Kohler muffler part number?


Forum Newbie
Aug 11, 2023
Need a new muffler on my Wheelhorse Toro 520xi with a Kohler Ch20. Have parts diagrams for everything except muffler and heat shield. Where do I find the correct muffler for this engine?
Also where best to buy?


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
PN 94-7558 Muffler
PN 94-7560 Heat shield
Discontinued items. NLA

Even if muffler was available it costs $500 - $600.
And my latest price list don't even show the heat shield.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
There is nothing super special about a Kohler muffler
A std CH20 muffler looks to be around $ 300 US new + lots of used ones on evilpay
IF your exhaust pipes are OK then a Std B & S muffler is about $ 100 and then you can learn to use that welder you bought 10 years ago that is gathering dust on the top shelf of your garage .
Looking at the mufflers shown against the part number Star posted it looks like a bog standard high level Kohler muffler as found on thousands of BobCats & other skid steers , Dingo/Kanga stand on and a host of other gear with a different mounting bracket & fancy bent outlet pipe
Not a difficult job for any muffler shop to convert
Alibaba is swarming with very similar GX 620 mufflers & heat shields as they are also used on a host of diggers & loaders but at that price probably std mild steel .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Good point Bert. I just don't work on enough Toro machine to have any crossed in the muffler line.

Mentioning welders I have a good wire welder that I thought I was the worst welder around then I found the local welding that sold it to me was selling the wrong flux core wire.
I have weld up broken mufflers but don't have the tools for pipe bending here.

And I would not recommend keeping a heavy welder on the top shelf. A person can get seriously hurt getting it down.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
A water pipe bender is more than good enough for a mower muffler
They are not NASCAR top fuelers with carefully tuned exhausts
I work mainly on really old mowers where mufflers are NLA so I get good at these sorts of things.
Particularly when I an buy a muffler for $ 50 spend 1/2 hour to 1 hour converting it and charge the customer $ 200 while highlighting I just saved then $ 400 on a new muffler if it is available .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Just Bert have you yet to put two cars together? I years ago a fellow radio operate in Queensland send me some QSL cards where he did it. Kinda funny looking to have two front ends.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Cut & shuts are illegal in NSW and most likely the entire East coast
We used to buy a lot of front ends from Japan complete with engines then weld them to a local car that had a front end smash
Like Canadians & moose, we have a big problem with Kangaroos because none of the country roads are properly fenced
Kangaroo proof fencing is not easy I watched a roo here a little while back poke its head under the new fence the stand up taking 2 star pickets out and then hop away.
Despite what you see on TV kangaroos & wallabies always go under a fence despite the fact they could easily hop strait over them .
So welding a 1/2 cut ( imported for just the engine ) to a busted up car was common but of course the idiots started doing it big time and a few actually broke in 1/2 while being driven so they got banned .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Yes greed seems to always ruin a good thing. And welding uni-bodies does take some doing if done right as re-enforcement plates should be used. But I can see where would had been reasonable repair as uni-bodies are nearly possible to repair otherwise

Sounds like Roos are a problem there like the deer are here. Most impacts here are at night with few during the day. I got to where I don't even drive at night because the deer so getting thick. It bad enough during the day avoiding idiots drivers.

I got a pair of Emus here I got to keep behind a six foot fence. I personally seen the female to bow down and clear a four fence. I got tire of having chase her down every few weeks. Luckily they are petted so they are not too wild. The male is a lot easier to handle.

The female not so much but she been easier ever since she was out for three days and nights. Some A**hole turn them out here which is why I got the gates locked now. The day I final caught her it was an hour running her down and finally lassoing her in a soybean field. You they are fairly good at untying knots. I had her what I thought was fully tied up. I went to get some help as I need my truck to get her home and to rest a bit. I was exhausted. Well when I met the neighbor 15-20 minutes later she met me at the end of the field dragging just the lasso around one foot. That's how I caught her the second time. Picking up a 150 bird is not too easy either when they keep trying to move. I don't think I can do that now with hip problem.

And anyone wanting catch these birds whatever you do keep those feet away from yourself they can kill you with their kicks.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Might sound silly but I have seen it done many many times .
To catch an emu you lie on your back then kick your legs around like you are peddling a push bike and they will wander over to see what you are doing .
Kangaroos are a massive problem mostly for tourist because they will hop along side your car at speeds up to 80kph then while our wife / kids are taking photos they will bound at right angle directly across your path without warning .
Most Australian wild life are nocturnal so they are on the long paddocks at dawn & dusk when they are near impossible to see .
Wombats are even worse but fortunately they don't cross the roads much except in mating system