Quick story about a lowballer. New customer called me several years ago, two properties, as it turned out I had to mow with serious collection and customer would call me when he wanted it mowed. One property had a septic system too close to the surface and I wouldn't get very close to it with my machine, customer and I came to a disagreement and we departed company, I did get paid what I had asked for and went to the bank ASAP!!!
A year or so later I was passing by this place and saw a cherry picker crane, a guy with a wetsuit on and the lowballers new big box store rider sunk in the septic tank!!! I stopped and watched from across the road and an ambulance arrived, the EMT hosed off the lowballer operator and they took him to the hospital. Evidently he got too close to the rusty metal septic tank and along with his brand new $1,500 rider took a coliform bath! Oh well, ---t happens, literally!!! I heard thru the grapevine that he had sued the property owner, never did hear what resulted, but this house did sell after a new septic system was installed and the trees near it were cut down!!! Both properties with new owners are now neat, clean with many nasty bushes and low hanging trees all removed or cut down.
Mad Mackie in CT