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Naked ladies welcoming me




I have been having this problem that when I click on lawn mower forum when I am on Google, I get redirected to something like "adult finder". A naked lady covers my whole computer screen. Why is this?




I have been having this problem that when I click on lawn mower forum when I am on Google, I get redirected to something like "adult finder". A naked lady covers my whole computer screen. Why is this?

A male fantasy or a virus:licking:




Another forum that I frequent is also having the google redirect url4short to the adult finder website.




Just a little porn with your mowers :smile:




Nothing better than mixing porn and mowers!

I don't think it is a virus. I am running a MAC. Hard to get a virus on that.




Nothing better than mixing porn and mowers!

I don't think it is a virus. I am running a MAC. Hard to get a virus on that.

I find you can buy about 4 Dell's for the price of one MAC. I get about 3 to 4 years out of a dell and just throw it out then buy another.




Nothing better than mixing porn and mowers!

I don't think it is a virus. I am running a MAC. Hard to get a virus on that.

When was the last time you cleaned your computer? It may help to run CCleaner, maybe wipe your history, maybe Defragment the hard drive. I assume you have to do some of those thing to a Mac.




I have had the same thing happen to me. I believe it's only one site that does it. I cannot even remember which site it was, it was just a random Google search on mowers.




I find you can buy about 4 Dell's for the price of one MAC. I get about 3 to 4 years out of a dell and just throw it out then buy another.

I paid my laptop about 1500$. A good Dell laptop would be about 800-1000$. I have the piece of mind of not having viruses and these computers last a long time. We have more than one including 2 of about 8 years old. Just my thought.

When was the last time you cleaned your computer? It may help to run CCleaner, maybe wipe your history, maybe Defragment the hard drive. I assume you have to do some of those thing to a Mac.

Isn't CCleaner for PC only?




I paid my laptop about 1500$. A good Dell laptop would be about 800-1000$. I have the piece of mind of not having viruses and these computers last a long time. We have more than one including 2 of about 8 years old. Just my thought.

Isn't CCleaner for PC only?

When it comes to computers they are way over my head. I can only do the simple things so I can get by with a 300 dollar Dell just fine. Its like someone buying a weed eater 1 mower or a commercial mower they both do the same job.




I paid my laptop about 1500$. A good Dell laptop would be about 800-1000$. I have the piece of mind of not having viruses and these computers last a long time. We have more than one including 2 of about 8 years old. Just my thought.

Isn't CCleaner for PC only?

No you can get it for Mac also. Scroll to the bottom of the page look under Need more Ifo.





When it comes to computers they are way over my head. I can only do the simple things so I can get by with a 300 dollar Dell just fine. Its like someone buying a weed eater 1 mower or a commercial mower they both do the same job.

Doesn't make any difference how much they cost or if they do the same job or not, like your mower needing oil changes every 50 hrs your computer needs maintenance much the same way to keep it running good. You should set up a Defragmentation schedule on your computer. CCleaner is a free download and is easy and can be done at anytime and only takes a couple of minutes.




The same principles to purchase price Vs quality & longevity apply to computers as does to lawn mowers.
You get no more than you pay for but a high priced does not necessarily mean a quality machine.
If you are running Microsloth softwear on a mac then you are just a vunerable to most malwear as a PC user.
If you want to avoid 99,9999999% of computer criminals run linux on your mac and no Microsloth applications.
Better still by going that method you can use open source sharewear which if you pay the paltry $1- to $ 50 bost developers ask you get never ending unlimited support and free upgrades.

Go into your history and delete it do the same thing with the cashe.
Open up your bookmarks / favourites and go through every one, one at a time every one that comes up wrong, delete it then manually navigate to the desired web page, make sure it is real & not a Ghosting or Spoof page then remake the book mark.

If you are running mac OS then set up a new administrators account then change your account to a std user.
From the administrators account, set your account prefferences to "simple finder".
That way nothing you do in normal use can alter any application and more important , no web site you may have accidentally can do anything to any application on your computer so t makes it really hard for a sit to install any type of malwear on your machine .
Never ever type in the administrators name & password into the computer when you are using your account.
If you get pop ups ( I have them blocked ) telling you yu need to update an application, never ever under any circumstances click on it.
Log out as yourself, log in as the administrator, go to the real website for that application and check / download the update from there.
This applies 10 times over for Flash & Java updates.
Turn off any auto update facilities that you have running and run the updater manually from the administrators account.
Regularly disconnect ( pull out the cord ) from the internet

Also like lawn mowers computers require some maintenance.
Defraging the hard drive is not as important as it used to be when drives had slow read/write speeds.
Rebuilding the directory is important as is repairing the permissions on macs.
Pay the extra and buy your security / maintenance soft wear on disc, never ever download it from the web, even from a site that you know to be real there are a lot of sites that spoof the real site and get between the real site & your computer so you are talking to the crooks who are pretending to be you and connected to the real web site.

Sent to you from a G5 mac tower 13 years ols & still cutting a fine lawn.




The same principles to purchase price Vs quality & longevity apply to computers as does to lawn mowers.
You get no more than you pay for but a high priced does not necessarily mean a quality machine.
If you are running Microsloth softwear on a mac then you are just a vunerable to most malwear as a PC user.
If you want to avoid 99,9999999% of computer criminals run linux on your mac and no Microsloth applications.
Better still by going that method you can use open source sharewear which if you pay the paltry $1- to $ 50 bost developers ask you get never ending unlimited support and free upgrades.

Go into your history and delete it do the same thing with the cashe.
Open up your bookmarks / favourites and go through every one, one at a time every one that comes up wrong, delete it then manually navigate to the desired web page, make sure it is real & not a Ghosting or Spoof page then remake the book mark.

If you are running mac OS then set up a new administrators account then change your account to a std user.
From the administrators account, set your account prefferences to "simple finder".
That way nothing you do in normal use can alter any application and more important , no web site you may have accidentally can do anything to any application on your computer so t makes it really hard for a sit to install any type of malwear on your machine .
Never ever type in the administrators name & password into the computer when you are using your account.
If you get pop ups ( I have them blocked ) telling you yu need to update an application, never ever under any circumstances click on it.
Log out as yourself, log in as the administrator, go to the real website for that application and check / download the update from there.
This applies 10 times over for Flash & Java updates.
Turn off any auto update facilities that you have running and run the updater manually from the administrators account.
Regularly disconnect ( pull out the cord ) from the internet

Also like lawn mowers computers require some maintenance.
Defraging the hard drive is not as important as it used to be when drives had slow read/write speeds.
Rebuilding the directory is important as is repairing the permissions on macs.
Pay the extra and buy your security / maintenance soft wear on disc, never ever download it from the web, even from a site that you know to be real there are a lot of sites that spoof the real site and get between the real site & your computer so you are talking to the crooks who are pretending to be you and connected to the real web site.

Sent to you from a G5 mac tower 13 years ols & still cutting a fine lawn.

He doesn't need to go to all the trouble of going to all those areas and doing all you said, CCleaner does all that and more and takes about 30 seconds to a minute to dump Temp Files, History cookies and more it even dumps your recycle bin. If you use the CCleaner then do the optimization or Defragmentation which takes just minutes you'll have your computer working faster in a matter of a few minutes.




He doesn't need to go to all the trouble of going to all those areas and doing all you said, CCleaner does all that and more and takes about 30 seconds to a minute to dump Temp Files, History cookies and more it even dumps your recycle bin. If you use the CCleaner then do the optimization or Defragmentation which takes just minutes you'll have your computer working faster in a matter of a few minutes.

Relying on any third party to maintain your computer is akin to dropping you mower off for repair, picking back up again and never asking the mechanic what was wrong & why it happened.
While there is nothing instringically wrong with applications like CC Cleaner, any thing that is used large scale becomes a target for criminals, ego maniacks & manipulation by the application owners themselves.
Which is why Microsloth products ar the most often hacked, because there are more of them out there and macs get fewer because they are a smaller target.

Remember when the largest virus protection company a the time, Norton ( I think it was ) was found guilty of distributing mal wear in order to boost the sales of their "fixes" thus Semantic got Norton for a song.
Applications like CC Cleaner fixing your computer is like changing your bent blades but not removing to rocks you continually run over which bend the blades.
Doing all that I posted, not only replaces the bent blades but removes the rocks from the lawn itself preventing further blade bending, till more rocks are uncovered.

All commercial computer fixing softwear do almost nothing to prevent future infections other than to send you a warning that you need to spend more to all the time to be safe, when with a few simple procedures you can set yourself up substantially more securely with out relying on something you don't understand or know about magically doing a job on your computer.




Relying on any third party to maintain your computer is akin to dropping you mower off for repair, picking back up again and never asking the mechanic what was wrong & why it happened.
While there is nothing instringically wrong with applications like CC Cleaner, any thing that is used large scale becomes a target for criminals, ego maniacks & manipulation by the application owners themselves.
Which is why Microsloth products ar the most often hacked, because there are more of them out there and macs get fewer because they are a smaller target.

Remember when the largest virus protection company a the time, Norton ( I think it was ) was found guilty of distributing mal wear in order to boost the sales of their "fixes" thus Semantic got Norton for a song.
Applications like CC Cleaner fixing your computer is like changing your bent blades but not removing to rocks you continually run over which bend the blades.
Doing all that I posted, not only replaces the bent blades but removes the rocks from the lawn itself preventing further blade bending, till more rocks are uncovered.

All commercial computer fixing softwear do almost nothing to prevent future infections other than to send you a warning that you need to spend more to all the time to be safe, when with a few simple procedures you can set yourself up substantially more securely with out relying on something you don't understand or know about magically doing a job on your computer.

And thanks for the mention of cookies.
Cookies need to be dumped but make sure that you have a record of all the settings farthings, like this forum because it like most others save your prefferences and settings in a cookie.
A cookie can automatically cause the computer to go to a different web site than the one you typed into your browser.

Also if you are on a lot of forums/ groups ( like this one ) browse them on the web rather than taking the lazy option & having emails sent to you.
Most forum softwear simply redirects whatever gets sent in to every one on the list who is getting emails then it cashes a copy onto its server.
The copy it saves is a clean copy free from any nasties where as the copy it sends to you may or may not be cleaned before it is redistributed.

The security of free forums and in particular the free forum web hosts is extremely poor to say the least ans a lot of them actually mine the address books of every one who joins, if you let them.




Relying on any third party to maintain your computer is akin to dropping you mower off for repair, picking back up again and never asking the mechanic what was wrong & why it happened.
While there is nothing instringically wrong with applications like CC Cleaner, any thing that is used large scale becomes a target for criminals, ego maniac's & manipulation by the application owners themselves.
Which is why Microsoft products ar the most often hacked, because there are more of them out there and macs get fewer because they are a smaller target.

Remember when the largest virus protection company a the time, Norton ( I think it was ) was found guilty of distributing mal wear in order to boost the sales of their "fixes" thus Semantic got Norton for a song.
Applications like CC Cleaner fixing your computer is like changing your bent blades but not removing to rocks you continually run over which bend the blades.
Doing all that I posted, not only replaces the bent blades but removes the rocks from the lawn itself preventing further blade bending, till more rocks are uncovered.

All commercial computer fixing software do almost nothing to prevent future infections other than to send you a warning that you need to spend more to all the time to be safe, when with a few simple procedures you can set yourself up substantially more securely with out relying on something you don't understand or know about magically doing a job on your computer.

You really sound paranoid, a target for criminals, ego maniac's & manipulation by the application owners :confused2: I've also used Norton for years and never had an Issue with a virus, I tried McAfee but didn't really care for it and it's CCleaner and it does work very well. I mean really if you don't want to use CCleaner that's your privilege, I just suggested it so others could try it and use it if they wish. It saves me a lot of time. I just went to CCleaner and it did a computer analysis and removed over 700 files in like seconds.




I have to admit when it comes computers if its maintenance I am like the person that never changes their oil. I have to pay someone to go over it sometimes when I start getting a lot of pop ups (200 dollars) and I just bought McAfee for it (65.00 dollars). This is the reason when I start having too many problems I buy another cheap dell computer. What ever I do know about a computer I have learned by experimenting on my own. I have no idea what you are even talking about with words like CCleaner, cookies, defragmentation. This is one of the reasons you wouldn't get many pictures from me because I just don't know how. I have been told about MAC but also they tell me I would have to learn how to use it because it different then the Dell. I do find computers are a little on the pricy side but they sure gives me a lot of entertainment for the money.




I have to admit when it comes computers if its maintenance I am like the person that never changes their oil. I have to pay someone to go over it sometimes when I start getting a lot of pop ups (200 dollars) and I just bought McAfee for it (65.00 dollars). This is the reason when I start having too many problems I buy another cheap dell computer. What ever I do know about a computer I have learned by experimenting on my own. I have no idea what you are even talking about with words like CCleaner, cookies, defragmentation. This is one of the reasons you wouldn't get many pictures from me because I just don't know how. I have been told about MAC but also they tell me I would have to learn how to use it because it different then the Dell. I do find computers are a little on the pricy side but they sure gives me a lot of entertainment for the money.

Well CCleaner if you go to this site https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner you can download and use to clean up all the unnecessary crap that has been stored on your computer that is effecting it performance. You can find the defragmentation controls to defrag your computer in the control panel under system and security in the administrative tools section. Click on the De-fragment your hard drive the just click on the defragment disk button. If you have never used it, it may take some time because your computer/ hard drive will be a mess. Once you do those two things or at least run the defragmentation you computer's effectiveness or efficiency will improve greatly.

You really need to download the free version of CCleaner. CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your PC.It protects your privacy and makes your computer faster and more secure!




Thankyou for all the input guys. I didn't want to start an argumentation here.
I will look at that CCleaner.




When was the last time you cleaned your computer? It may help to run CCleaner, maybe wipe your history, maybe Defragment the hard drive. I assume you have to do some of those thing to a Mac.

This could end up like the Briggs - NO - OIL - Change fiasco .......... I've had my HP for 8 years now, .......... I put EVERYTHING I want to keep on a Flash ( thumb) drive , pics, pdf's , files etc. Almost same amount of memory & perfomance as when first purchased , take cabinet apart yearly to clean the guts, and then perform a " System - Recovery" built into the hard drive ( THANKS for the smart move HP ) only part I hate, is uploading all the up-dates again ......... ( about 5 hours) BUT, it's well worth the effort to me. ....... Boobala ...:biggrin:




I buy the cheapest I can get. I reuse the monitor. When the unit gets to troublesome or fried I toss it out and get another. My wife buys good ones, adds stuff to them for awhile and then they stop working. She buys another good one and the pile of her good ones downstairs that she is always going to get repaired gets bigger. Every computer she has ever owned is down there. Its a big pile. All good ones. General use computers are like motor oil. Buy the cheapest name brand and toss it into recycle when you are done with it.




I buy the cheapest I can get. I reuse the monitor. When the unit gets to troublesome or fried I toss it out and get another. My wife buys good ones, adds stuff to them for awhile and then they stop working. She buys another good one and the pile of her good ones downstairs that she is always going to get repaired gets bigger. Every computer she has ever owned is down there. Its a big pile. All good ones. General use computers are like motor oil. Buy the cheapest name brand and toss it into recycle when you are done with it.

Just like the naked ladies, buy cheap, use, and throw out :cool:




I buy the cheapest I can get. I reuse the monitor. When the unit gets to troublesome or fried I toss it out and get another. My wife buys good ones, adds stuff to them for awhile and then they stop working. She buys another good one and the pile of her good ones downstairs that she is always going to get repaired gets bigger. Every computer she has ever owned is down there. Its a big pile. All good ones. General use computers are like motor oil. Buy the cheapest name brand and toss it into recycle when you are done with it.

I never buy the cheapest, I may not buy the most expensive but never the cheapest. I use the HP g series. I set it up to do a defragmentation on its own every night at 1:00 am and I run CCleaner before I retire for the night. I never buy the cheapest I can find because I always thought it was outdated before I could get out of the store anyway as fast as they come up with there stuff. Generally speaking computers are basically the same, the cheaper computers carry Less hard drive, cheaper processors, less memory and memory capacity etc etc. With windows 10 just around the corner things should get a little better.




Thankyou for all the input guys. I didn't want to start an argumentation here.
I will look at that CCleaner.

A discussion without any disagreement is a lecture.
We learn from disagreeing and one side persuading the other.

As already stated I use macs.
I still have the 1998 Quadra running the 68040 chip.
Still works perfectly got it full of games and it gets used when kids come around.
It is the only machine that still reads floppies which is why I keep it as I have 1000's of floppies I never seem to find the time to commit to hard drives.
It is networked to the G4 running OS 9,5 because I have $ 18,000 worth of OS 9 softwear I have no intention of upgrading as I no longer write for magazines or produce reports for publication.
And of course the G5 I am takling to you lot on.
Both of the G's were bought 2nd hand as was the network switch and back up drives.

Like Boobala every year or so they go downstairs for an appointment with Dr compressor.
It is amazing just how much dust comes out and how much better they work after. Dust = insulation = heat and nothing electric likes heat.

As for being paranoid about security, no , just cautious. I worked hard for my money & I like to keep it.
I go riding with some real smart geeks two of them work for the government and both specialise in computer security .
Both run macs at home and both of them run Linux on their home macs. Enough or me.
They told me how to set up my computer to be difficult to hijack / hack and touch wood it has worked for 17 years.
They also showed me how to use mirrored drives to do no effort back ups which time machine in OS 10 made redundant, sort of.
I have been the point of contact for BSANSW of NSWinc for 25 years.
My email address is on computers all around the world and used to be on the three web sites we ran. So was available to all sorts of criminals.
I get almost no spam and have only had a computer system problem when I had a dispute with an ISP and they sent a routine down the wire to scramble my directory.
The new secretary runs a PC & android phone so I clean out around 500 spam emails a week off our server.

If people spent a little more time on computer security then the whole scamming industry, identity theft industry would not exist.

And I have nothing against CCCleaner. McAffie. Semantic ( Norton ) or any other company making a living out of computer security.
But relying on them blindly is like walking across an interstate wearing a fluro vest believing that the fluro vest will save you from being turned into dog food.




I never buy the cheapest, I may not buy the most expensive but never the cheapest. I use the HP g series. I set it up to do a defragmentation on its own every night at 1:00 am and I run CCleaner before I retire for the night. I never buy the cheapest I can find because I always thought it was outdated before I could get out of the store anyway as fast as they come up with there stuff. Generally speaking computers are basically the same, the cheaper computers carry Less hard drive, cheaper processors, less memory and memory capacity etc etc. With windows 10 just around the corner things should get a little better.

Just curious Ric..... do you have the System Recovery on your drive ? if so , have you ever used it ? I've got 2 HP Pavilion Series DESK--TOP puters 1- 500 gig with VISTA ... another 1 terabyte with Win. 7, I personally think everything AFTER Win. 7 is a complete disaster , especially Win 8.1 ........... just one fellas OPINION , of course. ........:biggrin:





And I have nothing against CCCleaner. McAffie. Semantic ( Norton ) or any other company making a living out of computer security.
But relying on them blindly is like walking across an interstate wearing a fluro vest believing that the fluro vest will save you from being turned into dog food.

That is the very reason I buy cheap computers. Just like taking your mower to a dealer for repairs and not knowing anything about them. I guess you just need some trust and learn from bad experiences.




Just curious Ric..... do you have the System Recovery on your drive ? if so , have you ever used it ? I've got 2 HP Pavilion Series DESK--TOP puters 1- 500 gig with VISTA ... another 1 terabyte with Win. 7, I personally think everything AFTER Win. 7 is a complete disaster , especially Win 8.1 ........... just one fellas OPINION , of course. ........:biggrin:

Yeah there's a system Recovery the DVD, HP tools, all the standard stuff but I've never used Recovery though. I use the Hp and it's window 7 the wife uses the Toshiba and it's windows 8.1 and my Nextbook 10.1 is also windows 8.1. I really don't see a lot of difference between 7 & 8.1 though other than the other two are Touch Screen. I had a desk Top Dell with vista and it was slower than molasses in January. I'm really wanting to see windows 10 to see what it's going to be like.




I have been having this problem that when I click on lawn mower forum when I am on Google, I get redirected to something like "adult finder". A naked lady covers my whole computer screen. Why is this?

Hi Lawnboy,
In answer to your original question I think you may have a malware infection from securepaths.com

It sounds similar to a problem I had on my Mac and it was a pig to get rid of - my normal antivirus prog couldn't even find it.

My research suggested that whilst it may not be malevolent it is certainly irritating, and in cases where "lovely ladies" pop up unexpectedly, it could leave you with some explaining to do if it happened in view of someone else. [blush]

The purpose of this malware is to redirect mouse clicks, often from Google or Bing searches, to sites that are paying it for those cheeky redirects.

I eventually found ClamXav recommended on the Apple forum - its a malware removal tool available from the App Store and their own website. It found the malware inside two emails that had been deleted months previously in MS Entourage. However, removing them was difficult and somewhat technical. (There's a ClamXav forum that has help on this.)

During my search for a solution there were hundreds of people asking for help on this particular malware but nowt of much relevance to the Mac community. After weeks of (on/off) research this was the only solution I could find.

Best of luck with it.

Shropshire, England




I don't think running CCleaner is going to help.

I run CCleaner, Microsoft Security Essentials, and Malwaerbytes Anti Malware Pro everyday on my computer,
and I've still had the naked ladies pop up on the screen while searching for lawn mower site.




Hi Lawnboy,
In answer to your original question I think you may have a malware infection from securepaths.com

It sounds similar to a problem I had on my Mac and it was a pig to get rid of - my normal antivirus prog couldn't even find it.

My research suggested that whilst it may not be malevolent it is certainly irritating, and in cases where "lovely ladies" pop up unexpectedly, it could leave you with some explaining to do if it happened in view of someone else. [blush]

The purpose of this malware is to redirect mouse clicks, often from Google or Bing searches, to sites that are paying it for those cheeky redirects.

I eventually found ClamXav recommended on the Apple forum - its a malware removal tool available from the App Store and their own website. It found the malware inside two emails that had been deleted months previously in MS Entourage. However, removing them was difficult and somewhat technical. (There's a ClamXav forum that has help on this.)

During my search for a solution there were hundreds of people asking for help on this particular malware but nowt of much relevance to the Mac community. After weeks of (on/off) research this was the only solution I could find.

Best of luck with it.

Shropshire, England

Thanks a lot for that info! I will look into that also!




Hi Lawnboy,

Big Snip
It found the malware inside two emails that had been deleted months previously in MS Entourage. However, removing them was difficult and somewhat technical.
Shropshire, England

Hence the original warning to avoid Microsloth products.
What those who know far better than me said it was that from a security point of view it is the worst written, most easily hacked into softwear on the market.
From around 2000 Mac allowed 2 levels of deletion.
normal delete which simply removes the directory information so you can not the actual item, but it stays on your hard drive
Secure delete which actually removes all of the item then flags the hard drive space as vacant so it gets written over thus rendering the item unavailable.
Mal wear oft hides things in emails then when you visit a particular site it activates the files.
Browsing your emails rather than downloading them prevents anything from being written to your hard drive because you actually read them off the ISP's computer and they strip every thing over than text out of them before they are cached so you are utilising their much more powerful and up to date protection softwear.

Downside is you have to manually log into your ISP's server and read your emails, they don't come to you.
Upside is no nasties come to you either, it is a lot easier than you think and makes managing your electronic communications a lot eaier because you collect & read your mail when you want to.




just a heads up, when first searching for an issue this forum came up on google search and when i first clicked the porn/date site popped up. really didnt bother me since they were hot but just giving the heads up its still an issue (if it hasnt been looked into yet):thumbsup::thumbsup:
oh and no i dont have any malware/virus issues. my pc is clean




It could be worse, naked guys.:laughing:




Uh oh. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're fixing the problem right now. Please let me know if it happens again.




no problem. it only occurs on differnet pc's when i first first click on lawnmoweroforum. for example the first time i ever saw the site on google i clicked and it popped up, hasnt happened again on this pc. then i used my chromebook and googled the same thing to bring up the page i wanted and it happened on that chromebook(hasnt happened since) so its the first initial clicks on a computer i believe




Uh oh. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're fixing the problem right now. Please let me know if it happens again.

same thing happening to me, came from google and the adult friend finder website popped up ...maybe its one of your site banner ads thats causing it ?




It happened to me as well when I logged in for my iPad, so I don't think its a pc problem. It hasn't happened in a couple of months.




Probably embedded in one of the banners. I too get the adultfinder now and then when clicking within the site. Today I got it when I googled the site. Mine isn't a popup. It launches in the tab. Has only come up on Linux Firefox and not in Windows. If I access this forum with my android tablet, the site is blocked with a warning of malicious content however I opt to proceed to the site. The adultfinder page does not appear. She looks familiar. :licking:




I have been having this problem that when I click on lawn mower forum when I am on Google, I get redirected to something like "adult finder". A naked lady covers my whole computer screen. Why is this?

Now nothing wrong with that, can't think of a better welcome. The wife might not like it, wifes just don't understand things like that.




Now nothing wrong with that, can't think of a better welcome. The wife might not like it, wifes just don't understand things like that.

They're so behind the times!:laughing:




Now nothing wrong with that, can't think of a better welcome. The wife might not like it, wifes just don't understand things like that.

Good call! Mine doesn't mind ;)




They're so behind the times!:laughing:

Whil have John Deere on phone
