Please post your suggestions here. :thumbsup:
This forum is awesome as it is. My suggestion for improving it is, Don't change the entire format so we have to learn how to use it all over again! So many sites change software to add more features or get a new look, but all it does is confuse the existing users.
An archive of old manuals would be fantastic, but without permission we cannot publish them for others to download. The best we could do is reach out to manufacturers to discuss the idea of offering manuals.
Two suggestions; first have an option to tell members you are a service tech in their profile. At the present time you must select homeowner or dealer. Second, fix the auto email, which I have requested many times. As a service tech, this time of the year I don't have time to search my profile or forums to see if someone has responded and I need to try to reply.
After a frustrating week a suggestion that has been brought up many times is to have a sticky that will be forced on every new member before they are allowed to post which would include the following.
If you want help from the technicians on this forum, please be sure to include the following:
1. Make sure that you have included the model and serial numbers for the unit.
2. Make sure that you have included the model, type, spec, code numbers for the engine.
3. If you are or are not mechanically inclined.
4. If it is an electrical problem, are you electrically inclined and what test tools do you have.
5. If you don't know a part name, a picture is better than that black thing under the dash.
6. Please do not tell the techs that their replies can't be possible. Yes we can make mistakes, but we have years of experience and are not there looking at the unit. We can only go by what is posted and if you don't like it, just don't follow it.
7. Please have patience, the dealers and service techs who try to help are very busy at most times of the year and we may not be able to reply for a day or two. We do this because we want to help people, but for personal gain.
Trying to help becomes way more difficult and frustrating when the info provided is not enough or confusing to make a good response.
We don't make big changes quickly, but will definitely be considering all of the suggestions for feature upgrades. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked. :thumbsup:
YOU are THEEEE MAN !!! ..:thumbsup:..:thumbsup:
I am talking about the time in between reporting spam, not the time in between posting on threads. It sometimes takes me 25 minutes to report all the spam posts that occur during the wee hours of the evening.Not a good idea Doc as it makes it easier for spammers to post the same spam in all the sub forums and thus we will end up with each one posting 15 messages rather than 2 or 3.
OTOH if the spam was flagged to not display after the first person reported it then it would vanish a lot quicker so 25 different members would not be reporting the same spam because we would each be removing it from sight the first time one of us sees it.
bingo bango, thats what I am talking aboutOn the subject of spam.
If you don't want to allow members to flag them and have them vanish from general view it might be easier to flag the title and say change the colour of the header or type.
I just logged on to find 3 real posts and 6 spam posts so waiting the minute between each is a PIA and for all I know others may already reported it.
get rid of the wait "60 seconds" between posts. I for one can type a hell of alot faster than most, and I don't like having to wait 60 seconds before I can report the next spammer....and these spammers are coming in here between 2am and 5am new york time
there is one, it says TOP
Hmm I think I might have updated this setting.
Also, I am hoping we will have the spam under control with our newest registration updates. :ashamed:
Hmm I think I might have updated this setting.
Also, I am hoping we will have the spam under control with our newest registration updates. :ashamed:
Doesn't seem to be working.
They're working on it, give them time, they do a lot more than delete spam for us, don't forget they have to move posts around to the correct forums as best they can decipher as to which forum it should be inserted, among the many other obligations they are responsible for..:thumbsup:
Well it would be nice if this site had a "Like" buttonUnless I'm not seeing it
I know you have the ":thumbsup:" but that's in a post.
No it would not.
If you need that sort of self gratification go to Feaces Book.
Well, 99.9999999% of forums i see all have like buttons.
And how is it "self gratification"
"Craftsman mower not cutting good"
John Doe: ''Have you sharpened the blades?''
And i or someone agreed with that post instead of posting "I agree with you so and so, that could be it " and have the topic creator see the reply in a notification and hoping its the solution, i would just like the post/ stating i agree with him.
Because it invites people to post in order to get a lot more likes rather than to answer the actual post.
Then it become competative like "who has the most Farce Book Friends" and starts to imply a correctness in numbers so a wrong reply with a lot of likes gets considered as a gospel truth.
Search engines use the "like" feature to rank searches so in place of finding the answer you wanted you get the responses with the most key words & likes.
A LIKE function is part of the soft wear package and Microsloth were the first to use it.
As to weather the forums you visit has it or not, it is just random as to what package they are using I run 3 and we do not have likes at all.
Further more a response must have a minimum of 10 words in it.
This keeps the responses down to those who are actually answering the question or questions that arose from the original question.
Mission creep is oft quite interesting even if it strays a bit off topic.
Go over to My Tractor Forum and try to follow a thread.
one question , 3 appropriate answers and 15 pages of "Me Too's" which makes it hard to follow a topic.
There is a sort of unoffical proticol that happens here and perhaps you have noticed that only 1 tech answers a question in most cases.
We tend to let them sit for a while to allow every one to post a solution then if needed jump in.
Thus people like Engine man, Rivets, Ilengine, Renyolson, Mechanic Mark, Tinker etc rarely post on the same thread ( sorry for the others that do not come to mind right now ).
Retirees with nothing to do with their time , like Boo seem to want to respond to everything which would be fine if he remembered we are not the grandkids , limited them to text and stopped pasting in all the silly images.
OTOH his searches are getting better.
A part of adding Likes is also adding Dislikes and once you do that you invite trolls .
You also bring in emotions, some of which can be very strong,
The NRA poll is a good example as there are people who believe the NRA is up there right next to St Peter at the pearly gates and others who believe that are the devil himself walking the earth.
So one side sees it as their partiotic duty to dislike every post every person made who did not praise the NRA and of course the other side then feels duty bound to do the opposite.
Look at all the "Don't buy ( insert any brand you like ) because they are all junk" posts that turn up because some one feels agrieved.
If you follow all of the new posts you will see about 1/2 of these posters will go through the archives and post a disparaging remark about that product or company even if they are 10 years old.
Then because you Disliked my post I feel I have the right to respond and very soon the forum ends up worse than Twatter as you defend your position & I counter you defence and on & on it goes.
Without Likes & dislikes posts stand upon the merit of what is on the page and not what "SCORE" it got
Thus people have to look at what is written and make a decision for themselves which is how it should be.
AHHhh well I'm glad to see I "sand-papered" your ARSE Bert, Glad to see I get under YOUR skin, did I tarnish your big GOLDEN "Look at ME Star" I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING !! ..?? YEAH Bert, I do WHAT I can, and I have a ball doin it . I guess you're regretful YOU are NOT retired .. TUFF schitt Bert, live with it, YOU would not believe the number of people you have pissed-off on this site with some of YOUR smart-arse babblings, I can fling barbs all day with ya, but since you're NOT retired, you need to get back to work..![]()