I briefly owned a new but unimpressive Toro Recycler.
I have happily used an EGo 21" SP since 2016. No other poster on this thread has used an electric.
You are not going to shave your thick grass with any mower if the grass is very tall. The solution is to knock an inch or two off at a time, wait a day, repeat.
I think EGo's claim to be equal to gas is a stretch. 5HP perhaps. It is enough to get the job done if one doesn't wait until it is too late to mow. Then put the wheels on high and do what you can.
The EGo runs at 2 speeds, at it's discretion. This makes it easy to know if you are heavily loading the motor. You are not going to hurt the motor, software will shut down if need be. If you hit a tree stump.
A nice feature is how the SP drive is a separate motor. Doesn't depend on blade speed, doesn't depend on the blade running at all. I do not like the new design with a knurled collar in the middle of the handle for controlling speed. The old design with a lever is much easier to set to a known speed. The blade safety interlock buttons embedded in the handle are also a nuisance. A grab bar is much easier to manage.
Was fascinated by the bagging option. The EGo does not have have high suction, little turbulence. Grass blades were laid neatly in a row in the bag. If mulching then one should cut more often.
The mower is quiet enough not to need ear protection. Very light weight too. I never had problems with the plastic deck.
If the motor stays out of high speed you will get about an hour on a 7.5Ah battery. Think it would be a waste to have a model which holds 2 batteries. Takes seconds to swap so why not keep one on charger rather than have to push it around for an hour?