I have a 2.5 year old STIHL - used 15 times - never dropped it. I am facing a $275.00 repair on an MS-211 that I bought for $250. I called STIHL and asked how an engine housing can crack when the plastic body surrounding the entire chainsaw was completely fine / not broken. I asked if they would stand by their product. They said "something cracked the engine housing." I said, that I'm telling as many people as I can about my experience and Kelly at STIHL tech services hung up on me. That is all FACT. I'm not a happy customer of STIHL. I will never buy their products again and I'm telling as many people as I can about this.
You asked if they ( STIHL) would stand by their product, Can I ask what you would like Stihl to do? Your talking about a piece of equipment that has a 1 year limited warranty for personal use and a 90 day warranty for commercial and the unit is 2.5 years old.
For once I agree with Ric, if I believed everything a customer told me about how they never did anything wrong I would and should be fired. How long do you feel a warranty should last? Please let all of us here on the forum the brand which you think will honor a 1year warranty after 2-1/2years. We are all going to switch to that brand fast, even me and I work for a Stihl service center.
You asked if they ( STIHL) would stand by their product, Can I ask what you would like Stihl to do? Your talking about a piece of equipment that has a 1 year limited warranty for personal use and a 90 day warranty for commercial and the unit is 2.5 years old.
For once I agree with Ric, if I believed everything a customer told me about how they never did anything wrong I would and should be fired. How long do you feel a warranty should last? Please let all of us here on the forum the brand which you think will honor a 1year warranty after 2-1/2years. We are all going to switch to that brand fast, even me and I work for a Stihl service center.
Who cares how long the warranty is. Their chainsaw should not break in 2.5 years of light use (15 times). I will post a picture of the unit to show that the outer plastic is not even scratched - I did not drop it. How can a engine casing break if the outer plastic isn't broken?
I would like STIHL to pay for the repairs. How are they not embarrassed that their product didn't make it 2.5 years (15 uses)? If it were a $75 dollar repair, I'd suck it up. If it weren't something fundamental to the product I'd suck it up.
Who cares how long a warranty goes? I care how long "the best chainsaw" lasts.
I want them to repair their product.
Ain't going to happen. I'll bet more people (even those who are not Stihl fans) will side with Stihl on this one. Don't have to say it, but I will. Stihl makes a quality product no matter what you say and I doubt you will change many minds. Bye-Bye.
They are right they gave u a 1 year warranty 2 if u buy the oil I mean u had to do something for it break
How do define a quality product? IT BROKE. after 15 uses.
Don't post pictures, i have seen people purchase new covers from one dealer and then claim the parts under that cover broke on its own to another dealer. You asked how can an engine housing crack with no visible damage to the plastic covers. Have you ever seen a 2-cycle engine that has been run with the wrong fuel/oil ratio. Please just answer one question in a reasonable manner. If you didn't find this problem until 5 years from now and only used it 15 times, should Stihl still be responsible?
I have seen that done before to with covers
Don't post pictures, i have seen people purchase new covers from one dealer and then claim the parts under that cover broke on its own to another dealer. You asked how can an engine housing crack with no visible damage to the plastic covers. Have you ever seen a 2-cycle engine that has been run with the wrong fuel/oil ratio. Please just answer one question in a reasonable manner. If you didn't find this problem until 5 years from now and only used it 15 times, should Stihl still be responsible?
If you did nothing to cause the breakdown maybe you got a lemon. You were not guaranteed past 1 year even if you never used it. To bad but it is your loss unfortunately. I always admired my father in law as if he felt he did not get his moneys worth from a product or company, he would never complain or badmouth them. He just would never ever patronize that company again, no matter what.
I have a 2.5 year old STIHL - used 15 times - never dropped it. I am facing a $275.00 repair on an MS-211 that I bought for $250. I called STIHL and asked how an engine housing can crack when the plastic body surrounding the entire chainsaw was completely fine / not broken. I asked if they would stand by their product. They said "something cracked the engine housing." I said, that I'm telling as many people as I can about my experience and Kelly at STIHL tech services hung up on me. That is all FACT. I'm not a happy customer of STIHL. I will never buy their products again and I'm telling as many people as I can about this.
When a customer's opening statement includes the words "never dropped it" straight away I know that the product HAS been dropped.
If you purchased a motor vehicle and drove it into a lamp post would you expect the motor manufacturer to repair it under warranty? And furthermore once it is 1.5 years out of warranty? Not even Rolls Royce would entertain your claim even if you had only done 1mile!
Bad mouth Stihl all you want, you only make yourself look bad. Those of us in know appreciate the quality that is Stihl. And just so you know, I am not affiliated to Stihl, I distribute EFCO products in opposition to Stihl and yet I'm on their side with this one!
What line of business are you in? I will guarantee you to give you all my business in what ever you do. Because if you expect Stihl to give you a lifetime warranty/guarantee you probably offer that with your goods or services, right?
I'm not sure how stating that a chainsaw broke after 15 uses is badmouthing. Since we're doing hypotheticals, if your chainsaw broke after 15 uses, would you still appreciate the quality that is STIHL? I look bad... but you calling me a liar doesn't make you look bad? Uh. OK....
I have a 2.5 year old STIHL - used 15 times - never dropped it. I am facing a $275.00 repair on an MS-211 that I bought for $250. I called STIHL and asked how an engine housing can crack when the plastic body surrounding the entire chainsaw was completely fine / not broken. I asked if they would stand by their product. They said "something cracked the engine housing." I said, that I'm telling as many people as I can about my experience and Kelly at STIHL tech services hung up on me. That is all FACT. I'm not a happy customer of STIHL. I will never buy their products again and I'm telling as many people as I can about this.
Wow this is to funny people are really quite dumb. I have a 1989 jeep blow a head gasket last year according to this guy I should have cried to the dealer and demanded that they fixed it. Jeep should build quality products and should have lifetime warranty on everything I can so to the "no I never over heated the thing."
No I replaced the gasket and dealt with the bad radiator.
This is ridiculous he used it 15 times in 2.5 years assuming he used it an hr at a time 15 hours so for 21900 hours it sat somewhere getting dusty and he thinks he should be the exception to the limited warranty why? Why is he so special more than likely it was his fault and he should just get over it
It just seems like no one is on your side. Yes for sure Stihl should give you a break on this. I just don't understand why the it cost more to fix the saw then to buy a new one? If the crankcase is cracked they should be able tell the different between it getting hit and a defect and if so why shouldn't Stihl stand in back of its product. Just maybe you should try a different dealer?
If he is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of Stihl or the dealer I don't think he will get anywhere on this. Now if it is a true factory defect pictures or not I don't see why Stihl can't give him a break on the repairs. If it cost more to fix then the price of a new saw I can't see the reason to fix it. I would guess also who took the saw apart? I have got cheap chainsaws in my shop and have ran across where parts cost more then a new saw. I hand the saw back to the customer and refuse to fix them. I have three of them chain saws sitting in my salvage scrap pile now and one is a Stihl.
Has anyone looked to see if there was a service bulletin or recall? On his
No Stilhl won't pay and they wouldn't stay in business if they did. BUT:
Unless you have unlimited disposable income, you better get some mechanical skills and a shop manual. My "dealer" Ace
Hardware was talking to a customer with a trimmer that wouldn't start. First thing he said is that a carburetor rebuild would be one hours labor ($75) plus parts. So even on a $250 tool, you start to look at them as disposable if you can't fix them yourself. If the OP doesn't have tools, or skills, or extra money, I can see why when you buy a "name" brand
you expect more. It's not a $100 MTD after all. Yeah, the "names" build lesser quality products, but if the story was as told, I would be PO also.
Being annoyed and angry is one thing. Expecting stihl to pay for no real reason is another. If his posts were true I would be angry to but I can't expect the world to bow before me....
I'll take the camera to the repair shop when I pick it up and take the pictures there. Besides, I don't have to prove to you that I didn't drop it, I have to prove to STIHL that I didn't drop it - and the repair shop should be able to tell STIHL that it wasn't dropped. I didn't even re-fuel the thing. It's the same fuel from the store I bought it from - because I've only used it 15 times.
If I only used it 15 times over 5 years and I had this problem, then yes, STIHL should still be ashamed that their product didn't last that long too. I bought an expensive STIHL because it should last a lifetime.
I have a 2.5 year old STIHL - used 15 times - never dropped it. I am facing a $275.00 repair on an MS-211 that I bought for $250. I called STIHL and asked how an engine housing can crack when the plastic body surrounding the entire chainsaw was completely fine / not broken. I asked if they would stand by their product. They said "something cracked the engine housing." I said, that I'm telling as many people as I can about my experience and Kelly at STIHL tech services hung up on me. That is all FACT. I'm not a happy customer of STIHL. I will never buy their products again and I'm telling as many people as I can about this.