POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down


Active Member
Jul 30, 2017
Like I said before... EV's and Electric trucks are a scam and so to are electric lawn tractors. If you buy one of these overpriced P'sos you will be ska-rooed. Scotty explains how the Tesla 18 Wheelers are breaking down before they reach 100 miles! Then they have to be towed with a reliable diesel truck back to Tesla to be "fixed". give me a break...


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The social infuliencers you watch on you tube say more about you than what they are talking about.
If your screaming luniac took a bit of time to research the topic properly rather than using ruhmours off face book for a start he would know the Tesla truck engine is in fact water cooled .
If he actually understood what he is blathering about then he would know that high output electric motors generate a large amount of heat, a lot more than the batteries.
But "common knowledge" is the batteries get hot & blow up so he deliberately played to this misconception.

I on the other hand have gone to the effort of watching all of the dissasemblies of Tesla engines done by one of the US university school of electrical engineering so I know something that mr Scott does not , Hoe the Various Tesla Motors work & I must say the technology is very good & I would expect the see it used in diesel electric or even strait electric locomotives .

And FWIW Mitsubishi use the same engine and gear box in vehicles from their 2 seater micro car to the 4 tone Dyna truck.
For 70 years most British trucks used a 4 or 6 cylinder car engine and a slightly modified gear box in their petrol powered semi trailers , in fact in all of their trucks.
Down here we got both British trucks , little engines big diffs and US trucks , massive engines with small boxes .
The difference being that fuel was expensive in the UK so their vehicles were very fuel economical to run while because there was virtually no tax on fuel in the USA , US trucks used almost as much fuel as their payload .
A friend's father ran a trucking business, 20 ton flat tops bedfords and he used to pay us for finding abandoned Vauxhaul Velox sedans on the side of the road because he used to strip the engines out of them for his truck fleet . HE was an old army mechanic and practiced engine & gearbox swapping in order to keep all of the fleet on the road all of the time so the yard workshop always had several engines , gearboxes & diffs being rebuilt . A fun place for teenage youth to hang around after hours .

Your Mr Scott is the perfect case for banning You Tube videos and closing down the WWW
And what was the point in showing a lawn mower in the bit about air-bags , a recall that the manufacturers have no control over , perhaps his anti foriegn car bias is showing , a Ford Mustang as a good buy , the car that sits 2 vehicles behind the Jeep as being the mot unreliable vehicles on the market.
Then there was the suggestion to put the glue in the transmission to fix a leak, really ?

OH and remember I like the idea of EV's my only objection to them is the Li batteries , not the technology.
Tesla is getting near 40 times the power per Kw out of their engines as a std electric motor and as some of that finds it's way into mains powered devices we will all be better off ( and I call Musk the greatest con artist since PC Barnum )


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
i wonder if internal combustion engines were without fault when they were first invented and began being used.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Read some of those emails that turn up showing you how to get 1,000+ You Tube subscribers in a week

Then try to look at Scotts presentations with an objective perspective

Adulf Hitler was once one of the most popular polticans on the planet
Did not mean he was right, just means he said things to people that they wanted to hear.

President Trump did exactly the same thing and about 1/4 of the USA think he is God reincarnated

No one wants to admit that their own circumstances are no bodies fault but their own.
Ask a reformed alcoholic or drug addict or even a smoker what was the hardest bit to do.
They will all tell you the hardest bit was accepting it was no ones fault but their own and only they can fix their problems

So "our mate Scotty tells every one it is not our fault .
It is the mythical "THEY" ( government - oil barrons -greenies etc etc etc )
You always have to have the "other" to blame , for Hitler it was Jews , for Trump it as illegal imigrants from South America ( for our PM Howard it was refugees in boats )

By and large people doo not want to know the truth, they want to think that they are right because every one else believes the same thing.

And as for 5,200,000 subscribers for all we know 5,199,999 of them could be web bots , or fake followers that any of the SEO optimizing Indian computer geeks can add to your subscribers list for about 10¢ to 50¢ a follower .
You can follow any You Tube channel with a Face Book ID and if you remember the hassels about Musk buying Face Book, one of the problems was about how many face book accounts were fakes .

When I look at any You tube presentation ( or attend a public lecture ) I unfortunately look for the tricks of popular persuasion .
I also try to critically listen to what is being presented weighed against what I know to be fact .
The first lie or extrapolation to a lie that I come across hen determines how much creditability I will allow myself to apply to the presentation.

Scott failed in the first 3 seconds
1) screaming at you to create a sense of anxiety ( minds are most suseptable to influence in an anxious or depressed state )
2) extrapolating the cost of recharging your EV with no actual proof .
3) Playing to a conspiracey agains the viewer that is not real
4) evoking the anger response so the emotional side of the mind overrides the rational side of the mind .

The Truck video was just the same
Cheap tricks to impress the mentally deficient who are too lazy to listen with an objective mind .


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Got no dog in this fight but just an observation. When i got out of the service i got a job for a year driving a truck for a lumber yard. Ford F800 from the 60's with a small straight 6. Probably half the HP of the yard's newer V8 trucks but my old truck had a split axle. Empty the other trucks ran circles around mine but fully loaded they were equal and my truck used about half the gas the V8's did. I regularly hauled drywall loads that were double the weight capacity of the truck. You learn real quick how to double clutch and down shift going down a hill to a stop light.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
No no you are not supposed to do that.
I have seen all of he Hollywood movies
You are supposed to ride the brake till it fails then swerve all over the road looking hopeless then crash
No one is allowed to go back through the gears to slow down.

Back in the college days I rode an old A10 BSA
With no brakes full stop
No problems to down change all the way back to 1st then shut down the throttle and if I needed to stop faster hold down the magneto kill button, provided you remembered to let it off before the engine stalled .

What I find unbelievable is the fact that social influencers actually exist to start with
Then on a daily basis , one or another is found to be defrauding their followers and quite a few are now getting gaol time yet the idiot public are queing up to follow them and in most cases they have zero qualifications in the topic they are posting on.

There was a tart down here who claimed that meditation & her high suplement diet cured her cancer thus she was responsible for hundreds of sick people abandoning their medications and following her enlightened path ( buy her books & buy her organic suplements ) .
They of course all died and she ended up only getting 5 years ( should have been life ) and she is back now on the web with millions of followers despite it being proven she never had cancer in the first place in fact she admitted "I never had any cancer as defined by current medical practice" , obviously it was a mystical cancer of her aura .
She by the way managed to amass over $ 20,000,000 from the followers to further her research into her revolutionary cure .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
That about like the guy who told me how the fire damage was to a house that I brought and had torn down. When he was a kid they had a mange cover feral dog that would not leave. He had tried two blooming flower fireworks to it tail and set them off. Well it did get rid of the dog but one came off set their dog's bed on fire and nearly burnt the house down.

Yes anything will have problems that must worked out just when they started with fuel injection for vehicles. Boy it was a huge learning on both the manufacture and the tech having to repair them. And OEMs are now trying to use FI on smaller engines that many here work on. Driving us all nuts for awhile until we the in and out of the systems.

And have heard about how low the compression was some the old Model T that they used corncobs for spark plug insulators and now the compression is so high that a poorly together plug can come out and go through the thin sheet metal hoods. BTW I had last a chainsaw that came with ceramic part of the spark plug loose it metal holder and it was nearly coming out itself. No wonder the customer was complaining about the unusual noise coming from his saw.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
So lets go back to basics
If everyone has not read Dale Carnegie's book "how to win friends & influence People" do it NOW
Now days you can get it as an audio book so you don't even have to read it .
However once you have read it a few times, it will become apparent when some one is trying to decieve you.
Here is a few more for those with research skills limited to You Tube videos

Once you become aware of the cheap tricks then you have a better chance of sorting out the facts from the manipulative fiction.
And remember all of the people with a you tube channel are there either for power or profit and most times both .