No it is not about revenge or sending some one broke.
It is all about ascerting your rights as a consummer and demonstrating that dealing in an unethical manner can have consequences.
I try very hard never to bad mouth any one as that ends up doing me more harm than good.
However informing the general public becomes a case of public good and not some cranky old bugger venting their spleen.
People can see what is being complained about and make up their own minds and you do not end up being accused of slander.
This method is very effective and has worked every time I have been involved although as stated it requires a very cool temprement.
Even the bloke who got charged, ended up with a replacement car.
Usually it only takes an hour or two although some new car dealers took 2 weekends before they came to understand we were serious.
I once chained myself to the front doors of an insurance company over a workers compensation claim for 20 weeks wages.
They paid the doctor, they paid the hospital , they paid the physio, they paid 14 weeks of crutch hire but just would not pay me.
The owner pulled out his cheque book asked me how much I was owed, wrote a cheque for twice that amount then promptly sacked a large proportion of his workers compensation staff.
This was too late as apparently No 1 son had been doing some very shady deals daddy did not know about and they were short changing all the compo claims to hide the cash shortfall.
I became reasonable friends with the owner, who employed my company for his transport and his only comment was it was a shame some one like me had not come onto the scene earlier and he would have been in a position to salvage the business.
No 1 son went to prison for quite a long time for a white collar crime.