First thing I would check would be the coil gap as you say you a week spark.
See if the coil or fly wheel has rust on it and clean them with some fine sandpaper.
Here is a service manual, maybe this will help. Also, have a little patience with the mechanics on this forum. It takes time for us to research the problem, before we answer. No patience will often result in no help.
already did that with coil finely got it to start but had to keep playing with it to get my grass cut quick just as I finished and it would not go
over a idle after that if you tried to go any faster it would backfire and spit sputter but would idle:confused2:
Could be several things that could be the problem. A carb problem could cause the symptoms that you describe. Partially plugged main jet will cause running problems like you are talking about. Weak fire, IE color and intensity are not reliable indicators, as long as you have spark. Have seen spark plugs cause problems, but I don't know if you tried changing plugs. Possible air leak between the carb and the engine, intake manifold gaskets. maybe a head gasket problem.
ok going to check coil gap, clean fuel system and change plug tomorrow then see if it will run better thanks
pk iam happy replaced coil reset carb linkage and wow runs grate :laughing::thumbsup: