Nice thread! A lot of good info. I have a little tear in my eye from the camaraderie.
Most blade sharpening instructions I have seen specifically mention rounding the sharpened edge somewhere between (IIRC) 1/32 and 1/16 radius. I'm thinking that an advantage to that is less inadvertent nicking. Also less total removed metal (and time) to maintain the proper wedge angle with slightly rounded but "perfect" edge (i.e., all nicks and other imperfections removed).
So, I'm thinking longer blade life, maybe quicker sharpening job - and, as others mentioned, it's going to quickly more or less wear close to that in a matter of less than an hour of cutting time.
Also - by educating the the public to accept slightly rounded new edges, blade manufacturers see a plus of less risk (liability) of some customer or their kid getting a deep cut from intentionally or inadvertently dragging a finger tip or other body part along an exposed edge in the store or otherwise before installation.