I guess I just wanted a change.
Now I work more and make less money.
I am getting back into doing residential yards. Not for the money but because I enjoy it more.
I have always took a lot of pride doing lawn care. Always had to make my yards look better then the other guys. Doing foreclosed homes has made me just cut as fast as I can and leave.
3 years ago I was taking care of five hundred thousand Dollar homes with snapper push mowers charging by the man hour. Had one house in better homes and gardens. Had some Customers for 14 years.
Woke up one day and sold it all.
Did not miss it till a few months ago.
Plan was to retire next year when I turn 50
Don't see that happening I like cutting grass to much.
Moved last year 2 hours away from the country club of the south so now starting over in a new area.