Uh...what's a mower do?
:laughing: Ha ha
Hey JayC looks like you maybe set your mower a little too low ... :smile:KennyV
Uh...what's a mower do?
Here are our walkbehinds:
on the right a SABO with Suzuki 2stroke engine. In the middle a Toro with 2stroke engine and on the left the Klippo Mulcher.
The lever is for shifting gear. Klippo has Slow-Neutral-Fast. Front drive. Neutral means, that the mower also can be used without selfdrive.
Actually, my question was about the whole X-shaped handle, which I now believe is designed to come apart for easier storage. I've just never seen a mower with a handle in that shape.
Here's my two-stroke mower, an incredible Lawn Boy model 7266.