The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Actually we could use it , winter dry months are times of HIGH chances of fires, NOT good here in the forest. ,,:frown:

G'day Boo
And how is yesterday panning out for ya ?
Hope that forest is not an imported ecluptus transplanted from down here.

In another case of ignorant white man arrogance we exported fast growing gums all over the world but not the way the black fellers looked after them.
Even after 229 years we are still trying to prove we are smarter than the people who had been maintaining the "greatest gardens on earth " for around 50,000 years.
Thankfully there is a small trial of "traditional land management" currently under way so by the time I am 100 forest fires will be a thing of the past


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

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Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

AHHhh yes, 1st Saturday of the week ! Well,.. I guess everybody in Central FL. is TRYING to get into a Christmas Spirit mood, it is sort of strange thinking Christmas, = snow, cold, chilly winds, heavy outer clothing, and so on, when the local temps are hanging around 80 deg. marker, 1 more week, and the kiddies are chomping at the bit, Anybody expecting a BIG surprise ?? The thread is getting a little bare also, (pun intended, of course) guess everbody is busy prepping for the holidays, but the view count is pretty steady (almost 1,000 per day, RIGHT Chuck ?? ) Just checkin in to check-up on all the guys.. later .. :thumbsup:


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

What do you charge for a CUSTOM -- "Pine-Box" ! you know with the fancy hinges N hardware, satin lining, exquisite pillow for my head, ALL the attention you afford to the extra fine details .. ?? ..:laughing:..:laughing:


I'd just show you a fancy box and charge as much as traffic would bear, then when you kick the bucket, we'd chuck you in a rough pine box and be done with it! You'd never know!


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

In my younger days I would have done as you did, except I would have used a radial arm saw w/dado blades.
Dados leave loads of grooves due to the chisel angles of the teeth, but that just gives the glue more surfaces to bite into....
After assembly you wouldn't be able to tell....
Nowadays I have the dedicated mortising machine and a tenon jig for the table saw.
I used to do about everything on the radial arm saw. I didn't even own a table saw til I was about 45.............


I had a radial arm saw - -Once!! Then one day it shot a piece of wood across the cellar and stove the front of the washing machine in!! If that piece had hit me I think it would have gone right through me! I sold the saw..

I don't have a mortising machine, I have found that a router will do just fine, most of the time. I also collect vintage chisels, and if I never used them, what would be the sense? There is something very satisfying about feeling a 'scary sharp' chisel slicing through a piece of wood like it was soft cheese..

Sounds like you have the equipment, I expect you do more fancy wood work than you let on.


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Would you believe..?? ..I have a BRAND-NEW HITACHI model, C 12RSH LASER DOUBLE COMPOUND SLIDING MITER SAW, AND a RIDGID MOBILE MITER SAW STAND model AC9945, bought together, 3 years ago, to cut P/T 4x4s and planks for a new front porch & deck, saw has NEVER been plugged in ! , stand has NEVER had saw mounted on it ! Both, in my shed, awaiting the day for the money fairy to arrive AGAIN, original money that was put aside went to an $800.00 A/C repair job ! ( @$!+*&^$$#@#@# ) My brother in law kids me about, it's gonna catch fire when I do plug it in, cause the brushes musta welded themselves to the armature by now !! I JUST know you guys would love to have that baby ! Goomba if you get over to my place while you're down here, I'll show it to ya . NO tears allowed, don't need rust on it, dust is ok but NOT rust ! ( LOL ) Although I forget the wood size capacities it's capable of cutting ( I think - P/T 4x6 or maybe P/T 6x6 and again I seem to remember up to a 10 1/2 in wide plank ) not sure but at the time it was the biggest cutting available, (too lazy to go pull out the manuals) AHhhh one of these days, if I dont need a "Pine-Box" first. ..:laughing:..:laughing:


Yeah, Hitachi made one of the first sliding compound miter saws and all the finish carpenters around here had them for cove moulding and that sort of finish work. They are a nice machine. My miter saw is a 10" DeWalt and does not slide as it is built down into the work bench so it's working surface is level with the bench top, and the bench is not deep enough to allow a sliding saw to move back that far.

We could probably build you a deck out of old pallets! My wood shed is made out of them,,


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Back when I was in my 20's I saw a demo of a Triton saw table and could not get my wallet out fast enough, particulalry as it came with an instruction video tape which I watched at the local library as we did not have a video player.
With it and my new found confidence I built a new kitchen for my mother out of pallets I picked up off the road.
We next used it to cut 300 yards worth of fence pailings at a friends place who then used it to build his garage and add 2 rooms to the back of his house.
Used the Triton again to renovate the condemned terrace we bought as a first house and all of the furniture within it, again the principle timber was discarded pallets and cable spools ( near a railway workshop ).
Sold that house on a walk out walk in basis to the other pair of students who had been sharing with us so most of that furniture stayed in that house.

What I did find is if you pack it a way, you never use it so the Tritons sit in the corner of the shed and get used at least once a month.
If I have to cut any wood, even if it is only a stick to stir paint with, I go over to the Triton.

Forget the verandah, build a decient shed and keep the saw & all the other big tools sitting there waiting to be used.
OR your grandkids will be unpacking this funny box they inherited.


Good advice! See Boo, pallets are perfectly good building materials! I extended the roof of my little wood shed and built a chicken coop in front of it. (See picture.) That has been added to since then, there is a vestibule on this end of the woodshed now and that big rock is gone. (I actually towed that rock off with a F-150 4X4 pickup.) The chicken coop is now a storage shed. I miss the fresh eggs and an occasional chicken dinner.



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Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Ya gotta love it.
I posted on a forum about a satellite dish problem I have encountered.
I said "This is how I set it up and it worked."
An "expert," in a reply, said "That won't work, you can't do it that way."
Hmm, I guess he didn't read my post in which I said "and it worked."

Since he's the "expert," I guess I didn't understand that, even though I was watching TV on the setup, I really WASN'T !!
Because, "That won't work"..........

Ya gotta love experts!!

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

It is a culturally learned thing, or rather a rammed down your throat thing is USA advertising is anything like Aust advertiising.
Watch what happens when a "barbie doll" woman walks into a class of 6 year olds.
It is not hormones or reproductive urges that cause 1/2 the boys to wolf whistle or cat call.
You do not see the same reactions in places that do not have television.

So we are taught to disrespect women from a very very early age.
In the same mannar girls get TAUGHT to look like a barbie doll from a very young age and then pressured to be sexualised till well into middle age.

Have a look at a childrens clothing catalogue most of the girls over 5 look like they should be standing under a red light with a que of sailors, cash in hand standing behind them.
And WE , yes YOU & I inflict this on our kids by buying sexualised clothing for our kids to wear.

As for women wanting this type of attention, you need to do some serious pillow talking with your wife.
While there ia a small percentage of women who get off by watching blokes size them up as screw material, the vast bulk of them would rather they be talked to as a person.

Cosmetics are again something that advertisers have rammed down our throats.
While they have been used for centuries, their use was originally to discuise blemishes in the complexions of the inbreed morons who constituted royal courts and were used equally by both women AND MEN.

Fashion was again something MEN FORCED upon women in a game of one up manship to enhance their own social status, nothing to do with their wives other than dressing up the trophy.
And again men were as equally involved in fashion as women were and to support your own self importance amongst the rest of the idle rich with meaning less lives men needed to be wearing the lattest fashions.

Vogue was one of my major clients and one of the very top managers used to say there are 4 levels of fashion.
Those who set it
Those who exploit it
Those who follow it like slaves
Those who are totally above the concept.


IMO I 'think' women as a whole enjoy looking their best. I also 'think' they are as much at fault for their style of attire, attitude and physical appearance as men are, if not more so. I mean basics are basics and lets face it, attracting a mate so you can procreate is about as 'basic' as it gets. And like it or not, we are animals, just like the rest of the creatures of the earth and we march to the same basic requirements as the rest of them. We may be able to rationalize what we do, but that doesn't mean we rise very far above those basic needs. Women like to look good and men like to look at them. You can fancy it up all you want, but that's the bottom line.. that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Yeah, Hitachi made one of the first sliding compound miter saws and all the finish carpenters around here had them for cove moulding and that sort of finish work. They are a nice machine. My miter saw is a 10" DeWalt and does not slide as it is built down into the work bench so it's working surface is level with the bench top, and the bench is not deep enough to allow a sliding saw to move back that far.

We could probably build you a deck out of old pallets! My wood shed is made out of them,,


Linda loves pallets, she's always tryin to think of ways to use them in her craft projects, BUT finding LOTS of pallets, around here, AND a truck to haul them, = problem !