When a customer's opening statement includes the words "never dropped it" straight away I know that the product HAS been dropped.
If you purchased a motor vehicle and drove it into a lamp post would you expect the motor manufacturer to repair it under warranty? And furthermore once it is 1.5 years out of warranty? Not even Rolls Royce would entertain your claim even if you had only done 1mile!
Bad mouth Stihl all you want, you only make yourself look bad. Those of us in know appreciate the quality that is Stihl. And just so you know, I am not affiliated to Stihl, I distribute EFCO products in opposition to Stihl and yet I'm on their side with this one!
I'm not sure how stating that a chainsaw broke after 15 uses is badmouthing. Since we're doing hypotheticals, if your chainsaw broke after 15 uses, would you still appreciate the quality that is STIHL? I look bad... but you calling me a liar doesn't make you look bad? Uh. OK....