with a commercial filler rod but lumps of old deck works well.

Note , the demo bloke wore no gloves & neither do I, there is no slpatter , no acid flux to clean off , just some FeO ( mill scale ) which if oiled dosen't rust for ages.

Kohler Kracks is a design flaw with come of the Kohler castings on Courage singles where the top cover bolts vibrate looses then a crack forms in the crankcase from the exhaust cam all the way down the side of the barrel.
I can lay a bead on a Kohler case but have never been able to complete a weld on the crack good enough that I could charge a customer for.

you can get it TIGed but you have to strip it down to the short block, have it ultrasonically cleaned, welded then reassembled which comes out more expensive than replacing the engine.

If you follow the link to Kent's site, troll around it, lots of helpful videos on it and lots of gear that would go well in your shed. but it will cost you a lot of dinners out wearing new dresses & shoes.
His torch actually works better than the Dillion for welding but does not cut.

Dillion invented the torch, but down here CIG was the major retailer of Oxy welding gear & they also also were the only gas supplier thus a torch that uses next to no gas was never going to fly so he went broke.
Henrob was a marketing company that bought the torch off Dillion and it was sold as a Henrob for years.
Cobra actually make it so they all finally got together to form DHC

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Still Welding....


I wandered around Kent's website and you were correct, there are endless things there a neophyte can learn! My problem is . . . well, . . to put it in a nutshell - age... I'm too damn old to invest in welding lessons in Nevada for the simple reason that I wouldn't be able to work long enough to get the value out of it. Plus being on a "fixed income" (the mantra of the retired) limits what I can conscientiously spend on anything that isn't related to eating and keeping in - out of the rain/snow/etc...

During my working (earning) lifetime, as an electrician I never really got into mechanics and machinery as deeply as I would have liked to, I guess I'm trying to make up for that, but on a shoe-string budget. I also dabble in forging and built a home made forge out of the rear brake drum from a large truck. My air source is a hair dryer, but it has to sit several feet away from the air-inlet piping or else it will blow the fire into the sky! I've made several large chisels out of lawn-mower blades in the forge. Started out using real charcoal - - BIG mistake! Especially when you turn on that hair-dryer! Sparks clear to the moon!

I'm just trying to learn how to do the things I've admired, that other men (and women) - I don't want to be a sexist pig - do on a daily basis.

Again, I appreciate your input.


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016

Geez, I'm a little disappointed that none of you guys have so much as commented on my Avatar! (I finally figured out how to include one...) Nobody has asked - "What the h#ll is it"? - or anything... I mean I asked Boobala where he got a lawn tractor with a V-8 sitting in it... (And no cheating Ted, I already told you what the avatar is!)

I realize the pictures are very small and the real puzzle of this one isn't really apparent in that miniature size, so I'll attach it here and then you can (as I have) wonder if it's real or photo-shopped.



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