Tapping dust out of air filter


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
I have K & N filters on all of my motorcycles. I clean and oil when needed.
Run what you like.

Remove a Ken and Nancy filter after using it on dusty trails. Look inside the intake manifold. You will be able to wipe with your finger, a grit trail that leads into the engine. Seen it many times with K&N filters. And BTW, they offer 0 performance gains unless the OEM design was compromised. Never seen a vehicle that the front wheels would never touch the ground with those filters installed. Waste of money IMO. On Jeeps and the like, seen this grit get past K&N filters several times. Videos on youtube as well on it. Then there is the micron sized grit that gets into the engine we can talk about...... Not a fan.

Run what you like.