The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Other Forums on Lawn World


You know something? I've got 'things' posted on four different forums here on "Lawn World" and they just languish there, all but free of additional comment.. if it weren't for the small gang of guys (we could use some gals on here!) that have coalesced around this thread on the MTD forum, I'd quit and take up something interesting like knitting, or twiddling my thumbs like my Grandmother used to do.

Here this thread is, pushing 40K views and there's what? Half a dozen guys that make any comment at all? What does that say about the social structure of today's world? I thought everybody communicated via electronics today and it would be second nature to chime in and make some pithy comments on at least some of the varied topics we've covered... But N-O-O-O-O..... Nary a word do 99% of them add..

We've talked about lawn tractors, REAL tractors, boats, the weather, engines of all sorts, guns, hunting, fishing, girl friends, (nobody has mentioned any boy friends yet, right?) - hell we've even discussed GREASE in highly technical terms.. Now you might think that guys, girls, whatever, that had an interest in joining a forum that discusses things of a mechanical nature, might, just MIGHT - find one of those topics interesting enough to make some comment about... But N-O-O-O-O, nary a word from 90% of our readers.... I find that puzzling.... Aggravating even! Don't they realize that EVERYONE has value? We want to hear what they have to say. We want to see their tractor, their lawn mower, their boat, even their girlfriend! - - - (Or boyfriend!) - - - We're not judgmental here.. Well, maybe YOU are a little, but that's all good....

If you (one of the readers, not Boo-Boo) can find the time to open this thread up and read the latest posts, would you please take an additional moment and just say Hi! . . . Be friendly... Be BOLD!! Become one of the 'gang'! Become a genuine lawnmower nut like the rest of us and share your likes and dislikes, we truly are interested.. This place is like therapy, only you don't have to lay down (well, you can if you want to!) and it doesn't cost you anything.. This place is well worth the cost of admission!


Roger B

Let's see, is it Knit one, Pearl two, or . . . ahhh geez, I don't remember.......


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Goomba ( Roger )
After reading your latest post I sat and pondered over your questions . I am thinking that if a person is a NEWBIE to
the site , and reads a few of our "gangs" posts ... they MUST think this site is in the wrong place on the net , or
they become frightened and wet their pants or laugh so hard they gain a double hernia or can't stop reading until they
schitt in their shorts .

Then again .... thinking of all the current members ... I think possibly they see us, as un-educated off-spring of a
long-lost tribe of hooligans from another era , or ..we are really NOT interested in any thing concerning lawn equipment,
or.. they are thinking we sit around and conjure up things to post, that will cause mayhem and disruption to the site
could be ...we REALLY ,REALLY peeved them off that they have left the site never to return ..or maybe they just turn their heads and think "oh those poor misguided people" or some might be thinking , "too bad murder is illegal" HMMmmmm .
AND I know there are others thinking ..WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON HERE ??? I better not post anything in
THIS thread or I'll be an outcast and permanently banned from the site...and then of course , there are others
that cannot even comprehend our babble and non-sensical drivel ... as worth reading !

Then I think ( ??? ) ..WE ..are not the dysfunctional morons some think us to be !
we bring to the forum our problems and issues not only those of our lawn equipment but even our daily lives and
we do it with a lot of off the wall humor and remarks that reflect ( I think ) that even though WE have the same
issues that other visitors / members have we treat them as a non-critical situation and try to make light of it.
As I wake each day I look forward to visiting this site because it lets me remember there are other PEOPLE out
beyond my small area on this planet , so far .. the "gang" of us tied to this particular thread ..have covered a great
deal of subject matter but I think we visit mostly to try to help others with their issues while letting them know
there's more to life than a lawn machine of any type ! Personally I feel blessed to have a GREAT group of guys I can kibitz around with and LAUGH ..EVERYDAY !!! I love em all ..yeah YOU too Bert ( LOL ) Sometimes I look at the "views"
count and I wonder that right ?? are there REALLY that many people taking a look at this thread?? are any
of them following it ..?? It really doesn't matter to me ... (though I admit me almost 40,000 views in a 7 month
period is impressive )
I come here because other people are asking for help... they ran into a situation which disrupts their daily life and they are asking US.. to help them ..! How can you stand by and not offer it ...IF you have the knowledge or know of a source of where to get it ??
Anyway ... the weather report for today is ... Bright , Cheerful & Delerious !! ...:cool: ..:cool2: ..:banana:

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Tree Mowing

There's a prime example right there!! Where else can you learn about tree mowing except right here?? We got lawn mowers AND tree mowers!

How about pond weed mowing??

Then there is seaweed mowing as done here in Maine..: and (There are actually mowing machines attached to larger boats that I have seen right here from the house, but currently there is controversy regarding just who has the rights to the tidal regions and whether or not anyone can just up and take seaweed, so I haven't seen that rig for about two years.)

They still use horses up to PEI:

BUT THEN there is seaweed harvesting as done in Japan: Far more interesting! The waters of Maine are too cold for these methods to be employed, dang it!!

But if it's warm waters you like, here's sea moss raising in Grenada: Ya Mon we usin' up de plasteek bottles and makin a couple bucks too..

Yes sir, where but right here can you learn all these marvelous things??


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Seaweed Pudding

It occurred to me that some of you dedicated readers might not know what anyone would do with seaweed.

My grandmother used to make Irish Moss pudding. Irish Moss is a type of seaweed found along the Maine Coast and Grammy used it to thicken her pudding. Unless you happen to be Japanese or have a liking for sushi (little bits of raw fish surrounded by rice, wrapped in the seaweed called "Nori") then you more than likely won't be ordering up a bowl of fresh cooked ascophyllum. Most of it tastes rather nasty, at least to my palate. But used as a thickener in pudding the flavor of the seaweed is all but lost.

Make seaweed pudding!
Irish moss is a good source of carageenan, a thickening agent used in ice cream, salad dressing, toothpaste, and paints. It's also great for puddings. Try out this recipe for Irish moss pudding:
1/2 cup of dried Irish moss (or one cup fresh, washed Irish moss)
Three cups of milk
1/3 cup of sugar
1/8 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. of vanilla

If using dried Irish moss, soak it in water for fifteen minutes. Add the moss to three cups of milk in the top of a double boiler and cook over boiling water for twenty-five minutes. Strain the milk to remove the seaweed. Add sugar, salt and vanilla. Stir the mixture and pour it into individual molds. Chill and serve plain or with berries on top.
Note: To make chocolate seaweed pudding, melt a square and a half of unsweetened chocolate, add a half cup of sugar and a third of a cup of boiling water, and stir until smooth. Add this to the above recipe after straining (excluding the one-third cup of sugar).

Now there's a topic you aren't going to find on your average run of the mill forum!! Only right here on LAWN WORLD!! (You can eat grass clippings too! Anybody got a recipe for that?)


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Goomba ( Roger )
After reading your latest post I sat and pondered over your questions . I am thinking that if a person is a NEWBIE to
the site , and reads a few of our "gangs" posts ... they MUST think this site is in the wrong place on the net , or
they become frightened and wet their pants or laugh so hard they gain a double hernia or can't stop reading until they
schitt in their shorts .

Then again .... thinking of all the current members ... I think possibly they see us, as un-educated off-spring of a
long-lost tribe of hooligans from another era , or ..we are really NOT interested in any thing concerning lawn equipment,
or.. they are thinking we sit around and conjure up things to post, that will cause mayhem and disruption to the site
could be ...we REALLY ,REALLY peeved them off that they have left the site never to return ..or maybe they just turn their heads and think "oh those poor misguided people" or some might be thinking , "too bad murder is illegal" HMMmmmm .
AND I know there are others thinking ..WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON HERE ??? I better not post anything in
THIS thread or I'll be an outcast and permanently banned from the site...and then of course , there are others
that cannot even comprehend our babble and non-sensical drivel ... as worth reading !

Then I think ( ??? ) ..WE ..are not the dysfunctional morons some think us to be !
we bring to the forum our problems and issues not only those of our lawn equipment but even our daily lives and
we do it with a lot of off the wall humor and remarks that reflect ( I think ) that even though WE have the same
issues that other visitors / members have we treat them as a non-critical situation and try to make light of it.
As I wake each day I look forward to visiting this site because it lets me remember there are other PEOPLE out
beyond my small area on this planet , so far .. the "gang" of us tied to this particular thread ..have covered a great
deal of subject matter but I think we visit mostly to try to help others with their issues while letting them know
there's more to life than a lawn machine of any type ! Personally I feel blessed to have a GREAT group of guys I can kibitz around with and LAUGH ..EVERYDAY !!! I love em all ..yeah YOU too Bert ( LOL ) Sometimes I look at the "views"
count and I wonder that right ?? are there REALLY that many people taking a look at this thread?? are any
of them following it ..?? It really doesn't matter to me ... (though I admit me almost 40,000 views in a 7 month
period is impressive )
I come here because other people are asking for help... they ran into a situation which disrupts their daily life and they are asking US.. to help them ..! How can you stand by and not offer it ...IF you have the knowledge or know of a source of where to get it ??
Anyway ... the weather report for today is ... Bright , Cheerful & Delerious !! ...:cool: ..:cool2: ..:banana:


You have succinctly hit the nail on the head! Your ability to cut through the fog of life and the red tape of everyday living is unparalleled! I feel honored just to know you and be able to call you my "friend".. (Of course you are crazy as a schitt-house rat! But, who cares??)


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Chuck.. thats the video I was lookin to post but couldn't remember the Brontasaurus name ...GLAD you posted
that BAD-BOY .. that thing is AWESOME .... AND a real money maker !! ..:thumbsup:


That thing is a Tree EATER!! How many bushels of sawdust in one tree?? Let me see, first we start up the Brontasaurus, . . then we . . . .


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Progress on the John Deere GS-25

I was going to test compression on the 12.5 HP Kawasaki before trying to actually start it, now that it has spark, but I couldn't wait. I stuck the old original NGK spark plug back in it, squirted some gas into the carb (the gas tank is not currently connected to the fuel pump) and pulled the recoil starter. The Kawa fired on the third try! Whoopie! I didn't try it again because the engine oil is old, so I drained that out and removed the old oil filter and then came in the house to research all the replacement parts I'll need now that I know the engine will run.

New NGK Spark Plug - BPR5ES. Almost 2 qts of SAE 10W-30 SF, SE, or SD oil. I found dozens of compatible oil filters to the JD AM107423 original. A new JD or Kawasaki air filter with foam pre-filter and some sort of fuel filter to replace the JD fuel filter kit AM116178.

Once all that is taken care off I'll really try to get it running... I was thinking of washing out the crankcase before refilling it with new oil.. Any suggestions?? How about K-1 or some other very light oil?
