I have a kohler command pro vtwin 23hp on craftsman gt3000 50in. I'm thinking head gasket. Compression is 90 n 120psi. Replaced both plugs and coils have spark too.
Cheap and nasty test which is not 100% reliable is to pull off the oil filler and dip stick after shutting down.
If it sends out smoke signals they are telling you to replace the head gasket.
How high do I run a cylinder leakdown tester up to on for checking head gasket if pushrods are good.
the cylinder with 90 has a serious problem and the one with 120 isn't much better. the good thing about the command twin is there is no compression release on that engine. According to Kohler the minimum compression on that engine is 160.
the cylinder with 90 has a serious problem and the one with 120 isn't much better. the good thing about the command twin is there is no compression release on that engine. According to Kohler the minimum compression on that engine is 160.
except on the command twin. With the proper 160 psi compression a leakdown test won't operate properly because you use 90-120 psi for the test, and the compression in normal range will exceed that. So with 160+ leakdown will show in the green range.
Here's what I found when pulling the valve cover on the side that has 90psi compression. Plus broke off a valve cover bolt.