but blue locktite on the threads
There is also a yellow locktite that caterpillar uses and spicer transmission uses, you need a 3/4 impact and sometimes some heat to remove them.....giant pitaAs far as I know, Locktite comes in three grades, identified by color. Doc is correct in that in your case you should use the blue type. It is designed to be lightly spread on threads before assembly and it makes the part fairly removable.
Then there is a 'Green' form which is a 'wicking' type of threadlocker. It is designed to wick into the threads of a machine screw after assembly. It also makes parts fairly easy to remove.
Then there is the 'Red' form. It is a high strength threadlocker, for use when your fondest desire is for this part to never come unscrewed again.. (You can take it apart, but not easily.)
The custom lamp shop portion of our family business used lots of Locktite in it's various forms, it served us very well.
people don't do any of the things we were taught as youngsters to do, hold a door open, please, thank you, and a cordial hello and hand shake..........just try to get them to look up from the phone for 30 seconds is hard enoughYou guys notice in the thread "My Appreciation" , only folks that offered "Thanks" to the "mods & Admin" was the guys in our "group" AND ... member 7394 ( aka Buddy ) ( I think I re-named him "numbers" awhile back ?? ) We can't be all bad, What the hell is wrong with people these days ?? are we "elders and Vets" the only the only ones that know what the words RESPECT and Thank-You mean ?? A simple thing ! ... NOT ***-kissing, but a genuine heart-felt appreciation for things people do . ..:confused2: