Seven seconds of the valves going up & down like they should
If you had the plug in when you took that then you have a problem and will need to pull the head & have a look because that engine is spinning too fast .
If plug was out then that is about what I would expect to see.
Head gaskets are fairly cheap, from memory about the same price as a cover plate gasket.
Inlet & exhaust valves are the same length so they should go in the same distance & come out to the same position.
If one is shorter then a good chance the seat has fallen out & is holding the valve open but from the angle of your photos & video is is impossible to tell.
Rare for a valve to burn on a governed engine unless you have been running it slow without the header pipe.
Common for an engine to overheat and the seat drop out,
Very common for a hydro lock to blow out the head gasket.
If yo do not want to pull the head then remove the muffler & carb manifold and with the engine at TDC firing stroke shine a strong light in each port .
Look down the plug hole for light.
If you have a pencil torch you can do it the other way.
I have a bore-o-scope for these situations which saves a lot of time.
Other wise, VIVA La France & off with it's head