Not sure if you were serious or not, but assuming yes...NO, that's a scam like, The Hole in The Ozone. Everything that POS, Al Gore said 15 years ago has now been proven WRONG, everything yet somehow people still believe the BS. They change it from "global warming" to "climate change" because this way they'll always be right. FIGURE IT OUT! The EV con is part of The New World Order evil. Here's Scotty telling the truth about these EV P'sos.
Scientists detected a "hole" in the ozone layer in the 80's. Not a scam. Relatively quick (for multinational) International agreements (Montreal protocol) were put in place, monitored, and are being updated to limit the use and emissions of ozone depleting chemicals. As a result, the ozone layer is improving, though it will take a few more decades to recover. China has cheated but still, the Montreal Protocol has been a true international success story. Not sure it could have been done today.
Other efforts have worked, emission reg's on cars and other sources have greatly reduced SOx, NOx, other emissions, you dont' hear much about acid rain any more because the reg's have been working. Ex China, air quality in cities has improved over the last few decades, orders of magnitude less lead going to the environment, water quality in rivers and lakes has improved, despite the increase in population and industrial activity.
Misleading video. Ignores home charging. But 95% of my charging is at home, at night. I'm paying $0.06/kwhr to charge an EV. Most electrical utilities offer low rates or off peak rates for vehicle charging, when electrical generation costs are lowest. Definitely need to upgrade the grid going forward, electricity will probablyl go up, like almost everthing else. Public fast charging stations are currently too few, using those results in fuel costs comparable to gas. There are many level 2 chargers in parks, hotels, restaurants, malls, etc that are free.