This is Rumour Control... These are the facts...

Yup, for starters, there are so many accurate posts on this thread that I wouldn't know where to start to accurately quote them..
For me, my first experience with a John Deere, was buying one (D-160), from a Big Box Store, when a Landscaping Company was, literally, thrown in my lap. ( Another story for another day).
Having a rip roaring case of O.C.D., I actually read the manual from front to back. Wow!! The manual states that the warrantee, is 2 years, or 120 hours, whichever comes first. Are you 'effin kidding me? If you used it all day, five days a week, that equates to a three week Warrantee!! WTF??
It got more interesting when it came to the Hydro-static trans.. " The drive is sealed, and as such, requires no maintenance.". The drive is a "Tough - Torque" K46.. Now, there's a point to note.. The trans was built to the specs provided by John Deere, who probably saved about a buck, by specifying that there was to be no drain hole in the case. So, at 50 hours, I removed the trans from the tractor, popped off the vent plug, and upended it over a bucket for the night. I then refilled it with Amsoil premium synthetic. The improvement in performance was noticeable. In spite of my O.C.D. scheduled maintenance, it still ate parts on a regular basis. Spindles, despite regular lubrication, self destructed. Etc, Etc.
I got asked why I'd bought that "POS".. My only defence was that I'd relied on the John Deere reputation.. Just because it's green, doesn't mean it's a John Deere.. It's just another cheap POS, sold by your neighbourhood box store.
They're like chainsaws.. when you are at the lowest price point, you get the lowest quality / build that there is. They ( the manufacturers) , just use the name to sell crap products.