The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: Looking for Boo-Boo

Dude, the entire internet world is that way.....I manage a site that was once only jeep cherokees, over the years it branched out to everything jeep, including mudding, lifting, rock climbing and sand racing...anything jeep biggest pet peeve is the guy who starts a thread, gets no response after 45 seconds and starts the same thread again and again......just more **** for me to move to the trash bin. There is always the same stupid five questions, sometimes minutes apart...."My jeep wont start...whats wrong, what should I do", What tires will fit my jeep with a 3" lift kit", "Who makes the best roof rack?". "Jeep stalled on the trail, what could it be" "My jeep shakes at highway speed, everything is new, what did I miss" Every member is an "Expert" and at the same time a whinny little diaper wearing infant.
It doesn't matter what kind of forum it is, you will have the same thing, people today want their hand held all the time and think you can see the problem they are having through the internet portal.

So, rather than not enjoy what I like to do....which is answer questions and share from my vast knowledge, which is often just enough for one book, then to sit back and foster hatred to the vast number of stupid people with their stupid questions and limited patience. Sometimes I just post a simple solution.....perhaps just a "READ THE MANUAL"

I tried a couple of time to give simple answers to simple questions and got called an a**hole fore being not nice. I even once told a guy that he was going to hate me when i got done answering his question and told him i did not care if he did or did not like me to begin with. I answered his question and low and behold he got pissed and me and ranted for ever on how I shound not ever talk to him ever again. I was laughing at him so hard everytime he posted something about it. I never responded to him. I think that made him even madder. I have been saying this since I was but a young man and I believe it.



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: Looking for Boo-Boo

I tried a couple of time to give simple answers to simple questions and got called an a**hole fore being not nice. I even once told a guy that he was going to hate me when i got done answering his question and told him i did not care if he did or did not like me to begin with. I answered his question and low and behold he got pissed and me and ranted for ever on how I shound not ever talk to him ever again. I was laughing at him so hard everytime he posted something about it. I never responded to him. I think that made him even madder. I have been saying this since I was but a young man and I believe it.


I think every guy on this site that tries to offer help has been frustrated by the lack of information provided, or an inept question,double and triple posts, or lack of common sense on the part of the person seeking help. And yes there are "STUPID" questions, I guess the part Bert mentioned about LAZY is pretty much true, I get really frustrated over the CRAFTSMAN and JOHN DEERE owners that use their mower's SERIES number instead of MODEL number,...(ie,) Craftsman-LXE 2000 OR JD 130 , ..either to lazy to read a manual ( probably use it for "arse-wipe" ) or too ignorant to visit the manufacturers site and try to find the information they are seeking answers to. Many times I send them to the manufacturers site or answer by inserting my little "picture" of "info-request" back to them ..


sometimes it's easier just to ignore the post! It would be much easier on US, to find the posts about a trans issue, mostly from the mechanically-abled DIY guys that are asking mostly because THEY, have searched for the info, but can't find it, and are searching info. from folks who have the experience from the same issue, YES we will still have the headaches and nothing much will change, but I think once the forum gets known, at least the "smarter than the average bear" guys will go there and make life a little easier for those here that are truly offering their help ! As for BERT !! well ..I guess he just got through sandpapering a Tazmanian Devil's arse in a phone-booth...(part of his daily exercise routine ya know) ..:laughing:..:laughing:
( I would also like to express my Thanks AND appreciation to our site's Admin for working to produce OUR new Forum !!! )

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Holy Smokes we've been relocated!

Boo-Boo, Glad you're here and firing on all 8 cylinders...

If you guys want to read a succinct answer to a typically inane question, go to the MTD forum, and open the "Parking Brake Stuck" thread and read Bert-Man's last posting there.. It's priceless!

Did I tell you guys that I bought an anvil? I'd guess it weighs close to 100 lbs, but I 'think' I may have been in a barn fire. A friend suggested I whack it with a hammer as a test, to see if it has a 'ringing' tone. He says all anvils should 'ring'. Anybody else got any other suggestions? . . . I am going to try a file across the face and the horn to see how hard they are - (or aren't!)

To all you working stiffs out there, - - have a good weekend! Everyday is a weekend to me and Boo...

Zero Bubble..

Roger Ramjet - Submariner Extrodinaire'


Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

we were talking about anvils not to long ago Rog, still looking around here for one ....good to know about the ringing test.

everyday is saturday to me too......:thumbsup:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Back in the "ol-days" a blacksmith was forging a red-hot horseshoe on his anvil with his "tongs" , when satisfied he threw it on the ground to cool, a bit later, a young lad came strolling by saw the horseshoe and picked it up !! in a flash he threw it down, the blacksmith , with a slight chuckle said " HOT" isn't it ?? whereas the lad just as quickly replied, don't take me long to look at a horseshoe !! ..:laughing:


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

If you guys ever want/need to stir the pot with a BIG paddle then go to a motorcycle forum and ask "what is the best oil to use in my bike" good gravy you are in for a cat fight. There is a phrase that gets used a lot on the one I am on RTFM or "Read The F**King Manual" when it comes to stuff any owner should know: how big is the fuel tank, how much oil does the oil tank hold, what is the proper tire pressure.
Always loved the "my bike will not start, what is wrong?" then after playing 20 questions we find out the guys 'friend' rebuilt the engine, didn't check the timing, the valve clearances, add oil, charge the battery that had been sitting on the shelf for 2 years ect ect ect. As someone said: You can't fix stupid.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

If you guys ever want/need to stir the pot with a BIG paddle then go to a motorcycle forum and ask "what is the best oil to use in my bike" good gravy you are in for a cat fight. There is a phrase that gets used a lot on the one I am on RTFM or "Read The F**King Manual" when it comes to stuff any owner should know: how big is the fuel tank, how much oil does the oil tank hold, what is the proper tire pressure.
Always loved the "my bike will not start, what is wrong?" then after playing 20 questions we find out the guys 'friend' rebuilt the engine, didn't check the timing, the valve clearances, add oil, charge the battery that had been sitting on the shelf for 2 years ect ect ect. As someone said: You can't fix stupid.

NAH,... its more fun to go on a SLUG (Harley) site and pronounce "Rice-Burners" RULE !!!! ...:laughing: ..:laughing:


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

NAH,... its more fun to go on a SLUG (Harley) site and pronounce "Rice-Burners" RULE !!!! ...:laughing: ..:laughing:

We just call you a squid and laugh at you, then ignore you after that.
Back in 1980 I was in an El Paso bar with a bunch of friends and guy on a KZ-1000 was trash talking about racing Harleys and boasting that he could beat any Harley in any race. As I had just ridden my 1977 Harley from North Carolina to El Paso, TX I told him "I will race you but I pick where we race to", he said sure name it and I said "Florida, right now, lets go." He then started making excuses why he could go. We laughed and he slipped out of the bar.
Remember I just got done with a 13,632 mile trip so lets go Hot Dog. ;-)



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

We just call you a squid and laugh at you, then ignore you after that.
Back in 1980 I was in an El Paso bar with a bunch of friends and guy on a KZ-1000 was trash talking about racing Harleys and boasting that he could beat any Harley in any race. As I had just ridden my 1977 Harley from North Carolina to El Paso, TX I told him "I will race you but I pick where we race to", he said sure name it and I said "Florida, right now, lets go." He then started making excuses why he could go. We laughed and he slipped out of the bar.
Remember I just got done with a 13,632 mile trip so lets go Hot Dog. ;-)


Just "winding ya up" Tom ..:laughing:..:laughing: