Impressions: newGT48XLSi


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Again at Lowes...a zero turn with Kaw for $3000 , missing belts. Hmmm, wonder what else is wrong. This Husqy is running well with zero oil consumption and NO overheating according to my dash oil temp gauge.

No response from electric dash switch to engage locking diff. Have not yet troubleshot it.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Stall out and will only start and run at very low rpm...perhaps 200 rpm and not enough power to return to shop. Smart switch flashing all symbols. After stall green light and starter will turn over engine, but weak/ to no start. Since there has been starter jamming since new I pulled the starter and examined its and flywheel teeth which look ok.

Other forums have exposed failure of 12v feed from smart sw to gas solenoid and one starter solenoid burn up. The starter has a Briggs logo outline stamped on it , but no name and I cannot find the starter PN online ( 150929c2) although many pictures come up of identical (Chinese) replacements. Many have replaced the sw @ $230 without solving.

The red bat symbol flashes, but hydrometer shows good bat. Curious , a Briggs engine IPL schematic shows the BAT symbol, but on the electrical parts page there is no starter shown.

Anyone had/solved this?


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Running again after removal/disassembly of starter. Looked new. (right hand t-40 starter mounting screw difficult-inaccessible and locktited). Starter still jamming , suspect bad solenoid.

Online search for "smart switch" problems shows frustrations and many $200 replacements with no improvement. ( looks like a Chinese copy available for $100). Most expressed problems deal with inability to reprogram security number. The "all symbols flashing" of the smart switch is not user friendly, especially when immediately followed by a green "go ahead" light ( of no value in fault isolation) I expected the flexible switch cover to fail with repetitive thumb or index contacts over the years, but that has not happened. There is a "smart switch" schematic available online. It merely references the switch at the top of the page ("beware transistors!") and devotes the rest of the schematic to the harness interconnects (useful). There is a "diagnostic" connector shown, but searching online revealed nothing for the curious owner. Impression is that the switch is blamed for many unrelated things. One user found no voltage at the carb solenoid which is controlled by the switch. In this episode during "no start" the starter jamming may have caused the red bat symbol to flash as the solenoid stuck on momentarily depleted bat current. Husqvarna may have stopped using the smart switch. Its status as prime suspect in all things would be enough to extinguish it.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Still jamming, but not as much with new starter solenoid. The locking diff stopped working, Searching has not shown a drawing of total linkage. An electrical schematic shows the connector from dash switch, but no solenoid or actuator..Came across a good 2 part youtube showing disassembly and reassembly of the K 66, The locking feature is a sliding mechanism with hardened pins which are engaged with a lever/ring assembly which reminds me a little of an auto synchro collar. I watched both presentations , but never got a view of a solenoid, The presenter had cracked one axle housing, but never said how. Anyway, the impression I got is that the housing is not real strong. Further, the guy had to buy a new pan (another casting). It would not sit flat dry with a .032" gap . He got a second one which was not better. The presenter is a patient man because working alone (or otherwise) is not easy and he had the unit in and out several times. Tuff Torq finally told him to RTV and torque it down. Halo image soiled a little? My Husqy is running well , but I did get stuck this summer without the locker. I will post if I get more information.

Edit ,6/22: Forgot to add I really like this upscale Briggs motor. The smart switch is behaving. So far I have not checked valves
( my bad), and best of all the oil temp gauge never exceeds 235F, a welcome change from " ole fire pot," the DYT 4000 still used to suck up leaves in Fall. Hi Ken...glad you are still running!
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Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Just to report on search for info on the diff lock system. The only thing found is a schematic with an "M" symbol linked back to the connector power (red/black) suggesting a "stepper motor" ?? So far have not got under to look. A stepper makes sense after reading many posts on locking diff failures. Namely, that they must only be engaged while stopped. Pin engagement rather than any clutch assist mechanism. Anyway, the pin arrangement seems to be common also to the compact class of tractors with many failures. Seems odd none of the "partstree" break downs shows any drawing or part call out, Must get down and dirty to look.
6/25 Remove driver side wheel, roll under , voila, an easy task to see the "electrical thingy" that operates the lever to engage differential lock. That thingy is a liner actuator....fancy name for 12V motor- driven acme screw pushing ram connected to the diff lever. It is mounted kinda loose transversely, The Husq pn is easily visible. (the last favor they do for me on this project). Fussing for a while suggested intermittent dash switch which has proven a problem to locate .Put 12V on thingy and it growled at me so it seems alive. Details to follow..
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Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Husqvarna online schematics and the vendor parts lists have not been friendly. The dashboard locker switch does not have a Husq part number on it and pursuit has been tedious. Turns out the switch is a ":Carling" (CT) part, but without a full part number of 14 digits. Searching only the first 4, namely VDD1 only opens up a candy story of possibilities with a risk The switch is a DPDT controlling the locking diff "motor" (schematic symbol), which is really a linear actuator, fancy name for a 12v motor turning an Acme screw with ram attached to the Husqy diff lock lever. Husqy was able to put its part number on the actuator, 584393401 (sorry pic not show it). Online price $227 to $240. The switch is basically a 6 pin with one unused cavity and #7 dedicated to the LED. The 6 pins supply forward and reverse voltage and ground (lock and unlock).

Attached are pics of mating harness, actuator, and an info sheet as requested by Carling. I stumbled on a Carling switch with full part number ID digits: VDD1SWOB-AZS00-0. Anyone curious can find a PDF data sheet online. That part is available at electronics stores $15. Versions of the switch exist without LED and various colors.

Well I am being denied attachments as "too large." Way back I think I would trim pics via paint function. Now?

No response from Carling. Further ref to their data sheet says "VDD1 pn is enough to buy and work. May or not have LED. On order. Boat sites take this sw , put their pn on it and charge $35. Should pay about $12 plus ship/tx.
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Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Another oil temp reading @ 180 hrs: ambient 100F, oil temp 249F. Installed the ebay VDD1 switch and locker is working again. The switch was likely damaged when rocker was ripped off by tree branch.. BTW Carling did respond, but not needed as ebay sw was on order.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2020
Well I am being denied attachments as "too large." Way back I think I would trim pics via paint function. Now?

Assuming you are running Windows, I've been using Irfanview for years now. Although it has a lot of functions, resizing is quite easy - selecting Image / Resize from the top menu and then selecting 800x600 seems to be large enough for web viewing with acceptable file size. Another option is the Windows 10 Snipping Tool.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2013
Husqvarna online schematics and the vendor parts lists have not been friendly. The dashboard locker switch does not have a Husq part number on it and pursuit has been tedious. Turns out the switch is a ":Carling" (CT) part, but without a full part number of 14 digits. Searching only the first 4, namely VDD1 only opens up a candy story of possibilities with a risk The switch is a DPDT controlling the locking diff "motor" (schematic symbol), which is really a linear actuator, fancy name for a 12v motor turning an Acme screw with ram attached to the Husqy diff lock lever. Husqy was able to put its part number on the actuator, 584393401 (sorry pic not show it). Online price $227 to $240. The switch is basically a 6 pin with one unused cavity and #7 dedicated to the LED. The 6 pins supply forward and reverse voltage and ground (lock and unlock).

Attached are pics of mating harness, actuator, and an info sheet as requested by Carling. I stumbled on a Carling switch with full part number ID digits: VDD1SWOB-AZS00-0. Anyone curious can find a PDF data sheet online. That part is available at electronics stores $15. Versions of the switch exist without LED and various colors.

Well I am being denied attachments as "too large." Way back I think I would trim pics via paint function. Now?

No response from Carling. Further ref to their data sheet says "VDD1 pn is enough to buy and work. May or not have LED. On order. Boat sites take this sw , put their pn on it and charge $35. Should pay about $12 plus ship/tx.
How many hours do you have on it now ?


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Assuming you are running Windows, I've been using Irfanview for years now. Although it has a lot of functions, resizing is quite easy - selecting Image / Resize from the top menu and then selecting 800x600 seems to be large enough for web viewing with acceptable file size. Another option is the Windows 10 Snipping Tool.
Thanks. I will keep that in mind.