Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild
My buddy has a Sears dryer that quit working.
They charged him $80.00 or so (can't remember...) to diagnose problem and order a part.
Part delivered to him.
Service guy returned to install the part, but it was the wrong part!
STILL charged him for the second service call.....................
The dryer remains non functioning.
Well there is a reason why I do all my own repairs and that is one of them.
Did the water valves in my washing machine , 1999 LG front loader once, then swapped a hot which we don't use for one of the colds which I do use as they wanted $ 65 for a simple solenoid.
Just finished doing bearings & water seal on Thursday
The shaft on the spider was shot and as I had no transport for 2 weeks I simply cut a hole & fitted a grease nipple then filled the cavity between the bearings with , you guessed it .........vasoline.
That should hold it for another 10 years or so.
Had a vehicle been available I would have fitted a speedy sleeve but to get one mailed out was going to be $ 50 for freight on a $ 9 part.
Bearings were all stock mower items but I did have to order a new seal $ 16 from a marine engineering shop or $ 54 from a washing machine parts shop.
Got quoted $ 450 to have it done here or $ 299 done in their shop which was reasonable labour wise but $ 54 for a seal, $ 46 for a 6204 2rs-C3 and $ 57 for a 6205 2rs is unbelievable.
Now I do get bearings wholesale but how much profit do you need to make on a 6204 ( $ 4.25 wholesale ) & a 6205 ( $ 5.75 ) , both very common bearings, even allowing for the C3 fitting.
That quote was dependent upon the old bearings pushing out ( they didn't ) and the shaft & spider being in good condition, it wasn't .
I asked if they had speedy sleeves on hand & he asked me what a speedy sleeve was so one can only wonder what sort of training washing machine technicians get now days.
Sunday pulled the mixer out of the wanker waggon and replaced the diaphragm so now it is running but looks like I will need to pull the evaporator down to get it to work properly which is a bitch cause it is fitted in one of those positions, you can see it but not get to it without first removing 1/2 the engine.