LT 1000 mandrels that don't fail in 2 days?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I never said they were all junk I just mentioned that a lot were junk
And in most cases the regular home owner can not tell they are junk till it has been fitted
As for evilpay, they show your screen name not anything that can be looked up to verify who you are & where you are .
I have 5 of them I use for off loading the excess I end up with when I buy parts via Made in China where there are minimum order quantities
I do this simply to hide this activity from my wholesalers so they do not see me as competing with them even though most of what I flog off is parts that they do not regularly stock.
I worked / ran a warehouse and we rented spare pallet spaces to people who import trash from overseas
We pick & post for them and it was very common for the same item to be sold by the same vendor using a dozen different screen names at a dozen different prices .
Some even sent us different stickers to place on the goods to pretend they were different items .
You could not get away with this in a genuine retail outlet .
Then bulk of them ceased trading at the end of the financial year and we would get a stock transfer notice to a new name which of course was the same person shutting down before they had to pay their tax then starting under a different name
Now Australia is a small country with only 30,000,000 idiots out there to be scammed .
I would imagine that the USA where there is 350,000,000 cheapskates to be scammed would be rife with these sorts of rip off merchants .
Thus my preference for purchasing from sites where it is business to business so I can do a search, find the vendor, their company details & street address .


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
side benefit of "clipping" the solenoid...learn to enjoy the occasional muffler backfire! LOL!
I don't think it matters much as I have seen dozens of these riding lawn mowers with a perfectly operational carb solenoid that still will pop very loudly after a shut down.