Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
AHhhh fear not my warrior friend, upon us is the dawning of a new era, where the world of ROBOTICS will assume our daily chores and possibly all we toil over, (better stay out of our bedrooms though ( LOL ) ) AND technology in modern medicine will probably have him and the rest of human life as we know it, far exceed a lifespan of 100 years while maintaining the looks of their youth, what a piss-off for us ol-farts ehhhh !! :laughing:..:laughing: Still, I've had a ball, in MY life experiences, and the beat goes on !!
Yes, we will either be the last generation to die or the first one that can live forever, but would you really want to either ?
As for robots doing all our daily chores, you have watched one too many episodes of The Jetsons.
All of this modern technology does not release us from the burdens of modern life, any more than the fully automatic washing machine or powered lawnmower has liberated the modern household.
Just like captive fishes that will grow to the size limited by the container they are in, people will expand what they do till it exceeds the time available.
So the hours you have saved on the lawn will be eaten up by the beige box in corner of your office.
All that happens is you get further divorced from the reality of life when your are not directly involved in it.
Robots will have an effect, they will displace those who are employed to do menial jobs by the wealthy so they can lives meaning less lives, unemployed in poverty.
Note every one praised factory automation as it will liberate all those people from the drudgry of menial labour, when in reality all they wanted was more profits from reducing labour costs.
Go for a walk around the rust belt and see just how more "meaningful" the lives of the displaced workers are.
Now when AI looks like it will threaten the jobs of the wealthy , doctors / lawers / accountants / judges etc etc suddenly it is a drastic problem that will threaten the very fabric of the society we live in.
Every test they have done with automated medical diagnosis has proven conclusively that the computer was faster & more accurate than a real doctor and further more cost less than 10% of a real doctor.
Down side is it does not make good TV like House or The Good Doctor .
We have been doing a research project down here where a computer is running against all the doctors in a clinic.
The computer would have knocked the patients medical costs down by over 80%.
Firstly it did not ask for unnessary medical tests ( around 75% ) just to cover it's own arse because it had no idea what was wrong with the patient.
Next it prescribed the exact correct dose & length of medication and furthermore, prescribed the correct medication, not what was fashionable or what it got the greatest kick back from.
And of course did not prescribe anti- biotics for viral infections like colds & flu.
It also picked up 100% of the hypocondriacts & prescription shoppers.
Oh and a natural life span for a human is around 55 ( approximately 10 years after reproduction ceases ).
The "natural" lifespan of most animals is just long enough to raise the last of their prodogy to independent living level.