Kubota intermittent starting question


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It’s probably a safety switch in the seat or the transmission position sensor switch thinks the drive control arms are engaged. Or it’s the starting solenoid itself . You can bypass the safety position sensors and start it but I’m not going to say because if a person already had enough working knowledge to somewhat safely attempt it they would’ve already thought of It. The knowledge is only available to those who already know about it. Captain Jack Sparrow signing off. Thanks rivet you maybe just saved someone’s feet and legs today. Joking but kinda not.
Very few mowers have the seat switch in the cranking circuit so failure to crank is rarely a seat problem unless you are on face book when it will magically always be the problem .
Think about it , techs have to start the engine to do servicing & testing .
All of them have the lap bars , parking brake & PTO in the cranking circuit
All of the safety switches are simple sliding contacts that are NO or NC
So using your multi meter you work out which way they are connected when the pin is in then either jumper the plug or leave the plug open.
If it still does not crank then you start to use longer jumpers to bypass the wiring between the plugs .
Some will be power circuits & some will be ground circuits
I usually pull the key switch plug & jump the B & S terminals first ( after checking B actually has power )
thus I can poke around till I hear the solenoid fire without needing to be triple jointed to get to the key .
Also remember a bad fuse or connection at the fuse box will also cause random no crank problems as the voltage to trip the solenoid passes through the fuse .
Bad fuses / fuse holders are the No 2 most common electrical problems, bad grounds being No 1 .
A bad main ground cable will also manifest itself as a no crank situation
As for saving feet, more people attempting to repair mowers get injured by the blades suddenly spinning than any other mower misuse but the blades lopping off your big toe because your feet had ended up under the deck and the blades went strait through your Nikes like a hot knife through butter ( good reason why leather is the only material to make shoes from ) does not make good TV so it is never reported .


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
One thing that kills me is the mowers I get in and people think they can install a battery and finger tighten the bolts. And then they can't figure out why their mower won't start. Or at best the battery won't stay charged.