see pages 23 & 24 in parts manual, look like your carburetor?
Alas, that carburetor did not work out. The problem is the fuel line fitting that the hose from the gas tank goes to, see illustration. The end of the fitting kept on abutting up against the block. I put the fuel line on and then had tighten the carb to the block under pressure from the compressed fuel line pushing against the block. It worked for awhile, but this year it didn't work at all.
I looked at nylon lines, etc. No way around it, the outfit that sold the carburetor, Kingstore, had a fuel line fitting that stuck out too far. I measured the space from the tip of the carburetor , (the place the fuel line fitting sits into), and the middle of the fuel nozzle. In the original it is 3/8 inch. In the new one, from Kingstore, it was 5/8 inch. The new model carb brought the fuel line one quarter inch closer to the block, and the fuel line has no clearance, it will inevitably rub against the block.
I tried everything, I can't get around it. I was going to make a whole set of gaskets to get one quarter inch clearance, but the gasket maker engineer from the manufacturer said the heat buildup would be too great. I'm trying to fabricate a spacer to put between carb and the block to provide a 1/4 inch-or even 1/8 inch of clearance, but it will take time and energy.
I was wondering, can you give me a link to another supplier besides Kingstore? Maybe the fitting won't be so oversized from another supplier. I can't find another supplier, perhaps you can. Otherwise, I'm going to have to fabricate a gasket made of thick aluminum and put the high temp gaskets on either side to provide clearance.
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