The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

The second most pathetic thing in the world is a solitary lovebug................(no, Boobot, the MOST pathetic thing in the world is NOT me....)



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Seriously Goomba, ....... YOU need to lay-off takin Viagra, Cialis, and all those Voo-Doo sexual enhancements that Boudreaux sent ya ... YOU ... are gettin out of control, ya gotta "Get a Hold of YOURSELF" ol buddy ... Have you had a need for eye-glasses lately ..?? Do you wake up under a "tent" in the mornings ..?? I noticed you've been "BANNED" from the Beer & Brothel on a temporary basis, since ya no longer "drink" we know it's the Brothel's action.. BEHAVE yourself .. do you want to bring shame upon your brothers in arms ..??

Jul 22, 2017
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Seriously Goomba, ....... YOU need to lay-off takin Viagra, Cialis, and all those Voo-Doo sexual enhancements that Boudreaux sent ya ... YOU ... are gettin out of control, ya gotta "Get a Hold of YOURSELF" ol buddy ... Have you had a need for eye-glasses lately ..?? Do you wake up under a "tent" in the mornings ..?? I noticed you've been "BANNED" from the Beer & Brothel on a temporary basis, since ya no longer "drink" we know it's the Brothel's action.. BEHAVE yourself .. do you want to bring shame upon your brothers in arms ..??

View attachment 40338

Roger never mentioned my name in his posts.... He did mention Boo Boo though which I think is you, I go by Beaux or just Boudreaux....

Roger I think Chuck started the GOOD pics of Transaxles AKA Rear Ends on here, then Boo Boo followed in suit, then Ronno got caught up in the scene..... Then I think you might have slipped in one or two LOL.......

Plus Tard Mes Amies ~!~!


Lawn Addict
Apr 9, 2018
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Thanks for the input Tom, Tom, Tom ( that's Tom 3times = Tom 3 ) do I need to get (pay) for another service to get my local channels or are they available with just the Top of the Line Roku box, I guess it's time to quit lookin at 2 legged lumpy critters and do some research on the net bout this stuff. I don't want to end my cable TV and NOT get my local channels and God forbid, lose my NASCAR racing.... :thumbdown:

Best bet with local channels is an antenna. I live in a deep fringe area, big digital antenna, rotator, amplifier, still have problems with drop outs. If you are closer, maybe 40 miles or so an antenna in the attic would do the job. And the over the air (ATA) reception is the best there is, no compression and decoding, sports are pretty amazing. The Roku seems to be a miniature computer of sorts, does work pretty good though.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Best bet with local channels is an antenna. I live in a deep fringe area, big digital antenna, rotator, amplifier, still have problems with drop outs. If you are closer, maybe 40 miles or so an antenna in the attic would do the job. And the over the air (ATA) reception is the best there is, no compression and decoding, sports are pretty amazing. The Roku seems to be a miniature computer of sorts, does work pretty good though.

I live so far from civilization, I run outa gas gettin there .... :laughing:

Not really but we are VERY rural, in the Ocala National Forest, about 26 miles from Ocala itself. OTA willl not work for schitt out here without a "tower" antenna, and even then you're limited, cable is the only way to get TV, unless you go for a "dish" with a 2 year contract ..... B/S on that !


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Roger never mentioned my name in his posts.... He did mention Boo Boo though which I think is you, I go by Beaux or just Boudreaux....

Roger I think Chuck started the GOOD pics of Transaxles AKA Rear Ends on here, then Boo Boo followed in suit, then Ronno got caught up in the scene..... Then I think you might have slipped in one or two LOL.......

Plus Tard Mes Amies ~!~!

Seriously Boudreaux ....... YOU need to lay-off takin Viagra, Cialis, and all those Deep-Woods sexual enhancements that Goomba sent ya ... YOU ... are gettin out of control, ya gotta "Get a Hold of YOURSELF" ol buddy ... Have you had a need for eye-glasses lately ..?? Do you wake up under a "tent" in the mornings ..?? I noticed you've been "BANNED" from the Beer & Brothel on a temporary basis, since ya "drink" like a fish,we know it's the Bar-rooms action, but them, being prompted from the Brothel because of your insidious behaviors in there ! ... BEHAVE yourself .. do you want to bring shame upon your brothers in arms ..?? ..:laughing:..:laughing:..:cool:
Jul 22, 2017
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Seriously Boudreaux ....... YOU need to lay-off takin Viagra, Cialis, and all those Deep-Woods sexual enhancements that Goomba sent ya ... YOU ... are gettin out of control, ya gotta "Get a Hold of YOURSELF" ol buddy ... Have you had a need for eye-glasses lately ..?? Do you wake up under a "tent" in the mornings ..?? I noticed you've been "BANNED" from the Beer & Brothel on a temporary basis, since ya "drink" like a fish,we know it's the Bar-rooms action, but them, being prompted from the Brothel because of your insidious behaviors in there ! ... BEHAVE yourself .. do you want to bring shame upon your brothers in arms ..?? ..:laughing:..:laughing:..:cool:

OoooHHHH You mean like dis Mon Ami ....... If this don't get MY Brothers in Arms to get their feet tapping and other Voo Doo stuff getting on the dance floor nothing will.

This is a very great friend of Missy and I Leroy is doing one of his hit songs...... Ya'll enjoy Mes Amies .... One more to come LOL......
Jul 22, 2017
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Ok here is the other video...... Yes Leroy is a farmer...... Mostly cattle and hay and he ordered that Cajun accordion custom colored in the John Deere colors... He uses only JD tractors on his land.........

This video was made in Breaux Bridge La. at a small cafe that has Cajun and Zydeco bands in the weekend mornings..... Hence the name, Home of the Zydeco Breakfast..... Zydeco in french means Green beans BTW......

People come from all over the USA to eat great Cajun food and try to get a chance to get on TV, since they are live on TV........ Enjoy these 2 songs .......


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Mornin Chuck .. 9ba781d635bbbc759bacd3e5f0f468f1 (Medium).jpg

Goooooood Mornin Gang .. original-19411-1394737678-18 (Medium).jpg

Thought 4 2day .. 29597392_2156842071009552_6408646743939897071_n.jpg